Please write a comprehensive essay on the topic below. You
need to be extremely detailed within your response. No hand written essays
will be
accepted. APA format not required, meaning you do not site your
I do expect you to use your own words an
d thoughts when writing
your essay.

Define reliability
(including the different areas of)
and validity
the different areas of)
and explain their importance to
assessment. rehab counseling class

Philosophy: Modern/Contemporary

A philosophical “issue” is typically understood to represent something controversial. Oftentimes, an issue is presented in the form of a question, in response to which different people (Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley) have presented different answers and have supported these answers with reasons. Some of the issues we’ve discussed in class appear below:

1. What is really real? That is, what is the makeup of ultimate reality?
2. What is the relation of our own individual ideas to the so-called real world?
3. What is the true nature of the self or soul?

Component 1. (Introduction). For your paper, choose ONE of the issues above. In your introductory paragraph, you should give a clear statement of the philosophical question you are addressing, along with the general opinion that you plan to put forth. This would be your thesis. For example, it could be the case that you find a view introduced by one philosopher to be more convincing than another. Or, it could be the case that you have an opinion of your own that is based in the combining of the views of two different philosophers. Or, you could have a completely separate view of your own, in which case you would show how your own opinion is more convincing than views we’ve discussed during the semester. Or, your overall thesis could be based around why you find a particular view interesting. Or, you could make the case that you have not seen a convincing response to the issue you discuss. Or, you can say that while some philosophers have had some good ideas on a particular issue, something is still missing. These are just some possibilities. Your own opinion about the material is up to you.
The introduction is important because here you explain to reader what is to come in your paper and why the reader should take an interest in reading it. The reader should look forward to finding out about your take on a particular issue and also about how you plan to give support to your own claim. Also, here in your introduction, you should indicate, in a general way, what you plan to say in the remainder of your paper. (20%)

Component 2. (A Discussion of the Literature) In the body of the paper, you’ll discuss your topic in further detail. Here, the course of your discussion will involve the views of two philosophers that we looked at during the semester. Make sure to give a clear description, in your own words, of the philosophical ideas you introduce. (Helpful hints: When you write about any particular philosophical ideas it is helpful to write as if you were addressing a person who is unfamiliar with this material.) If you use any quotations in this section, please make sure that the quotes are not simply speaking for you; rather, whenever you introduce a quote you should take care to explain to the reader in your own words why you find the quote significant and what it is claiming. (50%)

Component 3. (Your Own Conclusions) You should make sure that your paper is presenting some conclusion of your own. You should present reasons why the overall idea you present is the true one or should be accepted. For example, if you do happen to agree with the reasoning of a particular philosopher, it would be important to give reasoning of your own as to why you think that philosopher’s reasons are good ones. Reasons or examples taken from outside the class material can also be helpful. (25%)

autobiographical about culture

Please read over the prompt and then read over my essay. my ESSAY needs to get STRUCTURE and change the sentences and the wording to make it very professional. It needs to be restructures so it makes sense. Please also add in stuff about culture. It has to be 5 pages full. Thank you.

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

Discussion 3: The UCC (Module 5-6)

What to Do
Discuss the purpose, background information, and scope of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code). Provide your argument on the advantages or disadvantages of the Act.

Original thread should be about 500 words (~1 page) and three or more responses need to be around 100-200 words (~ 1/4 page).

Please ensure that your original thread and responses are substantial, analytical, interactive and critical.

Gender in History 5

Over the past thirty years, the history of sexuality has expanded dramatically as a field of historical inquiry. Just as with other topics, sexuality, like gender, is variable across time and place. While Western concepts of sexuality have dominated the theoretical dimensions of the field, more recent scholarship has sought to examine non-Western contexts, including the ways that colonialism and imperialism shaped the construction of sexualized hierarchies of dominance and inferiority. Ideas about sexuality intersect with gender, shaping and being shaped by the relationships of power existing in social, cultural, religious, racial, ethnic, economic, and political structures.
How have distinctions and interrelations between sexuality and gender been a subject of scholarly controversy within the field of the history of sexuality? How has the work of Foucault shaped this scholarship? How did the development of feminist, gay, or lesbian studies impact this scholarship?
How were ideas about sexuality and gender shaped by religious or spiritual beliefs? How did religious ceremonies or rituals reinforce or define ideas about sexuality?
How did Western ideas about sexuality and gender impact contact with non-Western peoples? How did Western appraisal of non-Western sexuality contribute to notions of cultural superiority and inferiority in colonial contexts?
How have societies defined deviance or disorder in sexualized terms? What individuals, groups, or institutions sought to define and control sexuality? For what reasons? With what effects?
How has the interconnectedness between sexuality and gender affected identity formation? How have efforts to define and defend the legitimacy of sexual and gender identity affected the development of social movements? What forces in society have supported these movements? What forces have challenged these movements? With what rationales? With what outcomes? What are the broader implications of these social tensions?

Group DBT for Borderline Personality Disorder

I have attached the paper that needs to be done. The paper is a group paper and we each have different sections to do. My section is in BLUE and has what needs to be done in it. If you can please use this paper as a guide and use a separate word document for the work. No need for a cover page. Just the paper and references. Thanks so much.

Inventory Management Case Study

Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery Case Study
Complete the Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery Case on page 600. You are to complete all of the questions in paragraph form in 3-4 pages excluding cover and reference pages.

Required Reading for Reference: Chapter 13 Inventory Management

Required Text Title: Operations Management
Author(s): William J. Stevenson
Publisher, Edition: McGraw-Hill, 13th Edition