It’s ten years in the future – the year 2030

Describe your vision of how you will manage your personal finances in 2030. INCLUDE how you will pay for things, save, and borrow. Imagine how your CREDIT UNION will help make that vision a reality. Any information that is not the original idea of the applicant NEEDS to be CITED as the source of the information.

*INFO: In 2030, I would have been graduated from Penn State Behrend, majored in International Business, and get a related job(like financial analyst). I would have to pay off my student loan which would be like $20,000.

*IMPORTANT : this is a CREDIT UNION scholarship essay. PLEASE write like how credit union would be BENEFICIAL for me in 2030. Thank you.

Bipolar Disorder

1.The statements in the writing are logical.
2.The statements in the writing are supported with evidence or explanation.
3.The ideas expressed in the writing convey a level of critical thinking/creativity appropriate to the course.

All information was complete. Introductory paragraph contains a thesis statement and opening paragraph maps out the content for the paper.

Nursing Diagnosis & Planning
1.The relationship between ideas in the writing is clear.
2.The ideas expressed in the writing is organized.
3.The writing guides the reader through a clear progression of ideas.

rationales were clearly stated.

Identified arguments against application into the nursing practice. If not stated identify what some opposing views could be.

All content is contained within your paper.


Evaluation is clear based on the patients needs and is complete and able to be understood by the reader.

Coherence/APA Format
Minimum of 500 words, include a copy of article. The ideas expressed in the writing are clear and not seriously impeded by any of the following:
1.Faulty syntax.
2.Faulty documentation.
3.Faulty grammar, usage, or mechanics.

The paper is complete and the APA format is correct.

Need 2 sources in APA format

History of World Societies

While watching the youtube clips and through your own research…Answer the following questions in essay form.

1. What are the similarities and main differences between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all three religions coming from common, though not identical scriptural foundations?

2. Shortly after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Arab-Muslims embarked on a massive empire-building across the Middle East, Asia, North Africa and Europe. Explain the rise (and fall) of the Islamic Empire (Caliphate) between 632 and 1258 CE.

3. Beyond political structures of empire, Islam also created a vast, but distinct, civilization. Explain aspects of Islamic Civilization in the areas of law, education, science, urbanization and social structure.

Corporal punishment negative effects in children

Argumentative essay
I would like to the thesis to state that corporal punishment can leads to aggressive behavior, poor parents- child relationship, Depression, and corporal punishment should be avoid.
no source in the introduction and the conclusion.
with transitional words to each paragraph
source : book.,periodic, journal

• Tuberculosis ( respiratory system )

you must focus on the anatomy & physiology of the disease/disorder. Cover
the normal anatomy & physiology of the organ system affected and then state what the
disease/disorder does to this organ system, and other organ systems. In other words, if
you are picking tuberculosis, I do not want you to go too much in detail about the
bacteria that causes it but how the bacteria escape our body’s defenses and what the
bacteria do to the lungs, bones, etc. in the body of the paper please be sure to talk about
 History of the disease
 Description of disease Effects on other body systems
 Cause of disease
 Signs and symptoms
 Diagnosis of the disease
 Complications, if any
 Treatment and side effects
and in the conclusion
 Brief mention of current or proposed research that may significantly impact the
 disease.
 Prevention strategies if any
 Your insight / opinion

Six Sigma Green Belt Case Study complete remaining case

Looking for the completion of a partially completed Six Sigma Green Belt Case Study which is also attached (file name ‘Six Sigma (1) AU’).

Attached is the Villanova Case Study Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (SSG1220 Student Guide Lean Six Sigma Project Final Villanova_V2)
Also attached are project tools (A & B) and Tools templates.

Looking for the remaining sections of the Case Study to be completed (see attached file ‘Six_Sigma (1) AU’)

What I need are in the ( highlighted in Yellow) Measure Sections (3. Histogram, 4. Motorola Shift & 5. Process Performance), in the Analyze Section (1. Stem & Leaf Plot and 4. Two Staff Members), and the Entire Improve and Control sections completed.

Journal Entry

answer journal entry 16 and 18 questions and do the argument essay outline not do journal entry 17