Your argumentative essay must be at least 6 full pages long and approximately 2000 words (the Works Cited page is required but not included in the word or page count). This essay will present research on a specific problem in today’s society that concerns you, and it will argue a position on the specific solution(s) that you think could help fix the problem.

First, choose your topic: Do research on a problem that matters to you. According to our textbook, “a good academic research topic needs to be substantive enough that you can find adequate information but not so broad that you become overwhelmed by the number of sources you find” (Lunsford et al. 448). With this in mind, avoid broad, predictable, and “overdone” topics (no papers on abortion, death penalty, marijuana legalization, etc!). If you start with a general topic (something like “the problem with animal cruelty”), narrow it down to something more specific and relevant (like, “the problem with pit bull legislation”)
If you wish to write about the current COVID-19 crisis for this essay, you can, but narrow down that topic to a specific problem that the crisis has caused, like: how this pandemic has impacted learning, how it has impacted small businesses, how it has impacted the healthcare industry, mass panic buying, anti-Asian racism, etc. (You can currently view all COVID-19 articles on the NY Times website for free, but you must make an account with them to do so
Find appropriate sources: This assignment requires you to engage deeply with evidence from at least five trustworthy sources, with at least one of these sources coming from GWC library databases like EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete. You will want to find sources that speak to different aspects of your topic: for instance, if you’ve found several articles that discuss the effects that helicopter parenting can have on a child’s social skills, you will want to make sure you find sources that focus on other parts of the paper, like how this parenting style affects a child’s academic performance, or, the solutions or alternatives to helicopter parenting. And if your sources are heavy on data and studies, you could look for sources that provide another side to your topic, like a personal story or experience. Think about the variety of evidence that an author like Jamie Oliver or Gene Weingarten provides, and follow their lead!

When providing evidence from sources and studies in your essay, you are expected to introduce them, and then embed and engage with specific points, paraphrases, and quotes; however, the sources themselves should not dominate your voice! Use the sources to support the points that you wish to make.

Structure your essay: The first part of your paper is the problem section: present evidence and examples to convince the reader that the topic you are writing about is a problem that needs immediate solving. In other words, in this first section of your paper, your paragraphs might show how the problem started, who it affects, how it affects them, and so on. In the second part of the paper, convince the reader that specific solution(s) will be effective, and address the critics who might question the effectiveness of the solution(s). By refuting or building common ground with potential counter-arguments, you show the reader that your solutions are sound and that you have successfully assessed all sides of the issue. It’s okay if your solution does not eliminate the problem! You can argue that the solution will help alleviate the problem, or at least make things a little better.

****Link to Topics you can pick:

****Link to database:
ask support for logins
There is a must for at least one source from database, so please let me know if you can’t get in.

Analyze the Role and Functions of HR in a Healthcare Organization

As part of an orientation program for new managers, HR has developed a section of the orientation designed to help new managers learn more about HR’s functions and role in helping them be more effective in handling their HR responsibilities.
Using the course readings and articles, address the role of human resource management. Support your analysis with a minimum of three credible sources of research. (Keep in mind this document is meant for an orientation. The new managers may or may not have a strong understanding of the role of HR in healthcare.)
Write an informational two-page handout that addresses the following:
Determine key roles that human resource management plays in today’s healthcare organizations.
Evaluate 3–5 core functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to a health care organization.
Justify which HR function you believe is the most important in helping a healthcare organization achieve its strategy.
Analyze the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan.
Go to the Strayer Online Library and locate at least three quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Discuss Implications for Practice

In this course, we discussed many aspects of public health emergency management. The last discussion assignment in this course provides students with an opportunity to reflect on what was learned. Specific attention should be directed to the implications for practice.

For the last assignment in this course, please take a few moments to reflect and share some of your experiences over the past few weeks of this class. How does what you learned to apply to your current or future role as an EDM professional? How will current and emerging technologies enable our communities to become more resilient and safer? What content does global health security have as it relates to public health emergency management? Here are a few questions other questions to guide your thinking:

In one paragraph, how would you summarize this course to others?
What was the most surprising thing you learned in this course? What was the most important?
What did you like and not like about the course?
What are the challenges and opportunities in having access to electronic health records in a public health emergency?
What advice would you give to students planning on taking this course in the future?

Please be sure to provide references to the peer-reviewed literature. For graduate level scholarship this is a requirement. I am looking for you to go beyond the assigned readings and use the literature to support your conclusions and analysis. At the graduate level, we are not able to simply assert our opinions but it must be linked to the theories and supported by scholarly work. For this class, in particular, I would like you to support your analysis with the most current literature possible. Use of external non-peer reviewed sources can also be utilized in conjunction with your peer-reviewed sources such as government websites and think tanks.

attached is the course materials and assigned readings



4.1.2. DB Topic of Discussion: Joint Capabilities
Assignment: What are some key considerations for interagency cooperation that influence the CCDR and JTF Commander in the development/execution of operations? Also describe one of the interagency and why it is important as a future SGM/CSM to understand interagency cooperation.
Instructions: Post a substantial initial response, with at least 2 cited sources and a minimum of 250 words, to the topic above. Identify references following the post using APA format. Additionally, respond to at least 2 posts of your classmates, with at least 1 cited source each and a minimum of 150 words per response, for full participation credit.

The humble leader and their impact on productivity

Expanding on the previous work you created on this topic, please perform the following:

1. Elaborate on the current trend in the area of humility in leadership, it’s effect on subordinates, how to measure this qualities of humility, and how to identify them in others.

2. Include an introduction of the topic that includes a historical definition based on literature

3. Include a discussion of the current research in the field over the last 5 years.

4. Include a section that addresses future questions that will need to be addressed and/or explored in research. What do we need to explore next? What areas/questions are other researchers saying we still don’t know.

5. Use a minimum of ten substantial journal article resources as references.

6. Minimum of 10pages in length (not including the title page, abstract, or reference pages) 

7. Include APA style reference page at the bottom.

reflection paragraph of course so far

This is a formal writing, about 3-4 paragraphs, on our feelings of the course so far. there are questions to answer in paragraph form, fully developed opinions on the topics discussed. the writing must be connected to the works discussed in class, i will attach the assignment and the works we touched. professor is a stickler for following instructions and content. all opinions must be supported in the texts listed. please cite properly as well.


Basic Psychology Writing Assignments

You will be writing four separate papers, based on four different chapters from our text (Feldman, 14th Edition), which you have not been tested on. The four chapters are:




For each chapter’s paper, choose 5 “items” to write about. They can be theories, concepts, or research findings from the specified chapter. Number each “item” 1 to 5 as you write one paragraph for each “item”, for a total of 5 paragraphs. In each of these 5 paragraphs, provide convincing evidence that the particular “item” (theory, concept, finding) is accurate (true or false) for you, based on evidence you provide from your own experience and self-understanding.
Be sure to label each paper by the chapter title (i.e. Chapter 10 Motivation/Emotion).
At the end of each such paper write a final summary paragraph (sixth and final) summing up how accurate (over the prior 5 paragraphs of your paper) the specific chapter is in describing/explaining YOU, in your opinion.
This exercise is intended to get you to think about how Psychology as about you. By thoughtfully linking this new material (the “items”) to known material (your self-knowledge) you will make the new concepts, theories, and findings more meaningful and thereby more memorable. This may, I hope, provide lessons you can use explicitly in your future study and life experience.
Papers may be as long or brief as long as you follow the requirements above.
Writing assignment will be 50% of your grade. Tests given so far, the other 50%.

Avoiding problems with Copyright Regulation is/is not a significant challenge for advertising practitioners.

5 PAGES OF CONTENT – not including title or reference page

No specific quota on number of sources, but must use sources provided and reference accordingly; outside sources can also be used, but must be referenced accordingly

Grading criteria are: (a) clearly defined point of view; (b) logical development of point of view; (c) creative thinking evident in the way facts and ideas are woven together; (d) evidence of additional relevant research and/or data; (e) defensible quality of point of view taken; (f) grammar, punctuation and use of APA style

Beyonce/Bell hooks Assignment

who is bell hooks and what is her critique of Beyoncé ?
(treat this like a reaction paper)

it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you answer the question I ask and not one you decide is there.
There is nothing in this assignment that asks you to defend or explain what Beyonce is doing based on your opinion.

* please do not start or end a paragraph with a quote
* only one quote max per page (if any)
* If a quote is used, please explain the quote after the quotation.
*Less (No) quotes the better. (This professor dislikes too many quotes)


Questions for an interview:
Thank you email:
Memo: Once you have completed all of the above information, you will write a memo to me that gives some explanation of your choices. This memo will be 1-2 pages. What I will specifically want you to discuss in this memo is:
 Why you chose that specific job posting
 The specific example/detail you gave in the body of your cover letter
 The interview questions you have chosen