An ACM formatted paper on Offensive Security and the purpose and uses of the tool Metasploit.
Multicultural and gender issues
topic of the paper is women in politics. Please pick 3 women in politics that have different racial backgrounds and write a small biography of where they are from, how they came about to enter politics, their success, their struggles compared to men in politics and the societal limitations racial and gender related. please concentrate more about the racial and gender issues they encountered or still encounter. Paper should highlight cultural and gender issues of these women. please also indicate the reason why these women need to be studied and Does the issues of racism and sexism they encounter warrant attention? please chose at least 1 woman from history and at least 1 woman from todays politics.
Culture of HipHop
5-7 pages double spaced final paper using either APA or ASA writing style
The final project will demonstrate students’ global engagement.
Students will choose 1 or all components of culture as it relates to hip-hop based on their own interests. (Symbols, Language, Norms, Values, Beliefs)
A list of some potential subjects might include:
the portrayal of women in the culture
The Origins
the role of Hip-Hop in politics
Hip-Hop and war on drugs;
Hip-hop from a global perspective.
Cognitive Elements
The final paper will require an introduction, historical contextualization, five samples, a tie into class readings, additional research, a personal reflection on the chosen topic(s), and an annotated bibliography.
The examples above are not everything you can write about, but it is designed to give you vision.
Make sure that you spend some time in your paper tying in the components of culture to defend your argument.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (Social Work Class)
(RUBRIC) CBT- based techniques are not equally effective for all mental disorders. Please explore how CBT can be used to treat a specific disorder of interest to you. Choose a disorder from the DSM 5 and research how this disorder is treated using CBT. The paper should cover the major assessment methods, goals of treatment, techniques, most common modes of treatment (e.g., group, individual, family, etc.), and efficacy of CBT for the specific disorder. The paper should be thorough, yet concise, and well sourced (typically 8-11 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font). Be sure to cite your references in the text and include a reference page (APA citation style). Paper should be written with subsection headings and will be graded in the following manner: 7 points = Major Assessment Methods 7 points = Goals of Treatment 7 points = Techniques 7 points = Most common modes of treatment 7 points = Efficacy of CBT 7 points = References and citations 3 points = grammar/mechanics Total = 45 points
Creating Data Collection Surveys
Data collection instruments (sometimes called measurement tools or instruments) capture information on whether program goals have been achieved, and to what degree. Common data collection instruments include surveys, charts, interviews, focus groups, and observations. In program evaluation and research, it is vital that you have appropriate data performance and outcome collection tools. If they are reliable and valid, these data collection tools measure whether clients are improving and to what extent. The measures generated through the use of the tools help to determine whether your program is accomplishing its goals. The tools can also help you to identify areas where improvements can be made.
Often programs do not have access to instruments or measures that adequately address the unique services of the program and needs of the client. If a standardized tool is not available, you may have to create your own, specialized one. Before developing data collection tools, you should have a clear definition of what you wish to measure. Original data collection tools need to be tested before implementation to ensure that that they are valid.
For this Discussion, you create a 5-question data collection survey that addresses a process or outcome within your Clarksville program. You also provide constructive feedback to a colleague for improving his or her data collection survey. As you receive feedback for this Discussion, consider what revisions you want to make for your final project and apply your new knowledge to your final project program or population.
Post by Day 4 a description of what you are measuring and list the five questions you developed to measure this process or outcome within your Clarksville program.
The Holistic Patient Assessment
Signature Assignment Title: The Holistic Patient Assessment
Part 1: Choose an adult (over the age of 18) friend or relative and perform a holistic health assessment. Clearly document your holistic health assessment data
Your assessment should include the following parts:
• Health History
• Physiological Assessment
• Psychological Assessment
• Social Assessment
• Cultural Assessment
• Developmental Assessment
• Spiritual Assessment
Part 2: Interpret the findings in your holistic health assessment data according to pathophysiologic disease states.
• Choose one physiologic abnormality and discuss possible pathophysiologic reasons for the abnormality.
• Look at the abnormality on a holistic basis.
• How does this abnormality impact the other areas of the patient’s life, especially those areas discussed in this course?
• Discuss the client’s stress and coping mechanisms.
• Are they healthy?
• What improvements could be made?
Assignment Expectations:
• Length: Essay of 1250 words
• Essay: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for the essay part of the assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.
• References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three scholarly sources plus the textbook are required.
Textbook: Bickley, L. (2017). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history-taking (12th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 978-1469893419
Website Summary – Find out how you renew a driver’s license in Ontario.
Find out how you renew a driver’s license in Ontario.
Write a summary of the information you found on the website. Imagine that you are being asked to summarize that information for someone who needs just the most important information about either getting a passport, getting a driver’s license, or applying for OSAP. In this summary, it will be important to think about how you organize your ideas. Will you organize the information ? Or will you arrange the information in order of importance? Think about how the method of organization will help the reader figure out what he or she is supposed to do. Here is a list of transition words that you can use to link ideas together in your summaries and other types of writing. Use some of these transition words in your summary in this activity.
Write in complete sentences.
Begin with a topic sentence that identifies the main idea of the webpage, the title of the webpage, and the original author’s name if available.
Include supporting details, but leave out any unnecessary words or examples.
Link your supporting details using transition words.
Use your own words wherever possible. If you use the original author’s exact words, put them in quotation marks.
Include a full citation for the original article (in this case, providing the url for the website will be enough information).
Phillis Weatley and Anne Bradstreet Comparison
Details are in the included documents. I would like the essay to be based on the fourth topic in the instructions document.
Social work Personal & Professional Development
Cafcass assessment, based on case studies presented in class. Appendices can be used,
Complete Caffcass report template- main focus of the child is Lotus Clegg
it is a public law assessment, make sure it is child centered (Lotus should me the main priority)
– We are the children guardian- so are appointed
– Can use numerous appendix
– It is a caffcass report as the child guardian appointed by the court
– appendices Evidence for assessment e.g. sign and safety assessments, neglect tool- can do other assessments
– Section 31 court order threshold significant harm at the higher level
– When applying to court to remove the children- need to evidence it meets the care order , the child is not safe, it is meeting the care order plan
– Evidence how the risk escalated,
– Include current up to date research
– Say how it has gone from section 47 to section 31
– Focus on Lotus Clegg (he is the child we are focusing on)
there is a case study with 4 parts look at that and complete the case report template. (before this you need to read the case study and complete the caffcass report template, you may complete the Caffcass neglect tool first to make it easier to evidence and complete the template, also complete the sign of safety)
to make it easier for you I have also attached previous years students work which is anonymised (It is the same template but based on a different case study, it is just an example, also they focused on other children we just need to focus on Lotus,)
Any question let me know, it should be fairly simple
In the caffcass report template for significant harm threshold need to demonstrate and analyse what is the risk and say it has gone from section 47 to 31 (care order
include current uptodate research
for this template- no references required but may include it for the appendices
remember main focus is Lotus
can make some information up e.g. key agencies involved, could also do other extra assessment if needed
need to demostrate and evidence in the Caffcass report template how it met the higher significant harm threshold for Care Proceeding
look at the attached case study part 1-4
complete Caffcass report template (may need to complete neglect tool first to make it easier when completing the Caffcass report templete), complete signs of safety
to make it easier i have also attached an example of a previous case study which you can look at and read, (this will make it easier for you to understand and complete the assessment.
can include reference if you want to but not required for Caffcass template
How do emergency department patients perceive the communication with health professionals?
Qualitative research design and analysis