Wattstax and the Civil Rights Movement

I will be providing the Bibliography and the paper outline, so please write the paper according to those documents. Also the grading criteria of the paper is as follows:


Your paper must be at least 2000 words.

Your paper must be accompanied by an MLA-style bibliography of at least 10 sources. Please refer to the section below for more information about the bibliography.

All quotations, paraphrases, and factual citations must be accompanied by an MLA-style in-text citation.


Your bibliography must list at least 10 sources, two of which must be books and two of which must be scholarly articles. You will be graded on the quality of the sources consulted, and on the consistency and accuracy of your MLA formatting.


You will be evaluated on the following:

Evidence of research: Does your paper demonstrate a good knowledge of the topic? Do you describe events, products, and companies with specificity (e.g. dates, monetary values, Billboard chart positions)?

Organization: Does your paper have an overarching argument? Do your observations flow smoothly?

Clarity of expression: Are your ideas expressed in clear, direct prose? Is your writing largely free of grammatical errors and typos? Does your paper contain repetitive statements?

Citations: Did you use in-text citations where appropriate, and were they formatted according to MLA style rules?

Bibliography: Does your bibliography meet the requirements stated in the assignment guidelines, and is it formatted according to MLA style rules?

Personal Statement

Why are you considering a career in medicine?

What do you expect to be your biggest challenge during the course of your medical education and how do you plan to overcome it ?

Why have you chosen to apply for UMHS?
(University of Medicine and Health Science)

Disrupting Al Qaeda Attacks Against United States Homeland

Make at least three substantive recommendations on how to prevent or disrupt Al Qaeda from attacking the United States homeland. One recommendation should how to counter or monitor internet use for the purpose of recruiting and propaganda. Make sure your recommendations are focused only on the homeland as this is not a foreign policy or international relations course. Also, make sure your recommendations address a role for state and local agencies. In lieu of an abstract, an executive summary is required. This assignment is a research paper. Make sure you use APA style in-text parenthetical citations at the end of every sentence where you are quoting or paraphrasing another’s ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para 14). Requirements:
• Written according to the APA style and format
• Use Times New Roman 12 point font
• 1 inch margins on all sides
• Double space all text (no extra lines or spaces after a paragraph or section heading)
• Executive Summary
A respectable number of credible resources used, cited in the paper as in-text citations, and included on the reference page. A good rule of thumb is at least 2-3 scholarly sources per page of content.

Volkswagen Emission Scandal

***Please follow all guidelines for the paper***

The paper must follow current APA format guidelines. A minimum of 4 peer-reviewed sources must be used within the paper.
Part 1 (3 pages) must be written as a case and must describe vs. analyze/recommend. Part 1 must be modeled after the cases read during the course, containing similar format and content. Part 1 must contain a case description of a large organizational change (Please see below highlighted yellow)
Part 1 will be a Case Study that will cover VW’s background as a company, what ethical decisions led to the scandal.
Here are the headings and subheadings that need to be used when writing the paper:
[Introduction / Overview of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal]
Company Background
“Strategy 2018”
Driving Towards Scandal
Reasons for Deceit
CEO Winkerton

You will need to use 4 peer reviewed sources/articles. You can find the sources on this website: https://www.jstor.org/?fbclid=IwAR2GX4HetrlqdP3CMtww74nuyMgh3P6dZasNb4wVhUKk3CRD7OQdzSwNDu8
Here is some information to point you in the direction of the way this case study needs to go in:

1) Name and description of target organization:
– Volkswagen Group is the German automaker responsible for the Volkswagen vehicle brand. Its headquarters are in Wolfsburg Germany. By 2014, the year prior to the emissions scandal, Volkswagen Group’s auto division was enjoying a yearly sales revenue over €175 billion with gross profits improving to over €30 billion (VW Annual Report, 2014). At the time, Volkswagen Group employed just under 600,000 employees.
2) Description of change process we will explore:
This group project will explore the Volkswagen (VW) Diesel Emissions Scandal. In 2015, VW finally admitted they intentionally deceived customers and emissions regulators by installing “defeat devices” in their diesel cars (Lynch et al., 2016). The unethical corporate culture at VW led to a massive recall of cars, a decrease in sales and stocks, and affected its overall market value. Its public image was affected more so because the deception also impacted the environment.
VW was forced to replace many of its top executives (Lynch et al., 2016). They had to shift their focus from strictly building cars, to changing their organizational culture and goals to rebrand their image. In order regain its financial success, VW needed to rebuild trust with everyone.
VW’s unethical decisions led to a public disaster that required a well thought out approach to make amends. Part 1 will be a Case Study that will cover VW’s background as a company, what ethical decisions led to the scandal.


I want the critical art analysis to be on the “Indian Land #4”, which is the last choice from the given list in the first file. This painting is the second file attached.o I want it to relate to the glasswork from the information in the third file.

Maurice Joly’s “A Dialogue in Hell”

Joly’s “A Dialogue in Hell” is written as a conversation between Machiavelli and Montesquieu to represent Joly’s opinions on government. This assignment is for a political science class called Theory of Political Film. We are studying Joly’s book and connecting it to movies we have watched in class all while connecting both to Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Paper No. 71 about guardianships. The professor has provided a breakdown of the key highlights in each of the 25 Dialogues in Joly’s book as well as commentary on movies we did not get to finish watching due to the cancellation of classes. All the information needed to complete the assignment will be provided through word documents and I have also provided an email from the professor with guidance to help answer part 2A of the assignment. The assignment is broken into 3 parts. The first part has a length requirement of one page. The last two parts of the assignment combined need to equal no less than 1 page for a total of 2 pages.

Short Research Essay – Opioid Crisis

Sources – 5 sources (3 from online databases, 1 print or ebook, 1 reliable website)

Take a position that identifies who is most responsible for the opioid crisis: the drug manufacturers, the FDA, the doctors, or the patients. Choose one only.