Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 3 – Place and Advertising Promotion

Part 1:
Continuing in the role of a marketing professional who has been tasked with completing a marketing plan for a client, refer back to the research you completed in the Topic 2 Part 1: Research and the Topic 5 Part 2: Product or Service and Price assignments. Conduct additional research related to place and promotion and use it to complete the “Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 3 – Research Template.”

This is part one from the assignment of the PowerPoint presentation that you helped with.

PM 4

A solid foundation of research will support the theoretical base and practical applications of your strategic recommendations. The Chief Operations Officer has requested examples of the research you may use to create your report, so that she can read background material while on business travel. The Chief Operations Officer is highly analytical and demands high quality, credible evidence. Therefore, compile and submit a list of at least five citations from peer-reviewed/scholarly references you may use for your final report in Week 8. The references must be in APA format.

Markey Structures

We are learning quite a bit about market structures in this module week’s summit session. Hopefully, you have had the opportunity to discuss market structures with your colleagues leading up to this activity. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into market structures. In this activity, you will draft a document addressing the following topics:

Identify the differences between all four market structures in the short-run and long-run. This will be helpful as many of you may hold management positions and/or become entrepreneurs in the near future. When deciding what type of firm to own or operate, you may find that one market structure may be more advantageous over another based on short-run and long-run costs.
Explain the significance that the average total cost (ATC) curve has on profit and loss based on each type of market structure. Explore how the ATC curve affects all four market structures and identify whether firms will earn a profit or loss based on the placement of the ATC curve and price.

Your answers must be supported by a minimum of two sources, be in current APA format, and be one-two pages in length.

PM 3

A solid foundation of research will support the theoretical base and practical applications of your strategic recommendations. The Chief Operations Officer has requested examples of the research you may use to create your report, so that she can read background material while on business travel. The Chief Operations Officer is highly analytical and demands high quality, credible evidence. Therefore, compile and submit a list of at least five citations from peer-reviewed/scholarly references you may use for your final report in Week 8. The references must be in APA format.

Economiv Structures

identify perfectly competitive market structures and monopolistic competitive market structures.
Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion:

State the firms you selected.
Identify the equilibrium point for each market structure assigned.
Describe your assigned market structures.

Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

CYBR410 Data/Database Security – Week 4 Assignment 4.3 Chapter Case Assignment

Look at the Case Projects section at the end of the chapter. Complete Case Project 4-1, writing a couple of paragraphs for each scenario (a & b).
Please see below the instruction, you will find the copy of Case Projects 4-1.

Attach the document to this assignment link. This assignment should be a minimum of a full page of content (for both parts a & b . Ensure you’re using standard APA Style formatting for class papers and that you cite and reference any sources used. Any misspellings or grammar issues will result in deductions from the total score.
Submission Requirements:
• Format: Microsoft Word APA STYLE
• Font: Times New Roman, 12-point, Double-spaced
• Citation Style: APA
• Length: 1 page (275 words)
Dear writer,
Please read through the following carefully.
This is a one-page essay format assignment (275 words = One- page, pictures, diagram, in-text citation are not counted as word count). Also, check punctuations, spelling, grammar, and avoid using repeat words.). Please use a proper citation. Also provide the URL for the websites you use, because I need them to create a proper reference page. Thank you
If you need the textbook, please read chapter 4 Slides provided to you.

PM 2

Step 1) Go to Week 8 and examine the Project Portfolio Option #1 instructions and expectations for the final report at the end of the term.

Step 2) In at minimum one full page, discuss the following topics in order, using the prescribed section headers in bold.

Section 1- Value of the Portfolio Project. In this section, describe how the Portfolio Project may be valuable to your current job or career goals.
Section 2- Project Plan. In this section, provide a timeline of how you plan to craft the milestones and final deliverable. Include key actions such as research, editing, feedback from peers (optional), and final submission due dates.
Section 1- Introduction. In this section,
Describe the purpose and value of this report.
Provide persuasive evidence as to why the COO needs to take action based on your recommendations.

Section 2- Strategic Recommendations for Recruitment and Selection. In this section,
Explain how this centralized HR function supports the HR department’s purpose statement submitted in Week 5.
Provide recommendations and rationale on improving the consistency of the services, programs, and/or tools for employees and managers related to this HR function.
Identify and define important quantitative HR metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of this human resource function. You must include the formula or equation to calculate quantitative measurements.

Section 3- Strategic Recommendations for Performance Management. In this section,
Explain how this centralized HR function supports the HR department’s purpose statement submitted in Week 5.
Provide recommendations and rationale on improving the consistency of the services, programs, and/or tools for employees and managers related to this HR function.
Identify and define important quantitative HR metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of this human resource function. You must include the formula or equation to calculate quantitative measurements.

Section 4- Strategic Recommendations for Training and Development. In this section,
Explain how this centralized HR function supports the HR department’s purpose statement submitted in Week 5.
Provide recommendations and rationale on improving the consistency of the services, programs, and/or tools for employees and managers related to this HR function.
Identify and define important quantitative HR metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of this human resource function. You must include the formula or equation to calculate quantitative measurements.

Section 5- Strategic Recommendations for Compensation and Benefits. In this section,
Explain how this centralized HR function supports the organization’s purpose statement submitted in Week 5.
Provide recommendations and rationale on improving the consistency of the services, programs, and/or tools for employees and managers related to this HR function.
Identify and define important quantitative HR metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of this human resource function. You must include the formula or equation to calculate quantitative measurements.

Defining “Liberty and Freedom for All”

For this one, please read the question below and then use the source to support a one paragraph argumentative response.

Although northern states initiated emancipation laws to end slavery in the decades after the American Revolution, there counterparts in the South (and in NJ) retained slave laborers well into the 19th century. The result was a small percentage of free black people living in the Northern states and in the upper South (Maryland and Washington D.C.). While many free black people continued to endure racism and prejudice, several pursued legal action for the things they suffered in enslavement. Below is an excerpt from one such attempt. Based on what we have been reading so far, how impactful were these types of cases on the nation at large? Note: Remember to make a clear cut and short argument. You don’t need a lot of historical context, just start with your argument and build using a combination of the source and the larger historical context to support you.

SOCI 1306: White Collar Crime – The Bernie Madoff Case

This documentary describes one of the rare cases where a white collar criminal (see your text, Chapter 3, for the definition and a discussion) was given a long jail sentence – but he defrauded the wealthy.

Watch this documentary and discuss your reactions.

Bernie Madoff – The Scamming Of America (FULL) Documentary (Links to an external site.)
Bernie Madoff – The Scamming Of America (FULL) Documentary

Do you think he would have been treated the same way if he had stolen from the less affluent? Was his sentence too long? Too short? Were all of his victims “rich” people?

The Narrative Essay

Essay Prompt 1: The Narrative Essay
The Assignment: Please write a 1250 word essay that recounts in vivid, descriptive detail an event in your life. This event should take place over a short period of time and center on some kind of internal or external conflict. It need not be a major life event; rather, it should be an event that reveals something about you: a value that you hold, a belief you have or that you lost, or something else of significance.

In order to choose a topic, you may find these writing prompts helpful. They come from The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing (Axelrod and Cooper), and you’ll see them again as part of our assignments for this week:
Other Requirements of This Assignment: Write using rich description and sensory detail, and use appropriately punctuated dialogue if applicable. Be sure your essay is in MLA format, which is a requirement for all college-level language classes, including English. Remember that this is public writing, so please do not write about anything you’re uncomfortable with sharing with the rest of the class.

In addition to the Writing Commons readings for this week, I am including two examples of personal essays in this week’s readings folder that should help you understand the genre, and I will share two more next week. Please note, both essays treat an experience that occurs over a short period of time, both include rich descriptive detail, and both of them convey a sense of the importance of the event to the writer. While each of the essays focuses on one event, each of them do refer to events that occurred at other times; this is all right. The Mock essay also includes photographs. You may include images in your essay as well provided you meet the minimum word count and observe MLA format.

Readings in the Personal Narrative Genre
Excerpt from Burro Genius, by Victor Villaseñor: Burro Genius.pdf
Victor Villaseñor is an award winning author and Mexican-American who famously received 265 rejections before his first work was publish. To read more about Mr. Villaseñor, you may want to visit his website.

“Beauty Beyond Binaries” by Janet Mock: Beyond Binaries.pdf
Janet Mock is an award winning writer, director, activist and model. She identifies as a Black trans woman, and has won numerous awards including a Peabody. To read more about Ms. Mock, you may want to visit her website. (Her essay on pretty privilege is one of my favorites, and one you may see again in the second unit of our class on argument.)