The Effects of Streaming on the Television Industry

Explore the impact of the internet on the television industry. More specifically, in the most influential sector: streaming.

How has streaming impacted the TV industry?
– The “giants”: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc.
– Reasons for subscription increase & why they might now be preferred.
– A brief history of how the TV industry was before the internet.
– Statistics.

Further details are in the attached document. Thank you!!

Head to toe Assessement

.I will upload all parts to document on.I need a nurse to do this.

no format no reference just chat or document as a nurse ,lets say you did head to toe assessment.You are making a report for what you did

Social Justice Article Summaries

Write a 10 sentence summary/reaction/analysis on these three articles (you can just google them)

So 30 sentences in all please!

1.) The Digital Reproduction of Inequality, Eszter Hargittai

2.) Winnebagos, Cherokees, Apaches, and Dakotas: The Persistence of Stereotyping of American Indians in American Advertising Brands, Debra Merskin

3.) The Prime-Time Plight of the Arab American after 9/11: Configuration of Race and Nation in TV Dramas, Evelyn Alsultany

Mind of a Rampage Killer

Reaserch paper for criminal justice class. Pleas use the attached documnet for more info and the 2 sources on it, plus any two other sources.

Mass Media

Answer the the questions in the attached file Make sure you read everything carefully before answering the questions so that you fully understand what you need to do and how you need to answer each question.

Sociology- Social Inequality

Social Inequality Essay

In week 6 you read about social inequalities in everyday life. For this assignment, you will give real world examples of how this manifests. You will conduct interviews with 2 people who are of different social categories about their perceptions, beliefs, and experiences with social inequalities. These categories can include race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. Each person should fulfill two or more different categories in order to also analyze intersectionality. For example, if you interview a gay black man, his experiences would be based on the intersection of sexual orientation, race, and gender. You would then select a second person to interview who would intersect with different categories (Asian Straight Man, White Transgender Woman, Hispanic gay women, etc., wealthy black woman, etc ). You can interview any 2 people you want, as long as they are from at least 2 different social categories (they can be the same on others).

You should interview them on their experiences, beliefs, perceptions, etc., on social inequality, and the ways they deal with it in society. Make sure to provide examples of some of the experiences they have had, and why they feel they have experienced social inequality. You also should explore which part of their social categories they feel has led to the most social inequality (i.e. their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.).

You should then compare and contrast their views and experiences. Within your comparison you should refer to the course concepts to help analyze and explain your interviewees views. You should reference the learning resources and other research sources to discuss how their cultural categories may have influenced their experiences and views. Make sure to also include a discussion on intersectionality. For example, if you are interviewing a white straight woman, and a black straight man, you may find that they have had very different experiences with social inequality based both race and gender. Why would that be the case?

You should conclude your essay with a discussion of what you learned from your interviews, and what you think should be done to address any major problems that your interviewees have experienced.

I don’t want to see an interview transcript. However, you should be using extensive quotes from your interviewees in your essay in order to validate your discussion.


This phase of the coaching process requires brainstorming. Think you know everything there is to know about brainstorming? Too often, we overlook some essential basics about processes we think we know well. Take a few minutes to refresh your understanding of the “rules” of effective brainstorming in this article from the Trident Library:
Van Valin, S. (2014). Brainstorming. Leadership Excellence, 31(2), 20-21. Retrieved from ProQuest.
• Brainstorm as many options as possible that will help your coachee achieve his or her goal.
• Discuss the options and select the best ones.
• You may offer your suggestions, but let your coachee do most of the work of generating and evaluating the options. Remember that the objective is to get the coachee to commit to action, and this means that the coachee must feel “ownership” of the plan.
• Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment below.
• Turn in your 4- to 6-page paper to the appropriate dropbox by the due date.
Keys to the Assignment
• After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45-50 minute session:
• What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?
• What skills will you use?
• How will you go about doing this?
• What questions will you ask?
• Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes). Remember the ultimate goal of the session is to come up with a plan to which the coachee commits.
• Write up your post-coaching reflection.
o Report the facts of the coaching session; summarize the plan.
o What went well and what did not?
o What did you learn about coaching from this session?
o What would you do differently next time?
Assignment Expectations
• Include a cover page and reference page in addition to the 4–5 pages of analysis described above.
• Your paper should have an introduction and a conclusion.
• Use headings to indicate major sections of the report.
• Cite and reference any outside sources.
• Use APA formatting.
• Proofread and edit your papers carefully. The expectation is zero errors.

Unionization & Enforceable Labor Standards in the Global Market

Discussion Board Forum 3
Unionization & Enforceable Labor Standards in the Global Market:

Globalization presents new frontiers and challenges for labor organizations. These changes include westernized labor mindsets being introduced into foreign cultures, which often collide with pre-existing organized labor in the host countries. Discuss why globalization has profound implications for domestic employment issues and whether these implications suggest an enforceable labor standard (a social clause) be added to free trade agreements. If so, what should the standards be and how should they be enforced?
Please see attachment for additional instruction.
I have included one of the three sources.

Psychology (Substance Abuse )

Part 2:

In a 500 word essay, discuss some of the major issues and difficulties in determining the effectiveness of addiction treatment outcomes

Part 3:

Discuss the history and influences of the Self-Help Movement, the Minnesota Model of Treatment, and the therapeutic community model. Be sure your response is at least 500 words.