Teacher placements

Proper placement of employees is critical when considering both the employee’s motivation and competency and achievement of the school’s stated goals. You have two projected vacancies in eighth grade social studies and seventh grade algebra.

In 550-words, use the Antelope Elementary Current Staff List to recommend a teacher for each projected vacancy. I am uploading the file! You will need this to right this paper!

Address the following in your selection:

Applying highly qualified criteria; (New Jersey Schools in US)
District policy and/or collective bargaining procedures; and
Collaboration with staff and community members to maintain a sense of involvement and trust.
APA format is required
Make sure you are using a US school in New Jersey if want use Lindenwold NJ Public Schools policies.

Cell Biology/Molecular Cloning Lab

Lab report will be based off of the provided lab manual instructions which was a 3 part/ 3 week lab. Rubric will be provided with specific questions, processes, and sections that must be included based of the included lab manuals. Sections will be on the left side of the rubric and what each section should include will be on the right. I am unsure of how many pages this report will require. I am listing 7 but please let me know if possible if this can be done in less or more.

Critical Thinking and Critical Reflecting

Hi Class,

I want to focus on critical thinking and the art of critical reflecting. Some of my most favorable moments when obtaining my MBA and going through my doctoral studies was problem solving real issues that my cohorts were experiencing and offering relative research to assist them.

Fundamentally, the pinnacle of higher-education is learning theory and strategies that are transferable to our workplace now and into future space and time. As a professor, I like to focus on putting the conceptual theories into empirical practice. Under “course information”, within the “Leadership” folder, I placed several literary articles for your review. Please look over them and provide a discussion post that answers the following:

What is one to three wicked problem that you are facing within the workplace or one to three that you have faced in the past?
How might this problem and their solution relate to organizational strategy?
Does it have an impact on the organization and its mission or vision?
What are the consequences for not taking action?
Be sure to cite 2 scholarly sources to receive full credit- utilize APA formatting
After you make your original post (must be at least 250 words and have 1 scholarly source cited), please respond to at least two other classmates. Please consider any biases they have within their original post. Furthermore, be sure to ask questions if it seems their problem is unclear or needs more definition. In addition, please come up with insightful information to add value to their pursuit to solve this work based tribulation.

Cloud Security

Cloud computing is growing in acceptance and usage by organizations of all shapes and sizes. As organizations shift their infrastructure to cloud, they also have to address the protection of these assets. Most likely, you will run into cloud sooner rather than later in your career, so it is important for you to have some knowledge of the basic concepts of asset protection in cloud environments.

Vendors like Amazon and Microsoft have put a great deal of work into providing security for their cloud offerings. For this module, you will review the following content to help you become familiar with the basics:

What Are AWS WAF, AWS Shield, and AWS Firewall Manager?
AWS Firewall Manager – Read the following, and the subtopics under them:
Getting Started with AWS Firewall Manager
AWS Firewall Manager Limits
Working with Rule Groups
Working with AWS Firewall Manager Policies
AWS Firewall Manager: Central Management for Your Web Application Portfolio
AWS WAF Tutorials – Read the three tutorials on this page

Microsoft cloud services and network security
Read the entire page, be sure to pay particular attention to the 6 examples
Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) Generally Available

Submit a written discussion (minimum 750 words) that covers the following:
Technical and risk management benefits associated with the Microsoft security offerings covered in your reading
Technical and risk management benefits associated with the Amazon security offerings covered in your reading
Technical and risk management risks/concerns associated with the Microsoft security offerings covered in your reading

Technical and risk management risks/concerns associated with the Amazon security offerings covered in your readings
NOTE: Full coverage of these topics will require you to do research on your own, over and above the assigned readings

This assignment should follow APA standards for inline citations and references.

CSS300 Vulnerability Assessment and Management

Your company wishes to ensure that if and when an intrusion happens they can detect it and determine the extent. You have been asked to write a white paper that describes the importance of collecting audit data and the importance of reviewing that data.
1. Identify and describe tools and techniques used to detect intrusion.
2. Describe what audit data is and how it is used.
3. In the framework of the network and servers what devices should audit data be collected and where it should be stored.
4. Describe a process or policy for how and when audit data should be reviewed.
5. Also take this opportunity to discuss the security of audit data, meaning, just because data is collected and reviewed, does this mean it is secure and accurate
The management team is interested in knowing what potential vulnerabilities exist for your environment. Take this opportunity to review common vulnerabilities specific to your environment and provide the following information:
6. Define what the CVE database is designed to provide to security researchers.
7. Describe how the CVSS score is calculated.
8. Describe the difference between base and temporal metrics.
9. Describe what the National Vulnerability Database is and used for.
10. Find and describe three vulnerabilities that could potentially exist in your organization, that have a CVSS severity rated as high.

Week 8

Discuss the role of biological triggers in the role of psychological disorders. Choose one of the following disorders: Depression, Schizophrenia, or Alcoholism. Search the literature and discuss the biological and neurological causes of this disorder. Is this disorder primarily a function of biology or the environment? After discussing the cause of this disorder discuss the biological and environmental (therapy) treatments for this disorder.

response to below pol ital speaking final

Hi Professor and Class!

Agenda setting is the first stage, and the hardest, in the process of policymaking process (Cobb, 2020). It is normally difficult to get a subject put onto the agenda, but the Corona Virus, known as COVID-19, had no issues becoming the one and only topic for this meeting.

COVID-19 has dominated all aspects of life for weeks now. Why wouldn’t it take over an agenda-setting meeting? In the town of Oconee, GA, the Board of Commissioners met, but sat all around the room, 6 feet apart, to continue the social distancing order (Becker, 2020). COVID-19 was the only option for discussion since is the current topic of all recent conversations. Commission Chair John Daniell praised the citizens that were listening to the heed of social distancing, while criticizing the citizens not complying.

This meeting was successful in talking about the COVID outbreak, the response of the community, updating the public on the “numbers”, and continuing to warn of the seriousness of the warning. I can see how this disruption can be a distraction to the way a usual agenda-setting meeting would take place. Members sitting across the room, not in their regular seats, some standing in the hallway. This could have resulted in a stressful event.

Becker, L., April 3, 2020. Patch.com. COVID-19 Dominated Oconee Commission Agenda-Setting Meeting. Retrieved from https://patch.com/georgia/oconee/covid-19-dominated-oconee-commission-agenda-setting-meeting (Links to an external site.)

Cobb, W. N. 2020. Political Science Today. Political Science Today. Comparative Politics. California: Sage Publications, Inc.

Personality Theory: Concept Application Paper

Using the concepts covered in this course, students will write three, five- to six-page, double-spaced application papers as part of the assignments to meet the learning objectives of this course. In these application papers, students will research specific concepts/ideas covered in the course. Each paper should present a different concept and respective theorist as well as demonstrate how the theoretical concept applies to real life situations. Student are expected to combine their own thoughtful analysis with
ideas and information found in a minimum of three other sources. Therefore, as in any scholarly writing, students should not merely copy information from another author, but use evidence to support the contentions they have drawn from their findings and critically analyze related literature – this paper has to
be an analytical paper, not a summary of readings. This paper must meet APA requirements of format and style. Students must cite the sources of all ideas, facts, and information used that are not their own, even if they have put the information into their own words. Failure to do so is plagiarism, even if the oversight is unintentional.

Ex: “think Freud: the concept of Anxiety (Freud) is a state of extremely unpleasant emotional discomfort. What does Freud’s work say about anxiety and how that applies to a real-life situation. You could consider what’s currently happening globally with COVID-19”.

Components % of Final Grade
Analysis and use of course concepts 30%
Style and mechanics 20%
Organization and coherence 20%
Evidence and support 30%
TOTAL 100%