Simulated Contract Negotiation Position Paper (195 points) – Students will be expected to construct an 8-10 page (excluding title, citation, appendices, and abstract) position paper arguing for the topic they were to originally address during the simulated contract negotiation. This paper should contain an in-depth discussion of the topic, as well as address counter-arguments and points of view. A lot of the research for this paper has been addressed through other activities but will need to be formalized as an alternative to the in-person negotiations. For example, please note the following:
Students are expected to cite sources using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.
Wikipedia IS NOT an acceptable source. Although Wikipedia is a good place to start a search, students should check any of the sources cited and use the original citations as the source of information.
Students should make use of library databases and our embedded librarian to help with researching the paper.
Students should also review the resources outlined in the syllabus and the Expert Interview Assignment for additional help and support while writing the paper.
Please review the rubric for details on how the assignment will be graded.
In order to help students construct their papers, the following focus questions should be used to refine your arguments:
Does the student clearly set the tone for the overall paper?
Does the student clearly identify the topic they researched, the side of the argument they are arguing, and provide proper documentation based on specific sources?
Does the student present and defend against counter arguments, assumed to be brought up by the opposing side?
Does the student address where their topic would have fit into the overall strategy? Is this a “must-win” or something that could have been negotiated away for another item?
Does the student feel confident that the argument would have prevailed?
Does the student properly summarize the paper and tie all of the sections together?
Does the student follow proper APA citation guidelines?