Univariate Analysis

Textbook: Research for Effective Social Work Practice: Judy L. Krysik
I can also send you the video for further instructions if necessary.

Education and Early childhood

The aim of this project is to discover the impact of social class on educational attainment. To do this, a systematic review will be conducted, collecting articles in a systematic manner, using certain criteria as to which articles will be included or excluded. The project will be labelled in three varying aspects. The first aspect will be early Years and the EYFS, the second aspect will be primary education and third aspect will be Secondary education. The reason for choosing these aspects is that they are all key parts of a child’s complete education and development. The systematic collection of literature will then be followed by a narrative analysis of the content and context, which will provide a foundation for discussion of the impact of social class on educational achievement in addition to development aspects. This will be in relation to the three key aspects mentioned previously. To lend weight to the narrative analysis, this project will draw on existing theory, whilst providing a discussion of whether these effects provide students with an advantage or put students at a disadvantage in tearms of attaintment. To conclude, this project will consider limitations and attempt to identify any gaps in the research.

European Union Law

Review the importance of Costa v ENEL (1964) Case 6/64 for the development of EU law.
Then establish, in your own words, what have been the key reasons for the European Court of Justice to create the doctrine of supremacy of EU Law when making an
interpretation of former art 177 EC (now article 267 TFEU).
Finally conclude by explaining the extent of this revolution and its continuing impact today
Also include relevant case law with referencing and bibliography please.

public databases.

hello , i did an assignment with you guys about the public Databases and i did receive on the 26 of march ,but you guys forget to answer the question about Achondroplasia from 3 to 8 . i will upload the the pdf with the instructions and the article . please answer the question about the Achondroplasia and dont write it as a paragraph ,just number the question and answer it . from 3 to 8 . i don’t want you to rewrite the whole assignment just answering the question ,and please do it in new order not on the previous oder.and if you can check if there is anything is missing in the assignment can you do it and just mention what part it was. but the most important is to answer the questions 3-8 about the Achondroplasia

Engineering: The Evolution of Surface Mining: A Look at Dust Control Systems

PP is for a special topics course, a PowerPoint presentation about the evolution and progression of surface mining, historical developments, advantages that have taken place. With an emphasis on the technologies on dust control systems/options available in the market. Include visuals, charts, diagrams… with proper citation. Reference handbook attached to “Additional materials”

How olympics 2028 impact LA’s communities

This is a report for the field trip and also the face to face survey we did in venice beach at 5th march, the topic is about the impact of olympic in la, but u can write a new topic for it as its kinda too simple. i uploaded the handbook , assignment sheet , survey ,result and also some lectures, let me lnow if u need anything else

Teaching English Language Learners with Exceptionalities

This essay can be a review of a scholarly article on the topic, but I found a book that discusses the exact topic that is required. I did not know how to upload, so I pasted it below. Chapters 1 and 2 are definitely what is needed for this essay.

Essay Instructions from the professor:
*Students will demonstrate and apply knowledge of assessment issues as they affect the learning of English Language Learners, ELLs, from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. The pre-service teacher will develop awareness and the ability to recognize and teach students with disabilities and exceptionalities by seeking out a current research article that addresses the identification, instruction, and assessment of ELLs with exceptionalities.
This review should be 2-4 pages in length and including an explanation of how the information in the article would be incorporated into the student’s future classroom instruction or assessment of English Language Learners at varying levels of proficiency.
