Describe the empirical findings of various sub-fields of sociology. (Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations.)

***Use textbook THE REAL WORLD, Sixth Edition ISBN: 9780393639308. ISBN: 9780393639612 (ebook) as the primary source(s) in completing this assessment. Outside credible sources may also be used***
– Chapter 8: Race and Ethnicity as Lived Experience
– Chapter 9: Constructing Gender and Sexuality

***Professional football and baseball teams, as well as numerous high school and college sports teams, use American Indian mascots. Some American Indians and their supporters object to this practice, suggesting that it is offensive. Talk to family and friends and use the Internet to research how this issue affects ethic relations. Then, create a list of arguments used by those who defend and those who reject American Indian mascots.***

– Create a list of arguments used by those who defend and those who reject American Indian mascots.
– Provide a response for each question
– Label each question with its answer, ex 1. …..

1. Your findings: feedback from others
2. Your findings: independent research/source from a credible source
3. List of arguments: defend and/or reject American Indian mascot
4. Which position do you agree with, and why.

Film Analysis

What you will do:

The film analysis is the primary assessment of what students understand about interpersonal communication. Your paper should be a minimum of 600 words.

Select from one of the following contemporary films for the film analysis:

The Duchess
Mr. Holland’s Opus
What Women Want
Sex and the City 1
Pride and Prejudice
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Sound of Music
The Secret Garden
First Knight
The Proposal
Sense and Sensibility
Artificial Intelligence
The Breakfast Club
The Devil Wears Prada
The Blindside
Nanny McPhee
Gran Torino
Sleeping with the Enemy
27 Dresses
Good Will Hunting
Four Feathers
Steel Magnolias
The Color Purple
Each of these films demonstrates one or more of the major concepts discussed in this unit, including the source and role of conflict in the human quest for meaningful interpersonal relationships. If you have seen one or more of these films, you are encouraged to choose one you have already seen because communication concepts demonstrated in each film are often easier to see after multiple viewings of a film. Link as many concepts (at least 5) from this unit as you can to scenes from the film you choose.

Give your essay the following header:

[Your name]
eCore COMM 1100
[Film title]

When your essay is complete:

Submit it to your instructor as an attachment to this Assignment Dropbox.
Post it to discussions for your classmates to read under the topic Unit 5 – Film Analysis Paper Discussion.
Grading Criteria:

The film analysis must have a clear introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction should contain an attention getter; a statement of topic (e.g. “This analysis is about The Waterboy.”); a statement of purpose (e.g. to inform, to persuade or to entertain); a thesis that makes a judgment about the value of the film for what it teaches us about communication; and a preview of your main ideas.

The body of the paper should be paragraphed to reflect your main ideas. Your main ideas and supporting ideas should be chosen and organized to demonstrate your understanding of at least 5 key concepts from this unit. Link the key concepts to scenes from the film.

Key Concepts:

Interpersonal conflict
Managing Emotions
Self –Disclosure
Social Judgment Theory
Social Comparison Theory
Family Rituals
Stages of Relationship Development – Romantic
Stages of Relationship Development – Friendship
Gender Norms and Impact on Relationships
Managing Cultural Differences in Relationships
Love Display
Identity Management Strategies
Social Exchange Theory
The conclusion of the paper should summarize your main ideas about the film and close the paper. A suggestion for thinking about how to conclude a paper is to answer the question So What? In other words, how can this film/concept help me/others in our relationships or communication behaviors?

You must turn in this assignment by the due date indicated in the course calendar. As always, proper English should be used; spelling, grammar, and punctuation will be checked. Reference the book and the course material. As well, cite the film and book/written work the film is based upon; and use at least one (1), preferred two (2) outside sources to support your analysis. All Work Cited with in-text citation and in MLA format.

Workforce Diversity

• Part 1
• Select a company or industry (it could be your present or past employer):
o In at least a minimum of 1 page provide:
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Overview of the organization i.e. background of the company, mission statement and vision statement (where applicable) Include its products/services, size, location etc.
o Cite and reference your work in APA format Content- 25 pts.
APA Formatting- 5pts.

Part 2-
In at least a minimum of 2 pages, explain:
• The organizations culture
• The Organization’s Workforce Diversity
• What motivational concept and Application does the Organization embrace?
o Cite and reference your work in APA format. Content- 40 pts.
APA Formatting- 10pts.

Part 3-
In at least a minimum of 2 pages, explain:
• What’s is the organization’s Attitudes and Job Satisfaction.
• How does the organization handle?
Conflict and Negotiation.
Stress Management.

Part 4-
In at least a minimum of 1 page:
What recommendations for continuous improvement would you as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) propose to the organization (use the knowledge acquired from this class).
Cite and Reference your work
Content- 40 pts.
APA Formatting- 10pts.

Content- 40 pts.
APA Formatting- 10pts.

What challenges do you anticipate you will face in your doctoral program? What strategies will you apply to work through these challenges in your doctoral journey?

Prompt: Based on the (attached document) challenges and strategies discussed by Pifer and Baker (2016), what challenges do you anticipate you will face in your doctoral program? What strategies will you apply to work through these challenges in your doctoral journey? Write a 1 – 2-page, double-spaced essay in response to the prompt above. To present your strongest writing skills, submit an essay that:
• Provides a focused and clear central idea that responds to both questions in the assignment prompt with developed ideas;
• Integrates relevant and accurate paraphrased and/or quoted evidence from the provided reading in support of the argument, accompanied by appropriate analysis and some form of citation and/or attribution to signal when information is used from the reading;
• Organizes ideas with logical structure, clear paragraphs, and transitional words/phrases;
• Uses grammar and mechanics to effectively communicate meaning to readers;
• Maintains academic integrity by demonstrating your original work and appropriately paraphrasing and citing relevant information from the Pifer and Baker (2016) reading excerpt. Including outside sources beyond the Pifer and Baker (2016) reading excerpt provided above is not required for this essay; if you use them, however, then you must cite any information you summarize, paraphrase, or quote.

Air Pollution Control Technologies

Hello this paper is about air quality control, some technologies that can be used in this paper for example could be filtration, inertial impaction and thermophoresis and diffusiophoresis. Paper instructions below:

Conduct research on air pollution control technologies for particulate matter and gaseous pollutants. Your research paper should be structured along the following lines:

Introduction: Discuss particulate matter and gaseous pollutants. What are they? What are their sources? Why do we need to control their levels? Include a strong thesis statement.
Body paragraphs: Discuss particulate matter control methods. Cover one PM control technology and discuss how it works to control PM. Include advantages and disadvantages. Discuss gaseous pollutant control methods. Cover one gaseous pollutant control technology and discuss how it works to control gaseous pollutants. Include advantages and disadvantages.
Conclusion: Wrap up your main points and how they relate to and support your thesis statement.
Your research paper should be at least two pages in length and follow APA style. The title page and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page requirement.

Positive Message (Direct Approach(

Write a response back to this person using the direct approach (positive message), 4 paragraph method, as I instructed. Make up the necessary details. (see attached for the rest of the directions.)


1,Discussion Topic: What are the responsibilities of nurses and the nursing profession to ensure that the timing of discharge is appropriate and safe for each postpartum woman and her baby?

2,Discussion Topic: How does the nurse play a critical role in promoting the safety of women who participate in an early-discharge program and plan to return home within 12 to 24 hours after their vaginal birth?

3,Discussion Topic: What are the different treatment options and nursing instructions for superficial venous thrombosis versus acute pulmonary embolus?INSTRUCTIONS
-275 words and include citations from at least two credible sources, One being your textbook.

Webpages with a .com web address such as,, etc… will not be accepted as a source. This will be your only warning.

Reference List

-This is the correct reference for your textbook: Perry, S. E., Hockenberry, M. J., Lowdermilk, D. L., & Wilson, D. (2018). Maternal Child Nursing Care (6th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.

Film assignment 9

Please DO NOT put a running header, tittle page, or page numbers. I need complete page top to bottom

Where do you see discontinuity editing in contemporary media? If not in film, perhaps it’s easy to see it in short films, commercials, or music videos. Describe one or two examples of recent media texts that employ discontinuity editing.

The subject of the paper is to write an essay about the process consumers make when purchasing a product or service.

The paper must include research from a minimum of 6 scholarly sources one of which must be your textbook.
Book: Consumer Behavior (Buying, Having and Being) 12th Edition
ISBN 10: 0134129938 ISBN 13: 9780134129938
Publisher: Pearson, 2016
The subject of the paper is to write an essay about the process consumers make when purchasing a product or service. The textbook has detailed information about this subject matter, and many chapters focused on certain aspects of this process. This is a top level review of the process. Papers should also address at least THREE concepts from the book. For example the topics could include: How does culture affect the process; Do men and women have a different process; Does the cost of the service matter in the decision making process etc.To summarize, your job is to write this paper explaining the concept by bringing in research and information that you have learned throughout this course.Important Information:1. Must be a minimum of 1,600 words, and no more than 2,0002. Must be formatted in APA (This includes citations, references, cover page, running head…etc)3. You MUST have a minimum of 6 scholarly sources
Required to follow this Outline
Thesis Statement
Main Point #1
Sub Point
Sub Point
Sub Point
Main Point #1
Sub Point
Important Data/Graph
Sub Point
Sub Point
Main Point #1
Sub Point
Sub Point
Sub Point