Free Quote

Answer these four questions. There is no set page requirement or source requirements, but questions must be thoroughly answered.
1. What are the major events that shaped the development of education in the West throughout human history?
2. Who are the major theorists and reformers who have shaped the development of education in the West, and what roles did they play?
3. Describe how the history of education in America shapes current philosophies and practices in the field of education.
4. Identify the major biblical principles related to education, their theological implications, and the practical application of those principles and implications to classroom content and instruction.

(Confucius, Plato, and Aristotle will need to be included in at least the answer to one of the questions)
Answers must the written in APA style. I am listing 8 pages for length, but am not sure how long a good response to the questions should be.

Reflective and Planning Postscript

You are now ready to transition into the college-level reading and writing in your major courses. In order to meet your academic goals, you will need to make a plan. You will share your plan with your professor in this week’s assignment, the Week 8 Reflective and Planning Postscript.

First, reflect back on what you wrote in your Week 1 Discussion posts about the strengths and weaknesses you started with and think about what you have learned about college reading and writing in this class.

Second, write a document of at least two paragraphs. In one paragraph, discuss your plans for overcoming the challenge(s) you faced during this course. In a second paragraph, elaborate on your plan(s) for continued improvement as you continue your studies.

Third, make sure that each paragraph

(a) begins with a Point sentence;

(b) includes at least one concrete and specific Illustration (or example) that supports the Point sentence; and

(c) includes an Explanation that interprets the Illustration and ties the ideas together.

Fourth, remember to use the steps of the writing process, including planning, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading when creating your document.

Finally, make sure your document meets the APA formatting guidelines you have learned in class.
****First week Strengths/weakness: excelled in reading. Hard time with a thesis, grammar and reasoning, and organizing.

Description of project

The description should include the topic/issue/phenomenon you would like to study, purpose statement and 3-5 research questions, how you became interested in this topic, and why it is an important one to study. You should also include a description of the research setting (where?), if relevant, such as the classroom, school, program, or workplace. Also describe the proposed participants in the study (who? how many?), including relevant characteristics such as age, gender identity, race/ethnicity, class, and/or grade level. Include demographic info about site/setting (for example, income, ethnic make-up, educational attainment) and other relevant information such as test scores and languages spoken.* You might also provide some background/historical information on the program or organization.

Include proposed plan for data collection: How will you collect data (interviews, focus groups, observations, artifact collection)? What sorts of data will you collect? How many interviews/observations will you conduct? How long will they last? How often? What sorts of artifacts will you collect?

Should also discuss potential gatekeepers and how you will negotiate entry into the site, as well as your role at the site and relationship with participants. How are you an insider vis-à-vis participants? An outsider? What are your assumptions/biases related to your topic/phenomenon?

Length: About 3 pages double-spaced

*Good sources for some of the demographic information are the U.S. Census and the Illinois Interactive School Report card. Many institutions also have their own websites that include demographic and background information.

business plan

Need to be line spacing 1,5. Arial with size 11, only the header of main text will be arial size 12

Consultancy Report

You are a consultant who has been employed to advise on the effective implementation of strategic changes. You are required to produce the following for the case study provided below:

Part A: Analysis – Business Process Models and strategy analysis

Part B: Open Source Software Comparison Table

Part C: Report

Part D: Reflection on your contribution to the online discussion and wiki
wiki, detailed below:

Reflection CJ

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

Describe the functions of forensic scientists.
Differentiate the steps in processing a crime scene.
Describe the role of DNA testing in the conviction process.
Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.


Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

Describe and measure data.
Solve problems related to probability.
Make inferences about a population,
Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.

Coursework week 4

1. Refer to the IBM_Case_ADA revised.pdf
• Decompose IBM’s ROE (by quarter) as was demonstrated in the Zoom session, and discuss the factors (and trends) that contribute to Big Blue’s profitability 
• Evaluate IBM’s Revenue growth, Receivables, and Gross margins and over the period. Be sure to control for seasonality (e.g., compute the same quarter to same quarter change in these items as was demonstrated in the Zoom session) 
• Evaluate IBM’s earnings per Share (basic), and identify the factors most responsible for the increase in IBM’s earnings
Write your analysis in a Word document, embedding your calculations from Excel into this Word document and submit by the end of Week 4.
You can embed parts of your spreadsheet by first copying the portion of your Excel spreadsheet that you want to copy to your document, then going to your Word document and selecting Edit/Paste Special/Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object. In answering any specific question, embed only those calculations that are specifically relevant to the question being answered in that portion of your document. I.e., when answering Question 1 embed only the calculations necessary to support your answers for Question 1 in that portion of the document. In answering Question 2, embed only the calculations necessary to support your answers for Question 2 in that portion of the document, and etc. 

2.For this discussion, read Identify+the+Industries_ADA ready_revised.pdf 
After reading the document, complete the matching exercise and note why you made your decisions. Then post your answers to the discussion board for comment.

Organizational Analysis

Research business theories using the Capella library. You may also wish to use the materials provided in the Resources.
Choose a theory that you feel is most relevant for today’s environment, and explain why you feel that way.
Describe the industry associated with your theory, and identify best practices for organizational structure and learning.
Provide recommendations for enhancing industry performance, and connect your recommendations to what is currently happening in the local and global environment.
Based on the information presented in the New Business Realities of the 21st Century and Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination documents (linked in the Resources), analyze how a shift in business mindset affects the performance level in an organization. Use the most relevant realities and habits, as well as examples, to support your analysis.
Based on the information presented in the research you have conducted, industry best practices, and the analysis you just provided, choose one of the following options:
Explain how you would redesign an existing organization to have higher performance.
Explain how you would design a new organization to achieve high performance and learning.