Policy and Organizational Behavior

innvestigate your organization’s compliance rate with one specific core measure of your choice and write a 2-3-page (maximum) executive summary analyzing the financial and regulatory impact of organizational compliance with your chosen measure. Include recommendations for improving performance on the measure.

Personality Assesment

Please choose whoever you want!!!!!! Thank you sooooo much.
A 4-page paper is required for this class in which you select a real person (living or dead) to do a personality assessment on. The person you select should be an individual for which you can research using books or other sources (i.e., someone well-known or famous; NOT a family member or friend). This paper should flow in a similar manner as your assigned book by McAdams (not the textbook).
• Step 1: Select real person (see above for restrictions)
• Step 2: Research person using credible sources (e.g., historical books, news sources, etc.)
Step 3: Determine personality using three different approaches (e.g., biological, trait). If you are unsure which approaches to use, refer to Funder’s textbook. Each chapter outlines personality by a different approach.
• Step 4: Use research regarding the individual to provide evidence to support your personality assessment
o Find 3 scholarly journal articles to review research in each approach (1 article per approach).
▪These are articles you would find on Google Scholar, PsycINFO, EbscoHost, etc. They are NOT online articles from Psychology Today, Wikipedia, or other websites.
You should find articles that discuss research in these areas generally… you do NOT need to find scholarly articles that discuss the individual you’re assessing. For example, if you are assessing Barack Obama and wish to apply the biological approach, you do not need to find a research article that talks about Obama and personality related to biology. You would only need to find two research articles that discuss studies related to biological personality. It’s your job, as the writer, to connect your opinion about what Obama’s biological components would be based on your research from him in historical texts and based on general information you learned about current research in personality psychology.
• One article about approach 1
• One article about approach 2
• One articles about approach 3
• Step 5: Write the paper in APA format
Include a title page
Paper cites the Funder (2016) textbook more than 3x
• Paper is too short
• Paper uses more than 2 quotes – you should be paraphrasing your sources
• APA style is incorrect
• No inclusion of a title page
• Easy to fix errors – if you don’t spend time proof reading your paper, why
should I spend time thoroughly reading it?
• Grammar
o Use of “you” when writing. Don’t use the words “you,” “your,” or “you’re” when writing.
I recommend writing the paper in the following way: o Introduction section
§ Introduce person and brief background information (no more than 1/2 page)
o Approach1
§ Introduce your theory about the person using your first selected
approach (~ 1.2 pages)
• Use scholarly article to support your theory
• Use research on person to support your theory
o Approach 2
§ Introduce your theory about the person using your second selected
approach (~ 1.2 pages)
§ Use research on person to support your theory
§ Use scholarly article to support your theory
o Approach 3
§ Introduce your theory about the person using your third selected
approach (~ 1.2 pages)
§ Use research on person to support your theory
§ Use scholarly article to support your theory

Ethics in business

A summary at the beginning of the paper consisting of no more than 100 to 200 words
A background statement about the article’s content, why it was chosen, and what topic areas are to be covered (At least one). A minimum of 200 words per section/subsection is required.
A story statement. Tell the story of who did what to whom. Also, cover what happened as a result of their actions. A minimum of 200 words per section/subsection is required.
An analysis statement. Analyze the actions of the subject of your article here. Use the topic areas to discuss their behavior and develop sub-sections of the analysis.
A minimum of 200 words per section/subsection is required.
The analysis must include your topic area, how the article applies to the topic area and where you think the subject succeeded or failed in the chosen topic area. (Minimum of 200 words)
A conclusion statement to reflect upon the material. Reflect on what you learned. Reflect on how this can apply to your professional and personal life. How might this help you in your chosen profession? (Minimum of 200 words

Philosophical Inquiry

you can choose type II or III on Aristotle or Zhuangzi.
a. Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy From Thales to Aristotle by S. Marc Cohen, Patricia Curd, and C.D.C. Reeve (Eds.) Hack
b. Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy, by Philip Ivanhoe & Van Norden (Eds). Hackett Publishing, 2005
Please strictly follow the rubric attached

Summarizing the Narrative – Zoo

Read zoo by Edward D. Hock. Complete the narrative summary. When looking for the main events, try to answer the following questions:

Who? (Who are the characters in this story?)
What (What happens in the story?)
When (When does this story take place?)
Where (Where does the story take place?)
Why (Why did these things happen?)
How? (How did the characters feel about what happened?)

Your summary should be approximately 250 words. Keep in mind this checklist for a summary of a narrative.

Write in complete sentences.
Begin with a topic sentence that identifies the main idea of the narrative, the title of the narrative, and the original author’s name.
Include supporting details, but leave out any unnecessary words or examples.
Link your supporting details using transition words.
Use your own words wherever possible. If you use the original author’s exact words, put them in quotation marks.
Include a full citation for the original article.

Business Law

Please do homework 3 describe in page 1 of “Third Homework Assignment.docx” , I added the solutions to homework 2 and homework 1 to be use as reference since they are related. No need to cite sources.


Please write this paper in first person format. This is a quick summary of my whole final paper. I will use this paper as a reading script for me to read in my oral presentation. Make sure that you cover everything that is being asked.


Using Walmarts domestic environment identify its economic environment and compare and contrast it using Rostow and Galbraith references


What usually drives animal research is the benefit to human beings of that research. And this benefit is typically used in an attempt to justify animal research. However, this attempt at justification must be supplemented by other considerations because “the benefits that animal research confers on us could be obtained from doing the research on humans.” Moreover, wouldn’t using humans give us experimental results that would be of greater benefit to humans since we have the same bodies and nervous systems? As such, we ought to use humans rather than animals in cases of medical research.

Is this a persuasive line of reasoning? Presumably, most people would think that using humans in that way would be wrong. But if it is wrong for us (humans) why is it not wrong for animals? Explain why or why not.

domestic violence

Each of you will take an aspect of your assigned topic and write a 5-7 page paper on your particular area. Your paper will challenge you to examine the psycho-legal relevance of the issue. APA format required.