Final questions

First Question: (80% of your exam mark)

This semester we have discussed a number of issues which relate to the Individual’s personal rights. This issue is a difficult one since government and the courts need to balance the rights of the individual with the public interest, i.e. the common good. Discuss this problem through reference to the various themes covered this term. In your answer you must refer, where relevant, to specific readings, court cases, and lecture material. 1500-3000 words

Second Question: (20% of your exam mark)

Write a 500 word essay explaining why Charlie Company’s massacre of Vietnamese citizens at My Lai exposed America’s ‘heart of darkness.

Faith-Based Universities and Social Work Programs

The National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics states that social workers should educate themselves and seek to consistently respect the rights of people of all backgrounds and identities. The code explicitly indicates religious faith as one aspect of individual diversity deserving of respect. When it comes to accreditation of faith-based universities, the Code of Ethics is less clear.

For this Discussion, consider the implications of the accreditation of faith-based universities on social work programs in such universities. Develop a supportive argument for your position with three sources, at least two of which are in addition to the Learning Resources.

Select a point of view on whether faith-based universities are in conflict with the NASW Code of Ethics and whether you think CSWE should accredit social work programs at these universities.

Post by Day 3 your thoughts about whether faith-based universities are in conflict with the NASW Code of Ethics, based on the practices and policies of such universities. Be specific, and provide examples. Then state your position on whether you think CSWE should accredit social work programs at these universities. Support your position with references to the Learning Resources and at least two sources in the current literature.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Jewish sociology

A topic discussing at least one topic in American Jewish life
An articulation of the relevance of the topic
A listing of at least 3 academic sources only books or articles
7 pages nothing less

The topic that I’m thinking of doing is technology in American lifestyle and how it has helped Jews experience the taste of non kosher with kosher foods. One example would be ritz bacon flavor the crackers are kosher but the “bacon” is considered non kosher but since it’s just a flavor on a kosher item it can be eaten. 3 academic sources that are books or articles to support the claim.

(this proposal was created by the student instead of professor so if it’s unclear or difficult you can tell me any new idea that will be easier for you to execute on paper regarding the topic idea)

As a marketing Consultant, make use of the collected data ( audit) previously made on GBK ( UK based Company) to make a marketing report

I have completed the first steps of a marketing report by undertaking a marketing audit for a UK based brand ( GBK). I have also identified a set of Critical Success Factors ( doc attached) . Please Make use of those data collection + evidences to build the report. Please follow the formatting instructions for each section of the report ( doc1). Total 1500 words max

Personal Statement

I am applying to this program in a hospital for a cytotechnology degree. They want personal information as to why I stand out and why this program. I really want to make it in this program it is very competitive and there is a certain number of students that get in.
To be very specific this is what they are asking:

Please submit below a narrative describing your interest in the program of your choice. The narrative should cover career goals, leadership positions, and experience relating to the health field, research, and community service. Applicants may describe work or other significant life experiences that relate to motivation, qualifications, or academic record.

health care providers and professionals

The are about 6 questions need to be answer after reading Essential U.S. Health Care System book Chapter 4 and 5 and the chapters attached. when you answer the questions, make sure to cite from the chapters. Here are Instructions how they need to be answer Health care system
All questions are answered completely; resources and readings to support ideas are cited. NO spelling errors/thoughts and sentences are complete, clear and concise. Cites resources where necessary to backup theory from the book.
Answer the following key point questions. Your answer should be 200-300 words.
1. What are the two major objectives of Chapter 4?
2. What measures have been or can be employed to overcome problems related to physician maldistribution and imbalance?
3. What impact has technology made on access to medical care?
4. What is meant by technology diffusion?
o What type of medical devices are classified as Class III?
o What type of approval do they require from the FDA?

Business Valuation of Nantucket Nectars

I need to answer the following questions. It would be helpful to have someone who knows business valuations for example concepts around: IPO, Capitalized earnings, Price-earnings ratio (P-E), Rate of return, Discount rate, Book value.

What should Tom and Tom do and why? Along the way, you should consider:
1. What are the pros and cons for Nantucket Nectars remaining independent? For doing an IPO? For selling?
2. Acting as an adviser to the company, what is Nantucket Nectars worth? To whom? Why?