social Welfare

A policy brief is a form of policy analysis that integrates three important objectives for social welfare policy education in social work: analyzing, formulating, and influencing social policy. Rather than separating policy analysis from policy formulation and policy influence or policy advocacy, by writing a “paper” that is a policy analysis paper, a policy brief is really not a paper, per se. A policy brief is written in a different “voice” than a student paper. It is written in a way that is designed to inform and influence key individuals and organizations.

For your policy brief, select one of the following policy areas discussed in your text and in class, such as poverty, discrimination, social insurance, and public assistance programs, criminal justice, housing, healthcare, child welfare, tax/income distribution, and food.

The purpose of your policy analysis is to share information through a presentation to your classmates about a policy that is important for social workers to know about. Each student will present as though they are at a professional conference. Students may present using a PowerPoint presentation or a poster. The presentation should summarize the information covered in their Policy Brief paper.

● The Policy Brief has the following seven sections:
1) Goal Statement
2) Scope of the Problem
3) Past Policy
4) Current Policy
5) Proposed Solutions
6) 3-6 Key Organizations/Individuals /Letter to a “Key Organization or Individual”
7) Involvement of Local Communities
8) Involvement of Faith Community
9) Bibliography

● Overall, the assignment will be 15 pages at least in length (excluding the bibliography). The Policy Brief Final should be double-spaced but with two spaces between sections.

Attached is the textbook you must use that for resource, please. The topic I’m leaning towards is healthcare. Please use scholarly or peer review articles.

attached are some websites depend on the topic. Please use

Diagnostic Approaches

For this assignment, consider the following case vignette:

Annie is a 13-year-old Asian American girl—the youngest child in a family of four older siblings. Her parents are both high school teachers and came to United States from India to attend college and stayed to raise a family together. They travel as a family to India several weeks of every year to be with extended family. Annie understands some phrases in the dialect spoken by her extended family, but she and her sisters consistently speak to their parents in English. When Annie was 5 years old, she was hospitalized for three weeks for a serious illness. Since that time, she has been in good health, but has struggled with her fears and anxiety.

Annie is extremely shy and avoids situations in which she needs to interact with new people or large groups. She worries about making mistakes in her schoolwork and becomes extremely anxious when taking tests. Sometimes, she becomes so nervous that her heart races; she begins to tremble and has difficulty breathing. Annie is also afraid of the dark and does not want to be alone in her room at night. She often requires the presence of one of her parents or older sisters until she falls asleep. As her oldest three sisters have left home to pursue their education and careers, the family is finding Annie’s need for reassurance more burdensome.

Imbalance in Care

Create a concept map that represents the relationship and factors creating the imbalance/mal-distribution between primary and specialty physician care in the United States healthcare system.

Please include a brief 1-2 page summary of your diagram to explain its contents; this can be viewed as what you would say in a in a presentation of your diagram

Islamic Middle ages

Answer 4 of the six questions and the final opinion essay
Do questions 1, 3, 5, and 6. There will be more info uploaded. Only use the documents attached , outside sources are not allowed, each question should be apx 250 words

Micropac Industries Inc

You will have to do these 3 bullets points
1. Overview of the assignment, team members
2. Overview of the Company( Micropac Industries) including analysis of historical income and cash flow(excel sheet). Make sure to include that We are forecastings the financial statements ballace sheet, Income statement and statement of cashflow alswo we are calculating WACC all these items are forecasted for 3 to 5 year at growth rate of 4.5% at 6% means
You will have to talk about the numbers of planning period and growth rate for planning period.
Also here is the list of 10k of the cpmany where you can find what s the company about or other stuff

3. Discussion of the Company’s industry with focus on outlook and competitors( Emcore corporation, Intest corporation and Applied Optoelectronics, Inc.)

Toddlers & Symbolic Violence Discussion

I’m attaching my dissertation paper. The instructions are included in the document Discussion instructions. I would also like you to edit/proofread the whole paper and make any needed changes (please highlight any you do).

Disaster Recovery Plan – What essential questions do you think need to be asked when attempting to design a disaster recovery plan?

Essay Topic:

1. The disaster planning cycle is extensive and can prepare organizations, agencies, and individuals to be better able to whether a disastrous event.

2. Recovery is significant as an organization must initiate the process for resuming operations.

3. What essential questions do you think need to be asked when attempting to design a disaster recovery plan?

Assessing Desegregation Efforts in Schools

Assess the success of school desegregation efforts in the United States in the years since the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. What large scale social policies have affected this question? What role do day-to-day decisions made by individuals and families play?