An Inspector Calls

‘We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other.’ (Priestley)
Consider how ‘an inspector calls’ powerfully conveys the theme of collective responsibility?

. Engage clearly with the terms of the question in each paragraph
. Include personal response
. Show detailed knowledge/ knowledge of implicit meanings and themes
. Make sure you explore effects of language devices
. Make sure you explore the effect of dramatic dervices/ dramatic structure
. Make reference to effect on audience


Explore at least two metrics used in HR analytics, outside of any used for recruitment and staffing (might be general, compensation, training, etc). Describe those metrics and how they are used. Include how you interpret the data and the predictive results of these data?

criminal law

Assessment Information

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the theoretical principles underlying criminal law;

2. Utilise a wide range of specialist skills in order to analyse and evaluate the principles of criminal law and relevant case law as applied in practice;

3. Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the principles of criminal law and formulate responses to various hypothetical scenarios.

This assignment is an individual assignment.

Please write a paper including the following elements:
1) Problem question (max 250 words): Please draft a problem-based scenario concerning an imaginary case of murder incorporating the legal problems addressed by the courts in the following cases:
R v Cunningham (Anthony Barry) [1982] AC 566
R v Clinton (Jon-Jacques) [2013] QB 1
R v Blaue (Robert Konrad) (1975) 61 Cr App R 271

Your task is not to repeat the facts of the cases but to apply the ratio from the relevant cases to an imaginary set of facts that you will create yourself.

2) Solution (max 750 words): Please draft a solution to your problem question applying the legal principles employed by the courts in the above-cited cases and using, if necessary, any other relevant case or statutes.

Criteria for Assessment

When marking the coursework particular regard will be given to the following:

• Knowledge and understanding of the relevant law
• Identification of relevant issues
• Identification and selection, through appropriate research, of relevant sources and materials
• Ability to explain and comment the relevant law and related theories

• Clear and logical organisation of the paper
• Ability to construct logical and coherent arguments

• Appropriate use of legal language
• Accurate spelling, grammar and sentence construction
• Ability to write within set word limits (see below).

diabetes ( chemistry)

this is a chemistry research,For the paper, use size 12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced. Include a title page and a reference page and these do not count as one of the 3 to 4 pages. Each student will write this paper in his/her own words and must include all references

Parent engagement

Describe the goal(s) of your project and the direct relation to student achievement. You should write one paragraph for each goal of your project, and each paragraph should be 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as needed.
Action Plan
Describe a specific plan of action: what you will do to develop a vision and implementation for your project, who will be involved, what resources you will need to accomplish the project, who will need to be communicated with and how communication will be accomplished, and how you will evaluate the project. This part of the project plan should be at least five paragraphs of 3-7 sentences each. You may write more, as needed.
Write a conclusion. This part of the project plan should be at least one paragraph of 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as need
Write an introduction to this section that is at least one paragraph of 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as needed.
Anticipated Results
Summarize the anticipated results of your project. Provide details of what successful change would look like after your project had been fully implemented. Use scholarly research to support your claims. This part should include at least two paragraphs of 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as needed
Standards Alignment
This part of the Educational Leadership project requires you to evaluate your project by breaking down the project and aligning the various aspects of the project to the appropriate standards: (Florida Leadership Standards; Wisconsin Administrator Standards; ISLLC Standards; NETS Administrator Standards). This part of section five should include at least one paragraphs of 3-7 sentences for each standard you choose to address. You may write more, as needed. In addition, this part of the capstone project requires you to reflect on your own leadership disposition and describe what you have discovered about yourself while taking on this leadership role. This part of section five should include at least two paragraphs of 3-7 sentences. You may write more, as needed.
Personal Reflection
Here, reflect on your own leadership disposition, and describe what you have discovered about yourself in taking on this leadership role. Discuss what you have learned from doing this project, what it means to you, and how you will apply it to your school setting. This part of section five should include at least five paragraphs of 3-7 sentences each. You may write more, as need

property law essay

1. Understand and evaluate the concepts of ownership, possession and title in property law and the differences between legal and equitable rights in property;
2. Demonstrate, by analysing, reformatting and evaluating information , an understanding of the principles underlying property law with specific reference to land law;
4. Using a range of specialist skills, demonstrate an ability to evaluate and apply the principles of land law to various hypothetical scenarios;
5. Analyse and evaluate proposals for reform (where applicable).

1. ‘A complete and accurate register of title of land is a foolish endeavour due to the continuing recognition of overriding interests.’
Discuss the statement by reference to the relevant legislation. In support of your answer, you must discuss TWO of the decided cases concerning overriding interests.
2. Joyce is the freehold owner of ‘Ivy Cottage’ and decides in the summer of 2019 to rent out this small property in order to bring in some much needed income. In September 2019, Joyce rented ‘Ivy Cottage’ to Carlos and Faye, two local university students. Carlos and Faye are an unmarried couple and this is first time that they will be living together. Joyce insists that they sign separate agreements, which they do. Each document is labelled as a ‘Licence

Contract’ and includes an express term that the document is not to be viewed as a lease. The stated licence fee for the property is £400 per month. On the advice of her son, Joyce has included a clause specifying that she is entitled to rent the property to another occupier if any of the students leave before the end of the University year. The document also states that Joyce is within her rights as the owner to move in to the property whenever she chooses. Moreover, Joyce expressly reserves the right to enter the property at any time to check the meter readings. Joyce has also retained a set of keys to the property.
Recently, a local resident, Mrs Bucket, sent several letters of complaint to Joyce and the local council about the increase in the number of late parties that have been taking place at Ivy Cottage which is tarnishing the image of the neighborhood. Joyce is upset and embarrassed by the situation and demands that Carlos and Faye move out immediately. Faye and Carlos have a huge argument about the situation which ultimately ends with Faye ending their relationship. Faye packs her bags and leaves the property the following day. Carlos telephones Joyce and tells her that Faye’s leaving is all her fault and that he has no intention of leaving the property.
Advise Carlos as to the legal nature of the document that he signed.
Criteria for Assessment
When marking the coursework, particular regard will be given to the following:
 Identification of relevant issues;
 Selection of relevant material;
 Knowledge of relevant subject;
 Evidence of broader research;
 Evidence of understanding;
 Application;
 Fluent argument;
 Proficient writing;
 Appropriate referencing.
You should include a bibliography. You should use footnotes.
You should use the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) referencing style.