Research paper on drop out rates

A. Compose an appropriate, arguable thesis statement that previews two to four main points and that you plan to use in your research paper.

B. Create an annotated bibliography of eight to ten appropriate, credible sources that you plan to use in your research paper.

Note: You may use the attached “Annotated Bibliography Template” to complete your annotated bibliography, but use of the attached template is not required.

1. Provide a full, APA-formatted reference citation for the 8–10 sources.
2. Provide an annotation (suggested length of 150 words) for each of the 8–10 sources by doing the following:
a. Summarize the information presented in the source.
b. Analyze the credibility of the author of the source or of the publication (e.g. journal, publisher, or website), if no author is present.
c. Analyze the relevance of the source to your chosen research topic.
3. Write each annotation in your own words, without the excessive use of direct quotation or extensive paraphrasing, for the 8–10 sources from part B.

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy

Joseph Schumpeter, in his classic book Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, argued that “adequacy of the human material of politics is particularly important for the success of democratic government” (290). In other words, he argues that, even in democratic societies, an ideal leader must have certain qualifications or characteristics that set them apart from the average citizen. What kind of person would Randolph Bourne describe as the ideal political leader? Identify at least three qualities or characteristics. How does his vision differ from traditional understandings of leadership?


You will submit a 2 page paper on any of the ethical delimmas discussed in this course. For example: , Abortion, stemcell research and others discussed in this course. This paper must be typed double spaced with a cover page APA format and correct grammar. select one article and summarize it then give your personal perspective on it . This article most be from a reputable source. (Wikipedia Web MD are NOT reputable).

Annotated Bibliography

An Annotated Bibliography is a way to collect sources and provide brief summaries for each entry. It is formatted much differently than a traditional essay, and has specific formatting expectations that must be followed. An Annotated Bibliography allows you to organize your research in a method that is beneficial when constructing your larger essay. It is also helpful when using multiple sources that cover various topics. This will be a resource that you can use both when prewriting for Writing Project 3 and when you write your actual essay.

The Components of an Annotated Bibliography:
There are different requirements for bibliographies depending on the assignment, the instructor, etc.; however, there are general similarities that exist. For this class, you will need to include the following information for each source.
o Citation: Each annotation should begin with a formal citation in MLA format. This would mimic what would be included on a Works Cited page.
o Summarize: Provide a brief summary of the piece. Included in this should be the general “big picture” takeaways from the readings and some relevant key points.
o Assess: Review the bias, credibility, effectiveness, etc. of the piece. Was it effective? What made it a quality piece? What made it ineffective?
o Reflect: Determine how this piece is beneficial to you and the piece you will be constructing. Where would it fit in your essay?
Although more information may be included, the above expectations are the minimum requirements that must be covered in all annotations.

Assignment Expectations:
• MLA format
• Minimum of 8 sources
• Keep in mind that not all sources HAVE to be used in your Writing Project 3 Essay. This is an exploratory assignment. You are still learning about your topic and gathering a plethora of information to do so; this Bib is a reflection of that.

This has to flow with the essay that is attached.
I also attached the instruction from the teacher too.
thank you some much.


see attached file for reading
Reflect on the main topics discussed make connection between different sociological theories or approaches.
This is not a summary of the readings
Provide insight on what reflections the readings have provoked

Introduction to Criminology

Tony was a 16-year-old juvenile who was picked up for driving under the influence of alcohol and possession of marijuana. He was evaluated and taken to juvenile detention.

When speaking to the juvenile justice probation officer, Tony stated that drinking and marijuana was not a serious issue and that his parents did it all the time. With this statement, the juvenile probation officer realized that this was not a one-time thing and that it was related to an unhealthy home environment. The decision was made to send Tony to a treatment program.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 2-3 pages:
What methods and techniques would be useful in a juvenile rehabilitation program to help Tony? Explain in detail.
Do you believe that Tony’s family should be part of this treatment? Why or why not?
Would he still be living in his home environment, or would he go into some type of halfway house? Fully explain your reasoning.
What would be the potential repercussions of allowing Tony to live at home? Explain.
What would be the potential repercussions of forcing Tony to live away from home? Explain.
Using the Internet, research the following addiction recovery programs:
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Rational Recovery
Relate the techniques of the programs to a cognitive learning theory or behavioral theory.
For example, you could consider any of the following:
Social learning theory by Bandura
Assimilation theory by Ausubel
Attribution theory by Weiner
Gestalt psychology by Tolman
How do program techniques from the 3 listed treatment programs relate to your selected theory? Explain.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

1) Law of succession 2)Family Law

Hi there,
there are two assignments in this order
1) Family Law 3000 words
Second 2) Law of succession 3000 words
Referencing OSCOLA on both assignments
Use as many cases to support the coursework academic resources only westlaw, lexisnexis library, law articles and books.
For any relevant questions feel free to contact me.

Human Resource Management

****HIS IS NOT AN ESSAY. DO NOT WRITE AN INTRODUCTION, COVER PAGE, SUBTITLES, OR CONCLUSION*** Just answer the questions with well supported resources no older than 5 years old.

In the case from chapter 25 ( attached word doc), we can see how the Chinese Automobile Manufacturer identified four major challenges with the help of HR. The major challenges found were competition, hard to attract talent, increase in wages was lower than provincial wages and a complex labor relations structure. In your initial post, evaluate the steps the organization took to reshape the labor relations structure into a successful and productive one. Recommend two IHRM processes and training of leaders, managers and employees that will help maintain the success of the organization. Present a strategy to make labor relations effective between all types of employees while maximizing their performance. Then provide two detailed and supported recommendations regarding how other international industry leaders can build successful and sustainable labor relations based on what you have learned from this case.

Personal Statement

I need a personal statement written for dental school. It has to be a story as to why i have decided to attend dental school. Information to incorporate: I wanted to become a dentist to make for a better environment for the children that come to my office. I have to incorporate how I played division 1 basketball and i gained many social skills through that, I have to incorporate how I went to volunteer abroad in Panama for “Floating dentists” a non profit and how it solidified my desire to help others. I have to incorporate how i am a first generation student and seeing my family struggle is why I want to pursue the field. It has to be like a story in first person as to why I fell in love with the idea of wanting to become a dentist.