Operations & Supply Chain Management- Skim Milk

Executive Summary: 1-page summary of the supply chain you researched and what you learned. A busy executive reading this should get a good idea of what you did and found. It is not just an introduction, it is a summary of your entire paper.

Description of the industry: SKIM MILK- No more than one page.

Discussion of the supply chain of your industry. Divide this discussion into sections that deal with the different players in the supply chain. Have headings for these sections.

Changes anticipated in the next 5-10 years

Challenges faced by this supply chain


References (these can’t all be vague references to some stuff you pulled off the web). Harvard Business Review, GoogleScholar exc.

Use sub-sections and sub-headings to organize the report and make it easier to read.

Network Administration Architecture

Each numbered item must be fully researched and discussed
References needed

Company Info
1. Provide a brief description of the organization (real or hypothetical) that will be used as the basis for the projects in the course.
2. Include the company’s size, location(s), and other pertinent information.

Architecture Evaluation
1. Appraise the current major systems and architecture of the chosen organization.
2. Provide an overview of the network administration architecture that is suitable for a nontechnical audience.
3.The areas of the organization that can benefit from the application of a network ad ministration analysis.
4. Compare and contrast at least 2 architectural models that might be suitable for your selected organization.
5. Select 1 of the architectural models reviewed in the previous step as the preferred model, and justify your selection.

Climate Change Skeptics

Should we restrict publication by climate change skeptics?
One horn of the dilemma is that threat of climate change is such that our failure to moderate our ways of life now may lead potentially to significant catastrophic effects on future generations if not the potential of global extinction for the human race. If the arguments of the climate skeptics should persuade people to ignore the threat, and the threat is true, this would be disastrous. So we ought to ban climate change skepticism, but this would be to deny the fundamental freedom of though and discussion.
The second horn of the dilemma is that we ban or suppress climate change skepticism and the effects for global warming turn out to be greatly exaggerated or false, we will have hindered the emergence of truth through censorship and engaged in a range of unnecessary policies at the expense of the welfare of current and future generations. If we adopt Mill’s arguments for freedom of speech, which horn of the dilemma is more attractive?

Use content from chapter 4 of the textbook and any other research you feel is necessary.

Culture and Health in Australia

Assessment One: Culture and Health
750word individual written assignment 20% of total mark
In addition to learning about First Nations cultures and understandings of health, cultural safety requires nurses and midwives to undertake an ongoing process of cultural self-awareness, and to reflect on how cultural identity impacts on understandings of health and what is considered appropriate healthcare.
This assignment requires you firstly to discuss the influence of cultural determinants on the health and wellbeing of First Nations people. You will then be asked to meaningfully reflect on your own cultural identity and how your identity impacts on your personal health beliefs and the choices you make regarding your health.
To maximise your marks, carefully review the assignment instructions (including the ‘TIPS’ provided for each section) and the marking rubric to ensure you fully understand the requirements. You are encouraged to have the instructions/marking rubric in front of you as you work on each assignment task. Irrelevant discussion which does not address the specific requirements of the assignment is simply wasting your word allowance since no marks can be awarded for information that does not directly relate to the assignment task.

Attached is the student handbook for the subject. You only require page 5-10 which has the assessment details. I have highlighted important things to know/include. Part 1 only needs 3 references APA style, 2 are to be peer reviewed and within the last 5 years. Part two doesn’t require any references. Prefer references from Australia as I am an Australian student. I have no cultural background which makes this tricky but I am respectful and aware of patients cultural beliefs and how I need to adapt to them when nursing.
Please also look at the marking rubic and use it as a guide. This is how they mark the paper. It is all in the student hand book attached. Please follow it exactly. Please follow instructions and please message me if you have any questions. Please also note you are only required to do complete Assessment ONE, the hand book has all my assessments in there.
Thank you!

Network Administration Architecture Evaluation

Research network administration architectures. From your research, select a network administration architectural model and complete the following:

1. Discuss how you can automate an existing company as well as revamp its information technology (IT) infrastructure.
2. Identify positive and negative aspects of the selected model in relation to the operational health of an organization.

Each numbered item needs to be discussed.

Innovative Reward System

Please assume the position of a Human Resources Director

As explained in the case study in Chapter 21 (Attached word doc), Foodco was able to link a new product launch design with a reward system. Since almost the beginning of industrial times, bonuses, commissions, and other rewards have been used to reward people for launching a new and successful product. However, Foodco provided an innovative and unique process. Write a paper that describes how Foodco was able to link the launch with its reward system and evaluate ways in which it was innovative and unique. Also, provide supported recommendations for how the processes that Foodco employed could be implemented in your industry or the industry you desire to work within.

This paper should have a relevant introduction and conclusion which takes a stance. Do not simply restate the introduction in the conclusion. Please be very concise when addressing points, no redundant work or language. Please use master’s level language. Cite a minimum of 6 scholarly sources from 2015 or newer to support your positions, claims, and observations (Please use at least one of the provided sources). Each paragraph should be 4-6 sentences long and supported by 1-2 in-text citations in each paragraph.

rhetorical analysis and historical research

read “Chemical Fallout: Silent Spring, Radioactive Fallout, and the Environmental Movement,” by Ralph Lutts
write a multi-paragraph response (400-500 words) on what we can learn from Lutt’s argument, considered as a model. How does Lutts structure his essay? What kinds of sources does he emphasize? How does he draw upon both rhetorical analysis and historical research? Include quotations from Lutts’s article and strive in your analysis to show how he makes a convincing case for his interpretation of Silent Spring and its relationship to its historical era.