Info attached

***make good use of the two articles from the text as well as two (2) of the assigned articles in the Abortion Review source. You may also use additional academic resources.


Describe a specific plan of action: what you will do to develop a vision and implementation for your project, who will be involved, what resources you will need to accomplish the project, who will need to be communicated with and how communication will be accomplished, and how you will evaluate the project. This part of the project plan should be at least five paragraphs of 3-7 sentences each. You may write more, as needed.
Write a conclusion. This part of the project plan should be at least one paragraph of 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as need
Write an introduction to this section that is at least one paragraph of 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as needed.
Anticipated Results
Summarize the anticipated results of your project. Provide details of what successful change would look like after your project had been fully implemented. Use scholarly research to support your claims. This part should include at least two paragraphs of 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as needed
Standards Alignment
This part of the Educational Leadership project requires you to evaluate your project by breaking down the project and aligning the various aspects of the project to the appropriate standards: (Florida Leadership Standards; Wisconsin Administrator Standards; ISLLC Standards; NETS Administrator Standards). This part of section five should include at least one paragraphs of 3-7 sentences for each standard you choose to address. You may write more, as needed. In addition, this part of the capstone project requires you to reflect on your own leadership disposition and describe what you have discovered about yourself while taking on this leadership role. This part of section five should include at least two paragraphs of 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as needed.
Personal Reflection
Here, reflect on your own leadership disposition, and describe what you have discovered about yourself in taking on this leadership role. Discuss what you have learned from doing this project, what it means to you, and how you will apply it to your school setting. This part of section five should include at least five paragraphs of 3-7 sentences each. You may write more, as need

The Effects of Climate Change on Mountain Ecosystems within Different Elevations

Term paper guidelines for Undergraduate students:
Write a paper on a biogeographic topic that is of interest to you. The term paper should be based on a review and synthesis of three articles published in the Journal of Biogeography. Therefore, the three articles should be on a related topic, although they may be published in different years, about different places, involving different approaches or research methodologies, or represent research done by different authors or groups. The following is an example of related papers.
1. Urbieta, I. R., Zavala M. A., Marañón, T. (2008), Human and non- human determinants of forest composition in southern Spain: evidence of shifts towards cork oak dominance as a result of management over the past century. Journal of Biogeography 35: 1688-1700.
2. Kaniewski D., De Laet, V., Paulissen. E., Waelkens, M. (2007), Long-term effects of human impact on mountainous ecosystems, western Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Journal of Biogeography 34: 1975-1997
3. Bürgi, M., Russell, E. W. B., Motzkin, G. (2000), Effects of postsettlement human activities on forest composition in the north- eastern United States: a comparative approach. Journal of Biogeography 27: 1123-1138.
Even though these papers deal with different places and ecosystems (forest composition in Spain, mountainous ecosystems in Turkey, temperate forest in the US), they all relate to human impact on the vegetation. In your term paper, you should synthesize the research objectives, methods, main results, and significance of these papers. Don’t just paraphrase or copy the abstracts! The most important thing is that you try to understand the contribution of these studies, synthesize them, and discuss in your own words the linkage among them.
Your term paper should be 6-10 pages long, double spaced, including figures or tables (if necessary). You must list at the beginning of the term paper the three articles that you review. Also include an abstract of no more than 150 words. Follow the citation format of the Journal of Biogeography.

The topic of my essay will discuss the effects of climate change on mountain ecosystems at different elevations. I have included the 3 journal articles references from the Journal of Biogeography I would like to use and also pertain to this topic.

Automation meets operations Management

Robotics Process Automation, Robotic Process design, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles are considerations in many if not all organizations today.What factor are driving automation or robotic process, what is the operational significance of automation or robotics.

Writing instructions for a semi-complex task.

Attached will be an image showcasing a template for you to use and fill out. Can be done prior to the writing task or afterwards. Format does not have to be identical to template.
Also attached will be a word doc with explicit directions for this writing task. At least one documented source is encouraged.

asthma (respiratory system)

in the research be sure to talk about the Name of disease which is asthma
 History of the disease
 Description of disease,
 Effects on other body systems
 Cause of disease
 Signs and symptoms
 Diagnosis of the disease
 Complications, if any
 Treatment and side effects
and in the conclusion
 Brief mention of current or proposed research that may significantly impact the
 disease.
 Prevention strategies if any
 Your insight / opinion
you must focus on the anatomy & physiology of the disease/disorder. Cover
the normal anatomy & physiology of the organ system affected and then state what the
disease/disorder does to this organ system, and other organ systems

Develop a personal leadership plan

Your plan should consist of the following subject categories:

An introduction that includes a purpose or guiding statement. An analysis of your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. The establishment of three or four action goals and objectives for your development and growth as a leader.
Rationales for these goals and objectives.
Reflections on the lessons you learned from engaging in the process of developing a personal leadership development plan. References.