Apply Marketing Mix principles to business or consumer services.

Instructions are also attached below. Essay needs to be a minimum of 600 words.

Environmentalgear is an office and home products company available online, through a catalog mailed out every 6 months, and advertising via business magazines. “We make life healthier” is their motto.

Founded 2 years ago by a scientist, a product engineer, and a retail marketing expert, they started out with office products and have moved on to home devices since this startup is such a success.

Their newest home product is a sleep-enhancing bed, which involves a soft, but supportive bed with a detachable eye mask and neck collar that are both recyclable. The neck collar is preset to be the right temperature to induce sleep. The bed provides a choice of soft mantras or meditative sounds on very low volume for the best amount of time per scientific sleep research. The consumer can set the sleep time and soft volume choice of sounds that begin to gradually wake them up. The temperature of the bed adjusts automatically throughout the night to be the right temperature. It comes in navy blue, black, grey, pale green, and white, as do all their products.

Current home products:

Indoor doghouses that have environmentally friendly bedding and autofill water and dry food bowls with adjustable dispenser settings.
Window shades that auto-adjust to your time schedule and the light and provide insulation.
Kitchen mats that are supportive, sustainable, and natural, while providing cushioning for joints.
Outside house lighting fixtures that are solar powered and adjust to the light outside. They also store extra light, which is then transmitted to inside light fixtures that provide general ceiling or wall lighting.
Current business products:

Office lighting fixtures that adjust to the light outside, the time of day, and work or shift schedule to reduce blue light as you head towards sleep time and provide optional lighting for winter climates.

Screens for all types of monitors that protect your eyes from blue light, especially needed for those at computers all day.

Office furniture (i.e., desks, bookshelves, ergonomic chairs that auto-adjust to the occupant’s needs and body weight and/or height and provide support, depending on the product).
Desks that can adjust to any height at the push of a button or remote control.

The company now wants to expand into services:

Consumer service: They want to add an at-home service whereby a home ambience consultant will visit you at home to help you adjust their home products and make other recommendations for improving the home environment.
Business service: They also want to add office consultants who can improve the office ambiance so it is more conducive to the company’s goals, comfort, and productivity.
Choose business service or consumer service from above.
Provide a synopsis of your research on the Internet regarding any competition.
Explain why they might want to add services to their business.
Using the marketing mix, provide the 4 P’s of this new consulting service for home or office, developing the particulars that make sense based on the scenario and the real world.
Describe how they might want to launch these services and associate them with their branding.
Respond in a minimum 600-word paper with additional title and reference pages in APA format and citation style.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Respond to all the checklist items in a thorough manner.
Submit your response using correct English grammar and spelling.
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.

Competencies, Mindset, Strategies and Obstacles

The role of the manager in a global enterprise includes the ability to adapt to the political, legal, and cultural nuances of a global environment. As the global enterprise environment continues to evolve, managers must be familiar with how to recognize impending changes in order to align the organization to meet global management and competitive challenges. Further, as obstacles arise, managers in the global integrated enterprise must be adept at creating viable, global organizational cultures that meet the needs of their company and workforce. In this assignment, you will consider the competencies, mindset, strategies, and obstacles to overcome for effective global management.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
It is required to use APA style for this writing assignments.
This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.


Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you discuss the relationship between competencies, mindset, and management strategies in relation to overcoming obstacles for effective management in the global integrated enterprise. Include the following in your paper:

A discussion of competencies required for effective global management.
A discussion of the management mindset required for effective global management.
A discussion of the primary strategies utilized for effective global management.
A discussion of the obstacles to overcome for effective global management.
A discussion that synthesizes management competencies, mindset, and strategies in relation to overcoming obstacles for effective global management.

international business management coursework

The coursework assessment consist of a 2500 words essay in which students are asked to answered six questions. Three questions are related to a seen case study whereas three questions are related to topics covered during the module. Please, put the questions as heading before providing the answer. Note: there is no need of an introduction and/or conclusion but reference list is part of the assessment. Students are requested to answer all the following questions.
Case Study questions: I have to send you the case study.

1.Will China maintain its strong economic growth in the years to come? Some suggest it will until 2050. What do you think?
2.If China will go from 17 million to 200 million middle- and upper-income people by the early 2020s, would the scenario presented by Best Buy not be applicable anymore? Would newly rich Chinese customers engage in this purchasing in the 2020s?
3.With Alibaba’s ownership of the very popular Tmall and Taobao online shopping systems (similar to eBay and Amazon) and its spread across the world, will a Western-based online shopping culture ultimately infiltrate China?

Essay Questions:
1.Explain the concept of free trade and discuss the effects of tariffs on commercial trade between two countries. Make an example (US-China, Russia-US, etc.).
2.What problems do novice exporters typically face when trying to export?
3.Discuss collectivism. What ideals does the philosophy support? Where did the philosophy start? How does collectivism exist in the modern world?

My thesis needs to be clarified. Focus on just one topic: Kneeling during the national anthem or the CO baker refusing to sell a cake to a same-sex couple.

You must pick only one of the topics Kneeling during the national anthem or the CO baker refusing to sell. Select a current issue of political controversy that corresponds to a chapter in your textbook. The issue needs to be something currently taking place in U.S. politics, or took place within the last two years. The topic should be a national, domestic issue (something occurring inside the U.S.). You must argue for one side of the controversy you select, using a chapter in your textbook and multiple other sources.


After watching Ted talk, state where you feel marriages are headed in the future and why.
The video is on name is Jenna McCarthy “What you don’t know about marriage”

Financial Crime and Sanctions

Essay Question”
“Thus, SARs [Suspicious Activity Reports] are a potential treasure trove for plaintiffs and their attorneys…for use in civil litigation. This is particularly true now, in an environment in which banks tend to err on the side of reporting, rather than ignoring marginal activity. A SAR may provide a plaintiff with an invaluable roadmap to potential claims against a bank or its customers and numerous other insights into facts and conduct that bank management normally considers confidential.”
A Lakatos and M Hanchet, ‘Confidentiality of Suspicious Activity Reports’ (2007) 124(9) Banking Law Journal 794 at 795
Given their importance in detecting financial crime, what degree of transparency should the public and investors have, in relation to the publication of suspicious activity reports and why?

*(no more than 3,500 words including footnote) Be sure to use the reference format I submitted in the attachment,Make sure this essay is critical,Line spacing 1.5

Reflection Paper

Refer to “Contemporary Global Issues (TMP)” and ” HOW I WANT ALL 3 PAPERS TO LOOK ” for guidance. If putting references will count towards my word count then don’t add. instructions are on each page along with the references that they must be pulled from. Also, there is my username and password if the links that you click on ask for my login.

An individual reflective journal/diary

It’s a self-reflecting diary which suppose to cover 5 topics from the covered material. There is a module calendar attached to it with the covering topics. You can choose any 5 and expand. There are 2 more documents on the assignment included.

no more than 200 words each question.

1-What is the difference between an act being an actual cause versus a proximate cause of an injury? Give example

2-You are blamed for some act (e.g. shooting someone’s donkey). What’s the difference between offering an excuse for it vs. offering a justification for it? How is this difference reflected in the definition of blame?

3-The accused smokes a cigarette. When he’s finished, he throws the still-smoking remnant in dry brush. A few minutes after he leaves the area, a light breeze arises. The cigarette ignites the brush and burns down an adjacent copse of trees. Is the accused at fault for destroying the trees? More importantly, why would the accused be guilty or not guilty given what you’ve learned about causation and fault?