New Balance

In this activity, you will research the New Balance Company and write an essay (Links to an external site.) based on the concepts learned this week. Your essay should be double-spaced, at least 250 words, and adhere to APA guidelines. Ensure you have a cover page, introduction, body, and conclusion for your essay.Magnifyer on a Research Notebook with partial keyboard and 2 pencils.

Visit the New Balance website: (Links to an external site.) and review the company’s information.

Answer the following questions in an essay format below.

From your assessment of New Balance, identify and describe in detail at least one of Porter’s generic competitive strategies New Balance has been using. From your evaluation, what are some of your recommendations for New Balance to be more competitive in a global market?
Assess New Balance’s opportunities and threats; provide a plan for implementing at least two opportunity strategies and addressing two current threats you’ve identified. Explain how those opportunities and threat strategies will positively affect New Balance’s business operations.

Homelessness in Manchester New Hampshire

The second essay asks you to identify a “local” or “community” conflict that needs a resolution.
You will conduct interviews and determine a problem in our small communities that affects America beyond our towns– This conflict needs to move from “personal” to “universal.” We must begin to see how our “small” worlds interact, intersect, and impact the larger world and vice versa.

The second research project/essay also asks you to consider the discoveries we made in Essay 1 about how change happens and ways that rhetoric (public art and communication) can enact change. You will create your own piece of rhetoric to help raise awareness for/inspire action.

Beluga Whale

Write a description of how climate change has negatively affected this species (Beluga Whale)
Include at least one accompanying APA-style reference citation, be sure to use a high-quality reference (e.g. government website, conservation authority, or scientific journal article)

Group analysis

Intro, executive summary, three body paragraphs, conclusion.
The executive summary must contain, the scenario, three course concepts (provided below) and recommendations. The paper must be written about a team scenario where is has gone wrong. Using the negative team situation, create one major issue that may have occurred and link the issue to the following course concepts. Communication, conflict and individual decision making. These course concepts should all have separate paragraphs connecting to the one major issue, hence the three body paragraphs. Give reasoning into how the issue could be resolved/improved using recommendations backed by scholarly articles.
Each body paragraph should contain, 1 of concepts to analyze the scenario, present 1 recommendation and then backed with research from a scholarly article.
Please look at the attached file provided.
For the personal connection id like to talk about a time i took time off work and it caused conflict within the work team.

Feasibility in Patient Safety

The narrative is to be 5-8 pages plus a reference page and appendices for table, data and relative documents.
Insert the materials in the order of the basic outline, unless changes were approved in your proposal outline.
Title page (with title of your study, authors, course name and number, College, and date)
Executive Summary
Outline (or table of contents) and page numbers
Background and statement of conceptual problem
Facts and issues
Operational Problem(s)
Alternative solutions to each of the operational problem(s)
Pros and cons of each of the alternative solutions (SWOT). Include marketing and financial analysis.
Recommendations and why

**to be based on patient safety with the powerpoint I provide**
Will provide rubric as well.

Motivation and emotion Personality Health psychology, stress and coping strategies Psychological Disorders and other Mental Health Issues

Over the past three weeks you have been exposed to many concepts, theories and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application of some of the terms you have studied. This personal application of concepts learned is one of the things that makes psychology such an interesting area of study. Not all courses of study have such a direct application to our own lives. You will select four (4) of the following terms or concepts. You will read and research at least three scholarly sources and then identify, discuss and place each concept in proper context. After you have identified each concept you will then explain ways each concept can be applied to your own life with examples. I hope you enjoy your research and the personal application.