Reflective Journal

2000 Word Reflective essay on my clinical placement at the Royal Melbourne Hospital as a radiography student for threeweeks. I have included additional information in Doc 1.
Essay format: Introduction, My role within the team, Strengths and Development needs, Critical Learning experience (Gibbs reflective cycle) 1. Description, 2. Feelings, 3. Evaluation 4. Analysis, 5. Conclusion, 6. Action Plan. Conclusion.

Doc 1. ‘Planning’ has the relevant headings and some information in dot points under the headings.
Doc 2. Is an my last clinical placement journal, for comparison. (May assist you in writing the essay)

If you require additional info, pls message.
7+ references in APA format (Use MRPBA accreditation standards some references check 2020 Journal Doc)
For the experience parts you can look at the exemplar, I’ve added information in ‘2020 Journal’ doc uploaded.

APA referencing system is to be used.
Suggest 15-20 references to support your work
The word limit is a TOTAL of 2000 words (+/- 10%) – which must be documented as per Word Count policy
In this assignment ONLY, words in tables outlining Action Plans will not be counted.
Font: Arial / Calibri with 1.5 spacing
Only PDF file to be submitted

Learning Outcomes

This assessment task supports CLOs 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

4. Describe and explain technological principles and physics concepts as they relate to medical imaging.

5. Demonstrate professional behaviours and interpersonal and communications skills required in clinical practice to meet the standard of a student medical radiations practitioner

6. Demonstrate and discuss appropriate knowledge and skills in patient care, including psycho-social aspects

7. Critically reflect on your role in the team, strengths and development needs and a range of key learning experiences.

8. Develop logical action plans for future personal and professional development

Suppose that you are the parent in each of the following scenarios. Based on what you have learned from this unit’s materials, answer the following questions for each scenario by explaining how you would effectively handle each situation.

Most would agree that parenting is a lifelong job. The parent’s obligations begin once the baby is conceived and seemingly never end, even after his or her child becomes an adult.

Suppose that you are the parent in each of the following scenarios. Based on what you have learned from this unit’s materials, answer the following questions for each scenario by explaining how you would effectively handle each situation.

Note: While it is understood different people and even entire cultures have different parenting styles, your answers should be based on the research and theories presented in this unit.

Describe the stage of cognitive development of the child in each scenario.
Explain how you would address the child and the situation. Will you use punishment in any of the situations? What tactics would be the most useful considering your child’s level of cognitive development?
Scenario 1: At the playground, your 5-year-old daughter shoves another child and takes away the child’s toy. Your daughter then screams at the child and runs away.

Scenario 2: You discover that your 13-year-old son has taken $20 from your purse and is planning to use it to purchase vapes (e-cigarettes) at school. The only reason you found out is because your 15-year-old daughter tattled after becoming upset that her brother would not give her half of the loot to serve as hush money. How do you address each child?

Scenario 3: Your 21-year-old daughter comes home from college and excitedly shares that she met a new guy on Tinder, and she plans to marry him next month. She then reveals that she will be quitting school, despite only having 1 year left to complete her bachelor’s degree. (She does not see the need for her degree any longer, as her fiancé is rich, or so she has been told.) She has decided to throw away the career plans and dream wedding she has planned since she was 10 years old because now she finally has her Prince Charming, and her life is all set!

Your combined answers for each scenario must be at least 150 words, for a minimum of 450 words for the entire assignment (not including the title and reference pages).

Your answers should include an insightful and thorough analysis and present a strong argument with evidence. You must use at least one source to support your analysis. This may be your textbook or another scholarly source. All sources used will be properly cited. Your case study, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.

Why am i interested in attending full time nursing school? The reason for my C average in A/P 1 and A/P 2 D average

I am interested in entering into Gwynedd Mercy University full time Bachelors of Science Nursing Program.Currently works as a Medical Assistant with the City of Philadelphia for 10 years position working with Breast Health. Patient navigation, health counseling, outreach services and support. Began Community College Fall 2014. Fall semester 2015 i started A/P with a slow progress but using my own study technique i was able to finish out the course with a C average. Spring semester 2016 was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer while taking A/P 2 instead of withdrawing from my three 3 classes i continued to push through the semester after missing 3 weeks of class due to surgery. I passed all my classes except A/P 2. I retook the class the following semester earning a B average. Although i was diagnosed with cancer i never gave up on what was important to me i continued to do as much school work and studying although i was at a rough point in life. I was also told i would need another surgery to remove my thyroid and do chemo therapy but with a second doctors opinion no chemotherapy was needed. My passion throughout my working career was to become a nurse i know never to give up but to always preserve. My attributes are being a great team player, goal oriented, critical thinking skills, compassionate, knowledgeable, eager to learn new skills. Worked as a Medical Assistant for over 18 years where i gained the knowledge and skills that is needed to become an outstanding nurse.

Marketing Brief

The project is to come up with a way to market to the asian/pacific community in the US. Particularly being a company in the grocery industry. After coming up with the idea. Fill out the marketing brief. Consider tactics around radio, social media, web, email, and store signage.

Examples would be American Herotsge Month and the Festival of India

Cultures and Socialization

Identify a topic of your own interest related to the process of socialization. Consider the following: gender-based practices, responses to adults and the elderly, language socialization, and any others of your own interest.

Russian Revolution

Please provide an analytical summary of the article. Points will be awarded based on the quality, clarity, and insight of this summary.

Final Review Response Questions

Response questions on History 101.

Required text:Edwards, R., Hinderaker, E., Self, R.O. & Henretta, J. (2018) America’s history: Concise edition, volume 2 (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

assigned film’s connection to the American Dream & how each film reflects the American Dream

Use your answers to these three questions attached below along with your additional observations about how each film reflects the American Dream to THREE (3) well-developed paragraphs about the assigned film’s connection to the American Dream.

Provide clear and specific examples from the film, including quotes or paraphrases from the selected reading as necessary to support your assertions. Be sure to properly integration any in text citations in MLA format.
Add a Works Cited at the end of your analysis. (Don’t forget to cite the film you watched, as well as the articles you referenced in your post). there are more instructions so please see the attached materials and please use Scholarly article ,
Popular articles- tend to have short articles (1-5 pages). Articles contain no bibliography or cited reference page. Use conversational language, as opposed to a specialized vocabulary. Newspapers are considered a popular source Examples include: TIME, Newsweek, Business Week, Sports Illustrated, and New York Times.Film Criticism- analysis of films written by academics and film scholars, are usually published in scholarly journals. Film criticism can be written at any time, often years after a film is released. For movie citation please use my school website since the teacher wants us to use our website to watch the films