
Answer this question in 5-6 sentences: Foucault gives us a very different definition of power than other sociologists. What are the implications of this? How is it useful, and are there limitations?

Business Relations

All Souls Hospital (ASH) has had a busy week. Two issues have arisen: (1) an employee was dismissed just prior to unionization, and (2) a veteran was interviewed but not hired for a position and is alleging discrimination and harassment.

The hospital has just been unionized, and an employee was dismissed who was a designated union representative. The employer said she was found chatting with other employees on social media about the union during the lunch break on company computers. This occurred 24 hours before the union was voted in, and the former employee filed a charge with the regional labor relations office.

In addition, the company’s CEO has received a charge of discrimination and harassment regarding a female veteran who was interviewed but not hired for an insurance coordinator position. The veteran claims the interviewer was making unseemly gestures towards her during the interview.

Identify the labor relations law(s) pertaining to the dismissed employee.

State the potential steps that will be taken by the NLRB regarding the charges filed by the former employee.

Identify the EEOC laws related to the alleged discrimination and harassment charges brought by the veteran who was interviewed but not hired.

State remedies or actions needed to be taken by the HR department/All Souls Hospital to comply above EEOC and labor relations laws that applied to this scenario.

cleft lip and palate etiology ,associated problems and surgical management

1-use sound English that free of typos and grammar errors .
2- use scientific word
3- use standard word letter format 8.5*11
4-use standard font new times roman ,size 12
5-please use 1.5 line spacing
6-use normal page margins spaced 1 inchworm all edges
7-please dedicate the first page to the title of essay only
8- last page for references only
9- 3 pages only for essay
10-so the total pages are 5 :first only topic, second ,third, fourth for essay and the fifth one only references
11- At least 5 recent articles should be included and references should be included in the text as number(1)not written
12-No plagiarizm
13- 10 ( recent )references should be in the fifth page .
14- write about etiology , associated problem and surgical management of cleft lip and palate .
15- the words should be (1330 ) without included of references and the topic .
16- again the word have to be 1330 without included of references and the topic .
17- again space is 1.5
18- again the references should included in the essay as number like (1)(2) .

Can a CEO be obligated to accept less pay than she might be able to get innegotiations with her company? Why or why not? Be sure to engage the arguments of Moriarty and Kolb.

You should describe a view that you will either be defending or arguing against, and explain the argument for that view. You should then present what you think is the strongest objection to the view, and assess whether the objection succeeds. This will include considering the best response that a defender of the initial view could make against the objection. Since this paper is a bit longer, you may want to consider two objections. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s better to discuss fewer objections thoroughly and in detail than to discuss more objections, but in less detail. It’s unlikely that discussing more than two objections is a good idea. Most importantly, you should be sure to make it clear what your own view is, and why.
For those of you who haven’t already looked at the site, here is the link to Jim Pryor’s veryhelpful guidelines for writing a philosophy paper:

Answer two of the following questions (500 word essay for each )

1. Describe the main differences between the following types of societies:
a. Hunting and gathering
b. Pastoral
c. Agrarian
d. Industrial

2. Functionalism and Conflict theories are two main perspectives in the history of sociology. What are the main arguments of these two perspectives and who are their main thinkers?

3. Sociologists use a wide range of research methods. List and describe as many method as you can think of. Which of these are mainly qualitative and which are quantitative?

4. Explain how sociology came into being as an academic subject, outlining the major social, economic and political shifts that early sociologists sought to understand.



Memoir analysis

Analyze the memoir “They Called us enemy” by George Takei. Read the instructions attached- 2 Scholarly sources required, does not need to be directly quotted

Religious Identity, Spirituality, and the Dignity for All Students Act

The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) represented a piece of legislation passed in New York State in July of 2010. It aimed to address the problem of school bullying based upon discrimination against individual students regarding religious expression or identification, among a variety of other identity factors. Alarmed by continued incidents of harassment and violence against children perpetrated by other children, social policy advocates took action that ultimately resulted in the passage of DASA.

For this Discussion, research DASA. Consider the strategies used in the movement of this policy from idea to implementation. Note some of the similarities and differences between and among the strategies.

Post by Day 4 a description of a strategy that helped propel DASA to pass, and explain how this strategy was used. Locate an example of a similar strategy that was used elsewhere to advocate for social policy. Compare these strategies in terms of their effectiveness in each case. Finally, explain what insight(s) you gained as a result of doing the comparison.

Psychological Approaches to Religion

This Is Approaches to Religion Class..

Read this LINK –
OF the Hebrew prophet Isaiah ben Amoz’s vision
of the divine throne room in heaven described in Isaiah chapter 6.
Indicate which aspects of Isaiah’s experience Sigmund Freud
would draw attention to. How would Freud understand the
significance of Isaiah’s experience? Indicate also which aspects
of the prophet’s experience Carl Jung would draw attention to and
discuss how he would explain them. Are they the same elements?
Why, or why not?

For some background reading on Isaiah 6 and prophetic visions
more generally, consult these short essays:





Also READ :

Freud, The Future of an Illusion, chapters 1-4
and Chapters 5-10
Here is the online LINK for that –

Jung, Psychology and Religion, pp. 1-77.
and pages 78-114.
Here is the online LINK-

Essays should be written in 12 point, standard fonts with 1″ margins

Please if you have trouble opening any of these LINKs Let me know. essay should bre written based on those LINKS. Please Read each of them, and you can use most Citations from those LINKS.

THank you….