
. Papers are to be a minimum of 500 words and should be divided into paragraphs of 100 – 150 words each. The aim of the paper is to be able to exhibit that you understand the material you have read and that you have thought about the material enough to have some kind of response to it

Applying Research Skills

Please see all attached, APA style format, 4 pages, title page, reference page, please follow scoring guide, aiming for distinguished grade

Organizational Behaviors

Choose a company and analyze an organizational behavior problem or strength that they have.
What organizational concept can help with this
1. Choose a company(not google or south west airlines
2. Define the problem or strength
3. Identify the organizational behavior concept from the textbook that addresses the
problem or what concept can be attributed to their success.
4. Conclusion of your findings.
see attached reference

Continuity of operation (COOP) exercise. – Prioritize these issues and how will you resolve each issue?

Your agency has recently conducted a continuity of operation (COOP) exercise. The after-action report highlights the following issues:

The call-down roster was not current.
The Continuity Program Manager was on temporary duty. The delegation of authority delegated an individual who retired 2 months ago.
Cell phones did not work in the continuity facility.
Some vital records were not up to date.
The continuity facility had supplies for only 3 days of operations.
Headquarters badges did not work for access to the continuity facility.
Prioritize these issues and how will you resolve each issue? Discuss with your peers.

Consulting: Recommendation as a consultant for the company VieTire

The two attached file below included:
1. The case prompt about the company VieTire
2. A sample presentation (not for this case but just a sample for how you should present the solution as a presentation)
This is a team project so your part is to answer the recommendation part basing on 3 questions below for the case prompt:
1.What potential solutions would you identify for the client?
2.What actions would you recommend to the client?
3.What resources would be needed to execute your plan?
PLEASE NOTE: You should search online resources so as to understand clearly about the company and then you can give the solution. After giving the solution (and you can include the appendix if needed to the presentation), please provide me a paper (or the speaker note for each slide) with specific instruction of what you want me to say for each slide so I can just read it directly. Thank you! If you have any question please text me via the website or my email

Government Sectors

– the threat government sectors face
– identity strategies to reduce its vulnerability
– cover page
– introduction arguments
– discussion/analysis in each body paragraph
– paper number and references
– double spaced
– times roman 12


1.Define the meaning of “Quality Management”. What elements and activities are key to Quality Management?
2. What is the difference between Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC)? Be specific.
3. Independence and authority are essential elements of a Quality System. Who needs to be independent, and what and whose authority is important?
4. Discuss the reasons and justifications for regulations. What basic tasks, policies, and principles should regulatory agencies follow in their administration and enforcement of regulations?
5. Compliance = Consistency, Records, and Training. What does this mean? Explain.
6. What are the tools and elements that are used in the creation and enforcement of regulations?