response to below final

Jeremiah O’Neill
TuesdayApr 14 at 9:55am
Professor and class,

In this week’s discussion I chose the topic of uninsured and under-insured. The uninsured and the under-insured adult could be anyone in your community. Having access to the appropriate resources for low cost health care is an important tool to know for your patients and their families. In the online article Key Facts about the Uninsured Population, the largest group of uninsured are adults that are in working families with lower to middle class incomes. Many of the statistics show that even though health insurance may be offered through an employer, the rates are too expensive and cause people to decline coverage. The risks for the under-insured are lack of preventative care, or care for chronic conditions, and health care debt that has the potential to cause financial disaster. (Jennifer Tolbert, 13) Even with the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion many adults remain uninsured with many healthcare needs. The under-insured are different than the uninsured in the way that coverage has been offered however the coverage is minimal, and personal costs are high. Many insurance companies offer “affordable” health care plans but the out of pocket expense is so high that people still struggle to with the personal cost to them. “Inadequate insurance coverage leaves people exposed to high health care costs, and these expenses can quickly turn into medical debt. More than half of uninsured adults and insured adults who have had a coverage gap reported that they had had problems paying medical bills or were paying off medical debt over time.” (Sara R. Collins, 2019) As community health nurses we can assist in policy making by participating in advocacy for our patients, analyzing problems in our community, and generating evidence to support policy change. (Carole R.MyersPhD, 2019)


Carole R. Myers PhD, R. (2019). Promoting Population Health: Nurse Advocacy, Policy Making, and Use of Media. Nursing Clinics of North America, 11-20.

Jennifer Tolbert, K. O. (13, December 2019). Key Facts about the Uninsured Population. Retrieved from Uninsured:

Sara R. Collins, H. K. (2019, February). Health Insurance Coverage Eight Years After the ACA: Fewer Uninsured Americans and Shorter Coverage Gaps, But More Underinsured . Common Wealth Fund.

food pathogen

Chose a food pathogen found in Chapter 8 (attached below). Research the source of the pathogen, onset of illness, symptoms, duration of illness, prevention, and all other relevant information.
Develop a handout to educate food service managers about the chosen pathogen. Include details on the pathogen, how it is spread, how its spread can be reduced and other additional information a food service manager should know about the pathogen.

remember this is a handout style paper

Cost of Pharmaceuticals

Research Topic and Outline

The final project for this course is a Research Paper. The first two assignments will help you find the tools needed to prepare and gradually build your final research paper. The research paper for this course will be argumentative. The argumentative research paper requires you to take a position on an issue and support the position with persuasive facts and statements.
First, select a Research Paper TOPIC that can be assessed using health care economics principles.

Second, provide your research paper with the following OUTLINE (Your final paper assignment should include a detail explanation of this outline):
a. Introduction -Your introduction should give a brief overview of the topic you are going to discuss. The last sentence of your introduction section should be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should start with – The purpose of this paper is to…..

b. Body of paper – The body of your paper should organize how you plan to address each required section of the paper. Each supporting item is then broken down into smaller supporting items.

An overview of the issue
Why is this issue a concern from a health care economics perspective?
Who are the major parties involved in this issue?
Which market forces have an impact on this issue?
How is demand illustrated in this issue?
How is supply illustrated in this issue?
How has the affordable care act impacted this issue?
How are health disparities demonstrated in this issue?
How has this issue been improved in other global markets?
What is your recommendation for making improvements based on economic principles.

c. Conclusion – The conclusion of your paper should summarize your thesis statement and the supporting items discussed in your paper. In this outline, please indicate what you expect the finding to be.

d. References – Provide list of five (5) bibliographic references (using APA format).

Expectancy and Violation Theory

I have a project of 2000 words, which I already wrote almost 1000 words and I need help with the other half.

The first part I have wrote was answering question 1, 2, and 3 from the guidelines attached.

I need the writer to answer questions 4, 5, and 6 in 1000 words and add it to the document I’m attaching.

Our topic is the expectancy and violation theory by Judee K. burgoon.

COVID-19 question

For completion of the final exam, please follow the following guideline:

1. Read the 4 posted scholarly articles

2. Watch the 2 videos


Choose one question that you have been asking yourself or wondering about the COVID19 virus. This could be based off your own musings or have emerged after assessment of the posted media. This question should be level-appropriate, and a portion of your grade will be determined based on the question you choose to consider. Reminder – this is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Grading will be reflective of the originality of the question, so please do not pass your question along to others.

Explore an answer to your question. You may or may not find an answer to it. Include in your assessment the media and any articles you explored along the way.

Compose a (approximately) 10 page paper. Remember, I am not an English professor, but I have taken English classes, so let’s try to achieve some level of professionalism. I am more interested in your question and the methods you chose to explore it, but if you really want to upset me, by all means copy and paste materials from the Internet or your good friend. I want this to be a learning experience, and my goal is to have you leave the assignment more educated than you were entering it.

Your paper will be graded for it’s integrity, its level of assessment, it’s uniqueness, and completeness as well as compared to your peers. If you can make me learn something new, it’s an automatic A.

waste energy recovery using thermoelectric generators

harvesting waste energy as heat mainly from diesel engine used in ships and converting it to a useful energy using thermoelectric generator. please use the attached word files 1- instruction file which has few instructions to follow 2-marking form file for guidance