Company Research: Escalator Clause(COLA) Opposition Research: Company’s right to subcontract

Simulated Contract Negotiation Position Paper (195 points) – Students will be expected to construct an 8-10 page (excluding title, citation, appendices, and abstract) position paper arguing for the topic they were to originally address during the simulated contract negotiation. This paper should contain an in-depth discussion of the topic, as well as address counter-arguments and points of view. A lot of the research for this paper has been addressed through other activities but will need to be formalized as an alternative to the in-person negotiations. For example, please note the following:

Students are expected to cite sources using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.
Wikipedia IS NOT an acceptable source. Although Wikipedia is a good place to start a search, students should check any of the sources cited and use the original citations as the source of information.
Students should make use of library databases and our embedded librarian to help with researching the paper.
Students should also review the resources outlined in the syllabus and the Expert Interview Assignment for additional help and support while writing the paper.
Please review the rubric for details on how the assignment will be graded.
In order to help students construct their papers, the following focus questions should be used to refine your arguments:

Does the student clearly set the tone for the overall paper?
Does the student clearly identify the topic they researched, the side of the argument they are arguing, and provide proper documentation based on specific sources?
Does the student present and defend against counter arguments, assumed to be brought up by the opposing side?
Does the student address where their topic would have fit into the overall strategy? Is this a “must-win” or something that could have been negotiated away for another item?
Does the student feel confident that the argument would have prevailed?
Does the student properly summarize the paper and tie all of the sections together?
Does the student follow proper APA citation guidelines?

Sexuality in Movies/Videos (Media)

Sexuality Youtube Video Response:

Answer any of the questions I ask below, and/or give me your reactions:
The first two clips are two consecutive scenes from one of the most popular cult movies of all time. This definitely fits the notion of popular culture as carnival/circus/sensationalistic
1. What are your thoughts on those?
2. Do you know anything about the movie they are from?
The rest are just videos. The first three were scandalous due to the sexuality in them, but perhaps they seem tame today. The fourth makes me ask, “Where did Sexy go?” Elvis Mick Jagger Madonna justin timberlake
there is a trend in pop music to be more and more sexually outrages and/or expressive since the 1950s. The lines of “decency” have been pushed considerably, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
1. Do you think it is possible to be sensationalistic sexually anymore? (without crossing the lines into porn)

* please do not start or end a paragraph with a quote
* only one quote max per page (if any) * If a quote is used, explain the quote after the quotation.
*Less (No) quotes the better. (This professor dislikes too many quotes)

Discuss the etiology ,clinical manifestation, complication and dental management of patient with rheumatoid arthritis

1-use sound English that free of typos and grammar errors .
2- use scientific word
3- use standard word letter format 8.5*11
4-use standard font new times roman ,size 12
5-please use 1.5 line spacing
6-use normal page margins spaced 1 inchworm all edges
7-please dedicate the first page to the title of essay only
8- last page for references only
9- 3 pages only for essay
10-so the total pages are 5 :first only topic, second ,third, fourth for essay and the fifth one only references
11- At least 5 recent articles should be included and references should be included in the text as number(1)not written
12-No plagiarizm
13- 10 ( recent )references should be in the fifth page .
14- write about etiology ,clinical manifestation, complication and dental management of patient with rheumatoid arthritis .
15-the word count( 1330)

The Rationale behind whether Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor/ Odontogenic Keratocyst is a tumor or a cyst

Your Assignment for this course is to discuss the following;

– The Rationale behind whether Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor/ Odontogenic Keratocyst is a tumor or a cyst.

Upload a word document not exceeding 3 pages with font size 12 – minimum 500 words not exceeding 1500 words

References should be listed at least 5 journal articles in the Harvard referencing style – do not reference a book

Plagiarism will be checked ( do NOT copy and paste)

The cause and effect of The French Revolution

Compare and contrast the causes and consequences of the Industrial and French Revolutions. Be certain to thoroughly discuss multiple aspects of what you find to be the most important or interesting similarities and/or differences among the causes & consequences of these Revolutions. Be certain to directly cite abundant primary source evidence from our course books.
*Open Attached Files*

Assignment 2: History of Chemistry

art 1: In this assignment you will first identify your selection. Give the history of the person, his/her research that won them the Nobel Peace Prize. Also, share the process as to how the winner is chosen. Finally, state why you selected this person in your assignment.
Part 2: Provide Feedback to me if this assisted in giving you a better understanding of the History of Chemistry and what could be done differently (3 paragraph maximum).

The internet and its impact on human behavior

Informative Synthesis Essay, Integrate the three sources into a unified and coherent essay. What those 3 sources say about the topic. No personal stories and no opinions. this is more of a summery comparing and contrasting what these articles say about the topic. If possible do not use quotes. rather summery/paraphrasing of what the articles is saying. The paper will be graded by its quality selection and use of sources, how well the sources are understood and contextualized, how truthful are the summaries to the original works, and if it has pointed out major similarities and differences among them. This paper should have alternating structure. ( Paragraph about for example depressios, opinion A, opinion B, Opinion C, from articles, next paragraph…main point and the 3 opinions on it. There is no requirement for the proper citation of sources within the text and at the end of essay. So long as you clearly indicate your own ideas and ideas borrowed from the sources, you will be fine. Follow as well standard essay conventions of thesis, organization, support, and the correct use of language and punctuation.

The three articles to be used in the synthesis must address the same issue; the closer they are in addressing the same/similar topic, the easier it is for you to discuss their similarities and differences.

This is Source 1
Pick another 2 that have common topics that are contrasted and compared these have to be scholarly sources .

I also included sample synthesis.

Government Research paper

1.Go to (Pew Click on “Where Do You Fit?” to find out the typology you belong. After you complete the typology survey and get your results. (I take this survey and I am “market skeptic republicans”
2.Write a two (2) page summary on YOUR typology group and why YOU fit into that group by giving me 6-8 good examples of issues or policies which you feel very strongly about which supports that typology description. This is an opportunity for you to do some self-reflection about where you fit on the political spectrum. You MAY write this first part of the paper in the “first person”because it is dealing with YOUR typology and it is purely your self-reflection and opinion.
3.Take some time to “review”the 8 other typology groups. You will find a navigation bar underneath your typology page which lists all the groups. You will want to familiarize yourself with the other typology groups so you can properly classify the politicians which will make up the body of your research.
4.Choose any 3 of the following people. Classify each into a SEPARATE, SINGLE, typology. Explain, using examples from their public life in office (policies, laws they supported, etc.), why you chose the group that you did for each individual.You should have a MINIMUM of two (2) pages per politician.This paper should be a MINIMUM OF 8PAGES(C Work)long and a maximum of 12pages–it CAN be longer, without penalty.The Total Paper should be 9-10 pages on average!!
Politicians to Choose from (Select ONLY 3)
George W. Bush
John Cornyn
Joe Biden
Lindsey Graham
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Pete Buttigieg
Donald Trump
Elizabeth Warren
Amy Klobuchar
Mike Pence
Gregg Abbott
Barack Obama
Mitch McConnell
Ted Cruz
Nancy Pelosi
(Note –there are exactly the same number of Democrats as there are Republicans)This is a research paper. You need to follow MLA formattingIncluding “in text” citation with works cited page, etc.
***Classify each person into only 1 TYPOLOGY PROFILE GROUP.***

Critically assess the extent to which development perspectives are technologically Critically assess the extent to which development perspectives are technologically deteminist in an essay of up to 1200 words.deteminist in an essay of up to 1200 words.

You will need to be familiar with the Block 5 material to help you develop arguments about how far development perspectives are technologically determinist or not.
As you carry out your initial research, make sure you are capturing relevant information by taking notes. An outline essay plan can be useful here – you can add notes and references under the relevant headings as you read so that at the end of the research stage you have a set of notes which match what the question is asking for. When transforming your notes into the essay, remember that you are being asked to discuss critically the extent to which development perspectives are technologically determinist. This might mean starting with defining what technological determinism means, and why it is important in understanding development perspectives.
Then you might want to select two or three development perspectives, say for example modernisation and dependency, and discuss critically the extent to which they are technologically determinist. Critically assessing means trying to look at the issue from a number of angles. In other words, might modernisation be more technologically determinist than dependency for example, or are they both equally so, and why might that be the case? In what ways is modernisation (and dependency) technologically determinist, or not. If it is, then how technologically determinist is it? It is weakly determinist, or strongly determinist, in your view? Why? Wherever you develop an argument try to back it up with evidence from the writings.
As always, you should try to use a good range of material from across Block 5 to develop and evidence your arguments, and you may also wish to incorporate material from earlier blocks , though bear in mind the limited space and be sure that all your use of additional material contributes effectively to your discussion.
You are asked to develop an overall argument, based on the material you have studied, and also your evaluation of the views/approaches of others. At the heart of this question is coming to a judgement on the extent to which development perspectives are technologically determinist. Your essay should conclude with a direct response to the question, based on the overall argument of the essay.
Markers will be expecting your information sources to be referenced, and incorrect or insufficiently comprehensive referencing will affect your marks (see Section 6 of the Module Guide). As before, do refer to your tutor’s feedback on previous TMAs to help you.