Student can choose subject. I would like to writter to choose

Please see document attached below for essay requirements. Also, please do not use the internet as a source of research or information. Please do not send me an essay that was written for previous students or other people. To receive a grade, I am required to summit my essay to an online platform that will check for plagiarism. This includes papers/essays students have submitted for various universities. If another student has turned this paper in, my professor will know it.

progressive era

Create a thread for your 1000-word short essay. The theme is: “Ambiguity in History.” You will need to find a topic that we have covered in class up to this point (a person, an era, a war, a battle, etc.) and then investigate that topic analyzing the “ambiguity” in sources/information. To phrase this another way: find a topic that interests you that we have covered this semester, and talk about how history, specifically your chosen topic, can be ambiguous (as in, how facts can be “inconclusive” or even contradictory, or how perspectives on history are shaped by culture.) An example from another class (so that I don’t use any of your ideas) would be explaining possible reasons for how the numbers of casualties from the War of 1812 are unclear, and how the war is taught differently in American schools versus British and Canadian schools.

You must find at least two opposing expert sources for your chosen topic, but they have to be the same type of account: either both sources have to be primary/eye-witness accounts, or both have to be secondary accounts/reviews/perspectives of your chosen topic. Finally, after summarizing the two opposing views and explaining how they’re similar and different, analyze and explain (in your own words) how certain events/people/eras/etc. can be distorted or clouded with regards to history. Conclude your essay by stating which viewpoint you believe is more accurate, and then discuss if you believe that your own perspectives and culture have influenced your research and opinions on the sources.

Use Turabian/Chicago format for your essay; this means using the link provided below to help format the citations for your two sources in a Works Cited/Bibliography page AND footnotes.

Answer the Questions

Answer the following questions.
In total, the word count should be 385 words

Chapter 24. Describe the situation of farmers in the 1920s. Was this decade good for them economically and morally?

Film Discussion: After watching Boom to Bust, describe the atmosphere or attitude of 1920s America. Could the average American have known it was all going downhill?
Video Link:


Setting Personal Leadership Goals
In Module 1, you began the process of developing a Leadership Growth Plan (LGP) with a thorough self-assessment. In Module 2, you established your vision, identified obstacles to achieving that vision, and made plans to overcome the obstacles. In this module, you will continue to develop your LGP by setting goals and conducting an assessment of resources you will need to accomplish your goals. The outcome of this exercise is a 2- to 3-page plan that specifies 3 to 4 goals you would like to accomplish in the next year and sets clear objectives for what you will need to do to achieve them.
Keys to the Assignment
Perhaps the hardest part of setting goals is getting started. Begin by considering the following:
1. Ask yourself: “What do I need to be doing in order to achieve my vision?” Think in terms of what you can accomplish by next year. These are the milestones that describe your goals. They define what you intend to do.
2. Next, look at each goal separately and ask yourself:
o “What do I need to do to reach this goal?”
o “What skills do I need to acquire?”
o “What new knowledge do I need?”
The answers to these three questions constitute your objectives.

• Include a cover page and reference page in addition to the 2-3 pages of analysis described above.
• Your paper should have an introduction and a conclusion, but the main part of the assignment may be a well-constructed, professionally designed table.
• Use headings to indicate major sections of the report.
• Cite and reference any outside sources.
• Use APA formatting.
• Proofread and edit your papers carefully. The expectation is zero errors.

Early cold war/ korean war

Create a thread for your 1000-word short essay. The theme is: “Ambiguity in History.” You will need to find a topic that we have covered in class up to this point (a person, an era, a war, a battle, etc.) and then investigate that topic analyzing the “ambiguity” in sources/information. To phrase this another way: find a topic that interests you that we have covered this semester, and talk about how history, specifically your chosen topic, can be ambiguous (as in, how facts can be “inconclusive” or even contradictory, or how perspectives on history are shaped by culture.) An example from another class (so that I don’t use any of your ideas) would be explaining possible reasons for how the numbers of casualties from the War of 1812 are unclear, and how the war is taught differently in American schools versus British and Canadian schools.

You must find at least two opposing expert sources for your chosen topic, but they have to be the same type of account: either both sources have to be primary/eye-witness accounts, or both have to be secondary accounts/reviews/perspectives of your chosen topic. Finally, after summarizing the two opposing views and explaining how they’re similar and different, analyze and explain (in your own words) how certain events/people/eras/etc. can be distorted or clouded with regards to history. Conclude your essay by stating which viewpoint you believe is more accurate, and then discuss if you believe that your own perspectives and culture have influenced your research and opinions on the sources.

Use Turabian/Chicago format for your essay; this means using the link provided below to help format the citations for your two sources in a Works Cited/Bibliography page AND footnotes.

Chapter Analysis

This chapter analysis is on a chapter in a book i will post all the pictures and everything for you in uploaded files

Current Event Budgetary Issue

Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a proposed budgetary change. Summarize the article. What is the issue?
Explain who benefits most from the change? Who might be negatively affected by this change? What is your opinion? Length: 3 full pages (not including the title or references page)
1-inch margins
12-point Times New Roman font
Title and Reference page required
APA cite article with link
Scan copy of article required

Can I Ask a Question?” ESOL and Mainstream Teachers Engaging in Distributed and Distributive Learning to Support English Language Learners’ Text Comprehension By Megan Madigan Peercy, Melinda Martin-Beltrán, Rebecca D. Silverman, & Stephanie J. Nunn (2015) Journal

This is a Research paper to be critiqued and written in the form of a report.
Can I Ask a Question?”
ESOL and Mainstream Teachers Engaging in Distributed and Distributive Learning
to Support English Language Learners’ Text Comprehension
By Megan Madigan Peercy, Melinda Martin-Beltrán, Rebecca D. Silverman, & Stephanie J. Nunn

it is attached. if you can’t open it, you can locate it in Google Scholar.

Research Criteria

Write a brief introduction of this paper then critically analyse the methods used in carrying out the research including your views (my views as a trainee teacher) on the suitability of the methods (s), the ability of the methods to meet the research goal and the data collection instruments. Identify and describe the strengths and weaknesses of the methods as used in the research.
Analyse the possible implications of the findings for teaching and learning in my subject specialist area (which is ESOL for Adult learners, remember to use ‘I would likely teach using this method or say to an extent it would work but it might not work etc) and say why.

I have attached an example of writing the report, please use it as a guide only. This has been submitted previously, so do not copy it.

Reading List has also been submitted previously for a similar task only with a little amendment to instructions. Use it as a guide, and include the main references for Methodology, Teacher Standard, Education and Training Foundation (2014) and Teaching and Learning ESOL Adult students at beginners level.
For references: use Google Scholar, Wiley Online Library. Ebscohost is a good stop point for books and journals. please ensure you include page numbers in the citations for example (Bell, 2016, p.1), it is my university’s expectation.

Use Harvard referencing and minimum 10 sources relating to Research, Methodologies, Findings and analysing and Implications and finally Teaching and Learning with its application in practice.
