My plan to create a new business specifically a job board website marketed to dental professionals, staffing agencies and any entity who employs dental professionals

The paper should include the background of dentistry and why specialized employees are needed. It should also include a Porter’s five forces analysis, Customer acquisition approach (marketing plan with pricing), a breakeven analysis, a five-year proforma profit and loss statement, supply chain considerations, and nature of establishment considerations.


Analyze the case and opinion in Keith v. County of Oakland, 2013 U.S. App. LEXIS 595 (6th Cir.) located in your textbook on pp. 337-342.

Write a case study review of Judge Griffin’s opinion that answers the questions below. Support your review with analysis and evidence from the unit reading and outside sources.

What are the legal issues presented in this case? Did the plaintiff establish a valid claim of failure to reasonably accommodate? What did the appeals court decide?
What accommodations was Keith requesting? Was it reasonable? Support your opinion with an argument based on the course concepts and existing legal evidence or precedents.
Did the county follow the interactive process required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? What did they do well? What could they have done differently?
Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use a minimum of three sources, one of which may be your textbook as reference material for your case study. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Gang Policy

Gang policy is the topic

Draft abstract page
Review of the Literature
Research Methodology
Table of Cases.
Include at least two additional references to those listed in the Unit II Outline, for a total of five references. At least one of the references must discuss the role of policy with the court system. The policy discussed should relate to your chosen topic. Include an assessment of the role of policy with the court system in your literature review.

Lean Agile Practices Implementation

An annotated bibliography on the implementation of the contemporary project management topic of Lean Agile Practices.

Use at least 10 sources for the implementation. Sources must be current within the last five (5) years.

Write a short summary (100 words min) of each source including an evaluation of the source’s credibility, possible bias, and usefulness with respect to the topic.

Pedagogical Gestures as Interactional Resources for Teaching and Learning Tense and Aspect in the ESL Grammar Classroom

This is a Research Journal in Education based on Pedagogical Gestures for teaching ESOL students. It is to be critiqued, use the Example Form attached to further analyse Methodology, Findings, and the implications. it should be tied in teaching practice and give example; for example, I teach ESOL to beginner -level college adult students, so how can gestures help them etc. as well as how it Impacts my teaching in practice or likely.

Here are the criteria: Identify a research paper and then write a report which:
 Identifies and describes the methods used in carrying out the research including your views on the suitability of the method(s)
 Summarise the key findings
 Identify the possible implications of the findings for teaching and learning in your subject specialist area. (Adult ESOL Teaching)

Submit the task as a report Word limit: 1,000

References/ citation needs to have page numbers eg: (Bell, 2016, p. 1)

You can use Willey online library and Google Scholar to find sources and references, but they need to be current.
The main Reference should be included is for Methodology Judith Bell (2016) or others but needs to be recent and the ‘Education and Training Foundation’ for Teacher Standards (2014). Gov.UK. Should have minimum 10 reference

Please check the attached Journal for this Task. If you cant open it you can locate it in Google Scholar Under:

‘Pedagogical Gestures as Interactional Resources for Teaching and Learning Tense and Aspect in the ESL Grammar Classroom’
Yumi Matsumotoa and Abby Mueller Dobsb (2017)

How might the psychological contract of public sector workers be more effectively managed?

The essay needs to answer the question: How might the psychological contract of public sector workers be more effectively managed?

It should use most of the following references, but not only those exclusively:

Conway, N. and Briner, R. (2012) Fifty Years of Psychological Contract Research: What Do We Know and What are the Main Challenges? International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Conway, N., Kiefer, T., Hartley, J. and Briner, R. (2014) Doing More with Less? Employee Reactions to Psychological Contract Breach via Target Similarity or Spillover during Public Sector Organizational Change, British Journal of Management, Vol. 25, 737–754

Constaing, S. (2006) The Effects of Psychological Contract Fulfilment and Public Service Motivation on Organization Commitment in the French Civil Services, Public Policy and Administration, 21(1)

Conway. N. T and Coyle-Shapiro, N. (2012) The reciprocal relationship between psychological contract fulfilment and employee performance and the moderating role of perceived organizational support, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85:2, 277–299

Coyle-Shapiro, J. and Kessler, I. (2003) The Employment Relationship in the UK public sector: A psychological contract perspective, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 13(2) 213-30.

Cullinane, N. and Dundon, T. (2006) The psychological contract: A critical review, International Journal of Management Reviews 8(2)Guest, D. (2004). “The psychology of the employment relationship: An analysis based on the psychological contract”. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53 (4): 541-555

Guest, D. and Conway, N. (2002) Communicating the Psychological Contract: An Employer Perspective, Human Resource Management Journal, 12(2), 22-38

O’Donnell, M. and Shields J. (2002) Performance Management and the Psychological Contract in the Australian Federal Public Sector, Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(3)

I attached a Powerpoint on the topic for reference