Supply Chain IT Case Study

Prepare a 4 page report based on the assigned case I put in the additional materials section. The report must answer the following questions and provide a recommendation that emphasizes the question in bold print. The report must follow the guidelines in the attached document.

Diagnose the underlying causes of the difficulties that the JITD program was created to solve. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this program?

What conflicts or barriers internal to Barilla does the JITD program create? What causes these conflicts? As Giorgio Maggiali, how would you deal eith these?

As one of Barilla’s customers, what would your response to JITD be? Why?

In the environment in which Barilla operated in 1990, do you believe JITD (or a similar kind of program) would be feasible? effective? If so, which customers would you target next? How would you convince them that the JITD program was worth trying? If not, what alternatives would you suggest to combat some of the difficulties that Barilla’s operating system faces?

How could the JITD program be improved in the present day?

ENLUX simulation

you need to write a essay about simulation. there are many information in the attachment. structure, decisions, etc. so, you can take as much as you can but please paraphrase it. main information in enlux presentation file. please also see enlux powerpoint. see structure example feel free to choose one up to you.

Stop n’ Shop OR Aquaphor

Your report must be in a memo format, and all sources must be listed in the bibliography in the APA or MLA format. Students usually need two to four pages to complete the assignment. Remember to use OWL as a resource for all written assignments – always an invaluable source. It’s good to bookmark the OWL web site as a career resource.

Assignment choices – pick one or the other:
 Stop n’ Shop OR Aquaphor

 Who is the target group – the most profitable customers? Be specific! YOU MUST USE and cite published industry sources that cite quantitative market research as the basis for the target group, (e.g., trade associations, national research organizations, industry publications) to learn who is/are the target group(s) for your chosen product. This will vary by industry. There is a list of solid industry data sources below. However each source article you use MUST be based on national database sources or a representative national sample survey.

Some so-called expert’s opinion is not acceptable. Interviews with senior executives at the company MAY help as background but they are not going to share confidential business information with other people. Sharing that type of information is career suicide. They are more likely to mislead other people, by not being candid.

Safety or Privacy

There is currently a disagreement between Apple and the FBI because of the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, CA in 2015. One of the shooters had an Apple iPhone and the FBI wants access to the information within the iPhone. The FBI has been unable to break through the encryption designed by Apple and the FBI wanted Apple to provide the “key” to their encryption technology. This has raised serious questions about our privacy rights and the desire of law enforcement to keep us all safe.

You will need to research this topic and provide an educated opinion as to how this situation should be resolved. Answer the following questions:

Should Apple provide the “key” to the FBI? Why or Why not?
Should the FBI be able to force Apple to provide the “key”? Why or why not?
What constitutional amendments should be considered when deciding this case? Any other aspects to consider?
What are the possible problems with releasing the “key” to the world?

Stoke and the Sensory and Motor Pathways

Please prepare a written paper at least 500 words talking of how the nervous system controls the body. Please trace the sensory pathway and motor pathways between the skin receptors of the face to the brain stem. Please also talk about the motor pathway from the frontal cortex to the arm. Please also talk about how stroke affects all of this.

You have been provided with an article to read (teaching students time management stratergies). You should read the article and make notes. You are then required to represent the article in a summary that is between 300-400 words in length. The summary should include what you consider the most important points of the original text rewritten in your own words. You should acknowledge the name of the original text as well as the author.

No copy and and paste . new times roman front 12 .

Early Childhood Education -Child development (Cognitive Development )

Each student will choose, research, and present a topic regarding Child Development to the class. The topic should be specific within Cognitive Development areas.

1. The essay needs an title.

2. being specific into this topic, for example ,cognitive development , you can choose brain development (which children is smarter ),to narrow down specific topic about brain

For example
what makes brain development effective way for young children…
what are the positive experiences for brain development in early age..
know more children? was it art? music? learning? reading and writing? or behaviros ? or guidance children? etc.

3.Must include enhancements such as: Visual aids ,Photos ,Videos as an attachment, the video cannot be longer than 5 minitues, better has photos . needs to point out where to insert photos, videos)

4.Textbook is : Berk, L. E., & Roberts, W. I. Child Development, . Toronto: Pearson.

5. you can go to ecebc to look for some journals

6. you need to attach reference as an attachment, and highlight which part you cite

The instructor needs to see the outline first, if she approves the outline, you can continue.