Scatter Plot

In this lesson, you will run a correlation between the resting and after exercising heart rates to determine if a linear relationship exists between the two variables and how strong the relationship is.


Open the Heart Rate Dataset in Excel and identify the X-variable (resting heart rates for all 200 participants) and the Y-variable (after exercise heart rates for all 200 participants).
Use the Scatter Plot function in the Insert Charts section of Excel to create a scatter plot of the X and Y variables
Add a trendline to the scatter plot
Use the Data Analysis tools in Excel to find the regression equation.
In a Word document, describe the relationship between the X-variable (resting heart rate)and the Y-variable (after exercise heart rate).
Graph the scatter plot with a trend line. Does it appear there is a linear relationship? What does this mean?
Calculate the correlation coefficient r using excel. Is this r (value) high compared to +1? Based on the correlation coefficient is the relationship strong?
Use excel to find the regression equation. Identify the slope. What does it tell us in terms of our heart rate data?
Review these videos as needed to complete this assignment.

Aspects of Medea’s Divinity that Affect the Outcome of the Play

I am looking for a research paper on Euripides’ Medea. Within Euripides’ play, it is never blatantly stated that Medea is a goddess, but many of her actions and abilities, such as her poisoning of the crown and robe, suggest that she is more than a mortal human being. The paper should highlight all the ways in which Medea is more than a human and how her abilities impact the story of the play and its outcome.

Holistic approach to care

please find attached the details of my essay.i would like my essay to based on hospital cases because I work in hospital.I would like 2000 words please!


1. How do the three criteria for an experimental design, manipulation, randomization, and control minimize bias and decrease threats to internal validity?
2. Why do researchers state that randomized clinical trials provide the strongest evidence for an individual study when using an evidence-based model?
3. How does intervention fidelity increase the strength and quality of the evidence provided by the findings of a study using these types of designs?

informative on #Metoo movement

I have included what the paper the paper should be written about and my first draft with some references. A couple things I want to focus on for legislative issues if you can find is the bill to squash a 90 day cooling off period for women that work on capitol hill before they can report sexual assault, harassment. also there is a bill in NYC trying to get brought to light about known prostitutes’ arrested can have condoms used against them as evidence if it is in their pocession

Reading Comprehension

What do you agree with and disagree with and why? Which habits of engaged reading (listed on page 91) do you already do with your students? Which ones do you need to practice with your students more often? Which parts(s) of the “Trinal (3 Part) Approach” do you already do? Have they been effective so far? If you haven’t done any of it before, reflect on how you think it will go with your students.

equity research report

please select a suitable topic of your choice.

Please watch this video full to understand the requirements.

An equity research report is a document that provides a recommendation on whether investors should buy, hold, or sell shares of a public company. Additionally, it provides an overview of the business, the industry it operates in, the management team, its financial performance, risks, and the target price.

You have to go and select one of the Dow Jones industrial Index of the largest listed US manufacturing firms. The accounting and finance data about the index and the firms listed in this index can be found in either “YAHOO FINANCE” or “GOOGLE FINANCE”. OR

In general, when you need to choose your subject firm you have to avoid firms that have not distributed dividends and should have positive free cash flows (avoid firms with negative FCFs). Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft companies should not be chosen at all for your project. They are high tech firms which are not suitable for your project and also some of them have not distributed dividends in the past several years.
The contents of an Equity Research Report are as follows:
Recommendation – Typically to either buy, sell, or hold shares in the company. This section also usually includes a target price (i.e., $47.00 in the next 12 months).
Company Update – Any recent information, new releases, quarterly or annual results, major contracts, management changes, or any other important information about the company.
Investment Thesis – A summary of why the analyst believes the stock will over or under perform and what will cause it to reach the share price target included in the recommendation. This is probably the most interesting part of the report.
Financial Information & Valuation – A forecast of the company’s income statement, balance sheet, cash flow, and valuation. This section is often an output from a financial model built in Excel.
Valuation – The evaluation of the firm should be done by at least two methods (such as the free cash flow method, dividend discount model method, enterprise to EBITDA method or/and other common equity evaluation methods). You may be required to find the cost of capital of the subject firm. This can be done by going to Under “Market Summary”, you will find the yield tp maturity for 10-year Treasury bonds listed as “10 Yr Bond(%)”. Collect this number as your risk-free rate. Then you can use it in the CAPM equation to calculate the cost of equity capital. To get the cost of debt you need to find the market value of the firm’s long term debt and then you have to find the price and yield to maturity on the firm’s existing long term bonds. Go to Click on “investors” and then on “Market data” and after that click on “Bonds”. Under Quick Bonds Search” click “Corporate”, type the symbol of the subject firm and click search. After the results come up, use the yield to maturity on non-callable 10-year obligations as its cost of debt capital.
Risk & Disclaimers – An overview of the risks associated with investing in the stock. This is usually a laundry list that includes all conceivable risks, thus making it feel like a legal disclaimer. The reports also have extensive disclaimers in addition to the risk section.
For more about the content please go and look at the following link: