Pattern of Immigration Policies in America

Reflect on the pattern of immigration policies in America.
1. How have restrictions grown out of domestic and international pressures?
2. How did more borders grow out of domestic and international pressures?
3. Which groups have been targeted by policy at different points in time?
4. Who would you determine to be the target group(s) now?

Should Military Personnel Receive Extra Rights?

American Government II – Week 2 Assignment

Should Military Personnel Receive Extra Rights?
Some people believe those under 21 serving in the military should be allowed to drink alcohol even if non-military citizens are not. The crux of the argument is, “if I am old enough to die for my country, I am old enough to drink.” Still, America’s Founding Fathers clearly believed the military, as an extension of the government, should serve the people rather than the other way around, so, one could argue, military members should be held, not only to the same standards as non-military citizens, but to an even higher standard.

· For the assignment this week, write a 500-750 word paper arguing whether military personnel should or should not receive rights and/or liberties not afforded to non-military citizens. In the paper, include the opposing position along with your rebuttal (of that opposing position).

· For instance, if you wrote a paper arguing that military personnel should receive rights not afforded to non-military citizens (and why), then the rebuttal would be that military personnel should not receive rights not afforded to non-military citizens (and why).

Music and the Law

Please format in times new Roman font 12, double spaced. Please follow the photos attached for information about the assignment. I have also attached screenshots of the article that’s to be used in writing this paper.

Topic: Discuss and critically evaluate the role of anxiety in academic procrastination.

Assessment Information: Literature Review
The major assessment for this unit (Autumn 2020) is a literature review, worth
35% of your grade. For this assessment, you will address the topic below,
summarizing the key literature relating to the topic.
Topic: Discuss and critically evaluate the role of anxiety in academic
Word Limit: 1500 words. There is no 10% leeway on this limit. In- text
references are included in the word count, but not the reference list.
The literature review must also have a separate title page (with author byline)
and abstract (preferably no longer than 100 words).

(please make sure you have completed the Library Literary Task prior as the Turnitin link will not be
available until 18/20 has been achieved).
Why should we write a literature review?
The function of a literature review is to describe and critically evaluate the
literature on a topic. In psychology, this review would usually then most often
be used as the ‘background’ to a research project, to justify the kind of research
that will be conducted.
Being able to read and critically evaluate literature is an essential skill not only
in Psychology, but also in most other academic fields. For example, if you are
studying to be a primary school teacher you will need to be able to stay on top
of the current education research and evaluate whether “new and improved”
teaching methods/designs are worthwhile and valuable (versus invalid and
dangerous!). Lawyers need to be practiced in compiling convincing arguments
and social workers will need to be able to convey a logical rationale as to the
interventions they may like to implement. Skills in critical analysis, logical
thinking and writing convincing arguments will be practiced in the writing of a
literature review.
Why is there such a strict word limit?
The ability to write clearly and concisely is incredibly important. It is not the
case that simply writing more will get you a better mark! We will practice

The Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, IDEA and ADA are significant legislation
that contributed greatly to the advances that we now see in the field of vocational
rehabilitation. Choose one act that is listed above. Discuss the nature of the act
and tell
specifically how it impacts persons with disabilities.


A court uses the following components in case law. You should use these components when you brief, or summarize, case law. Each component is detailed below:
Proper and full legal citation
Procedural history
Holding, including vote
Rule(s) of law, Legal principle that was used/created
Rationale reasoning/analysis use by court
Significance—What do we have now, that we did not have before this case?
Case Brief Explanation
Proper and full legal citation
List the title of the case and the case’s legal reference according to APA standards.
Example: Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)
Using the “case brief document instructions,” found in Unit I, prepare a brief on each of the following cases:
Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy R.R. v. City of Chicago, 166 U.S. 226 (1897)
United States v. Carolene Products Co., 304 U.S. 144 (1938)
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003 (1992)
Kelo v. City of New London, 125 S. Ct. 2655 (2005)
Each brief should be approximately one page, 12-point Times New Roman font. After each brief, concisely discuss the importance of each case and the evolution of the case law over the 90-year span of these decisions. Within the discussion, include all dissenting and concurring opinions. This part of the assignment should be a minimum of four pages total. All outside sources should be properly cited in APA format.
Part 2: Using ONLY the case law for your analysis—cite only the case law, but you can access and read the case at sites such as Oyez ( and Cornell Law Institute ( Do NOT use Wikipedia, Answers,, or any unverifiable or unreliable sources. Discuss the evolution of the Takings Clause using detailed and thorough discussion of relevant and important case law.
Your essay for Part 2 should include a discussion of a minimum of two cases and be at least two pages in length.
Your completed assignment, both parts one and two, should be a minimum of six pages in 12-point Times New Roman font. All outside sources should be properly cited in APA format.