Marilynne Robinson, “Darwinism”

Analyze and critique the text. Synopsis should be kept to a minimum, used only to support your ideas. You may interpret the document in the light of contemporary views or issues. Please emphasize issues of faith, morality, and the relations of Christianity with the broader society


Compose a full developed literary analysis essay (minimum of 4-5 paragraphs of approximately eight sentences each) including: an introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion), responding to ONE of the questions below. No documentation is required.

REQUIREMENTS – Your essay should:

(1) use standard paragraph structure;

(2) present a 3-part thesis, focusing on the analysis of poetic and/or narrative technique[s];

(3) use topic sentences for each body paragraph;

(4) support your thesis using well-integrated direct quotations in body paragraphs; and

(5) connect your interpretation, as well as your concluding paragraph, directly to the works’ theme[s].

(I) Analyse the symbol of walls in the following poems: Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall”, and Abdellatif Laâbi’s “Good Morning Sun of My Land” What are the speakers’ attitudes towards walls? What desires do the speakers express, and why

The Awakening

Write 20 sentences with appositives and non-essential clauses that:
1. reflect over what you read in CHAPTERS 1 – 4 of “The
2. Discuss how you can relate to the story
3. Analyze the underlying message of the story based upon
what you read
4. Juxtaposes the story to another novel

This is about demonstrating your knowledge of appositives and non-essential clauses while showcasing your analytical skills as they relate to reading material.

Link to “The Awakening” Chapter 1-4

Child Psychology – Cognitive Development – Emerging Adulthood

Write at least a 400 word comparative analysis essay on the following words:

Postformal thought
Dialectical thought
Reflective judgment

2) Be sure to compare and contrast your chosen approaches (1 point).

3) Respond with at least 3 substantive statements on two of your classmates assignments (1point).

Please present a comparative analysis in essay form. In other words I do not want your work submitted in an outline form – ever. If you like, you may use other sources other than your textbook, but I would like what you present to be your own words. Remember, as a college student, you should never plagiarize. How embarrassing it would be if I would discover you copied and pasted from a document and submitted as if it were your own work. The results will not be pretty.

(If you use a thought for another writer, please give that writer credit throughout your discussion. Finally, please list your references at the bottom of your discussion.)


Hello! 🙂

My mentor suggests that my research question be very specific so that it is unique and not already done, which is a given, I’m sure. That being said, I’m okay with you tweaking it to make it better in that respect. I have my overall research topic, but I don’t have the question pinned down yet, which is something I also need help with and will let you decide what’s best since you are the expert.

My topic:
I will be focusing on the topic of U.S. grandparents raising grandchildren and the biopsychosocial effects that it has on their health and wellbeing with an additional emphasis on how one’s race or cultural background may affect those factors, including but not limited to individuals from the following groups: African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Caucasians from various socioeconomic backgrounds.

I’m not sure how I can turn this into an effective research question.
As far as what my program is looking for, they haven’t given me very many rules on this assignment as far as formatting. I do know it needs to be APA, but that’s all that was mentioned. The primary thing they’ve requested is that it is a SYSTEMATIC & COMPREHENSIVE literature review. They do want to see that I can apply an understanding of the gerontological framework and theories to this review. They want to see that (through research) I can distinguish factors related to aging outcomes, both intrinsic and contextual. Other than that, we really do have quite a bit of freedom in how we want to approach this because that’s about all the instructions stated.

Political Thought in African Diaspora

Submit a 5-page paper that takes one political thought in Guy Martin’s African Political Thought (eg. Anti-colonialism) as a departure point to critically engage any other assigned reading. The purpose of this paper is to both provide practice with key ideas shaping social movements in the African diaspora, and also to give you early feedback on your analysis and writing.
**Paper needs to use African Political Thought by Guy Martin and one of the other following texts:
-Set the World on Fire: Black Nationalist Women and the Global Struggle for Freedom by Keisha N. Blaine
-History of Pan-African Revolt by CLR James
-W.E.B. DuBois, “On Migration to Africa”(1897), Against Racism: Unpublished Essays, Papers, Addresses, 1887-1961, ed. Herbert Aptheker, pp.43-49
-Laurence J. Kirmayer, “Landscapes ofMemory: Trauma, Narrative, and Disassociation”
-Michael Hanchard, “Black Memory versus State Memory: Notes toward a Method”
Up to you to choose which alternative text you want to use/you thinks fits best with African Political Thought. Thank you!

Business Administration: Evaluating a Firm’s Internal Capabilities

Case 3:’s Business Model and Its Evolution, by Syeda Maseeha Qumer and Debapratim Purkayastha (page C-10)

Read the case and then respond to the case questions given below. (See Guide to Case Analysis for further guidance on written case analysis.)

In addition to using the case study provided in the textbook, research the company further to find any relevant events that have transpired since the writing of the case study. Use the company’s website, Internet search engines such as Google, online data services, or other sources to locate the latest articles about the company including press releases and current financial information. Be sure to cite all sources according to APA guidelines.

Note: For assistance with analyzing any financial data in this case, Table 4-1 (Key Financial Ratios: How to Calculate Them and What They Mean) in your textbook is a useful reference.

Please limit your analysis to 4 pages (1000 to 1100 words), double-spaced.

Students please note: Feel free to bring in any recent news or current events concerning this company into your answer.

Case Questions
Amazon’s business operations depend heavily upon the use and application of technology. Review the following quote *(from Jeff Bezos) found in the case study, and comment on the wide variety of technologies employed in Amazon’s operations. Focus on how these technologies act as strengths and contribute to competitive success.

We use high-performance transactions systems, complex rendering and object caching, workflow and queuing systems, business intelligence and data analytics, machine learning and pattern recognition, neural networks and probabilistic decision making, and a wide variety of other techniques[. . .]. Many of the problems we face have no textbook solutions, and so we—happily—invent new approaches. [. . .] Technology infuses all of our teams, all of our processes, our decision-making, and our approach to innovation in each of our businesses. It is deeply integrated into everything we do. Invention is in our DNA and technology is the fundamental tool we wield to evolve and improve every aspect of the experience we provide our customers.”
Discuss the significance of the leadership of Jeff Bezos to Amazon’s business strategies. Be both specific and thorough in your response.
Conduct a SWOT analysis of Amazon. What outcomes of the analysis stand out, and how do the identified outcomes influence the business success of Amazon? Be specific, and provide an example to support your conclusion.
Conduct a value chain analysis using the example within “The Concept of a Company Value Chain” in your text as a guide. What conclusions can you draw from your analysis?
Patrick O’Brien, a lead analyst at Verdict Retail is quoted in the case study saying: “They’ve [Amazon] managed to get top of mind on every category without doing anything creative – Amazon’s 20 years isn’t a marketing story, it’s all about availability and scale.” Do you agree or disagree with O’Brien’s assessment? Explain your response and provide at least one example that supports your perspective

Capitalistic Principle versus Christianity

There are many economic principles that are consistent with Christian tenets, but because our market driven economy (capitalism) is based upon a humanistic philosophy, there are a great many capitalistic principles that are not consistent with Christianity and faith principles.

P.T. Barnum contended there “is a sucker born every minute”, and Michael Douglas’ character in the movie Wall Street declared confidently that “greed is good!” Even Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, suggested that all economic parties would be better off if the “invisible hand” of self- interest was unleashed. All are attitudes from a humanistic worldview.

But, God is the true “father” of economics, regardless of the particular system a country decides to use, and the Bible has a great deal to say about the subject. (By the way, there are scriptures that can be used to support all 3 major economic systems discussed in the course.)

So, the research assignment is this:

In 500– 750 words, compare and contrast a key capitalistic principle (of your choice) with what the scriptures seem to say about the issue. (Do not compare capitalism, in general, with the Bible or theism. That’s too huge of a subject.)

See if you can select a topic where there is some agreement, yet some disagreement.

Here are two examples to help clarify. (Of course, you may not use these. Sorry. Select one of your own. These examples are cited merely to illustrate the nature of the assignment.)

Example 1: how is it determined in a capitalistic economic system what goods are produced? The answer is “consumer sovereignty”, i.e. if enough consumers want it (there is sufficient Demand), then suppliers tend to produce it. This is classical Supply and Demand theory in capitalism, and the theory has worked pretty well over the centuries. No standard of living is higher in the world – at least not yet.
Still, what do you think the Bible suggests about such supplying a product just because there is a sufficient demand for it? Might there be some disagreement as well as agreement on such a strategy between scriptural views and capitalistic views?

Example 2: what is the role of work in a capitalistic economy? What is the purpose of a job? How important is income in a market driven economy? More income means more choices, more comforts, and more experiences. So, get as much income as you can?

What does the Bible seem to say about work, the purpose of an employment opportunity, and the priority of income? See any comparisons? Any contrasts?

(Now, find your own subject to analyze; don’t use either one of these examples. They were cited to help you get a better understanding of the nature of the assignment.)

And, DO NOT try to compare capitalism and theism, or compare capitalism with Christianity. That’s too huge of a task; volumes have been written on that subject. Focus the comparison/contrast on a particular concept or principle of capitalism and Christianity.

Again, no plagiarism, limit properly quoted material to 10%, and use APA guidelines.

Physical Education

This is a two part assignment that I am attaching the details too. But I need a lesson plan for an elementary physical education class that goes along with the Florida State Standards.