Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying in the EMS work place


TOPIC What is your organizations most pressing legal issue? Analyze its inception, development, and then discuss how your department is addressing it (or could be addressing it). Utilize concepts and principles from any and all topics in our text, case studies, and lecture notes. Note why you feel it is of such importance from a legal and personal perspective. This is a research paper and requires some investigation into an issue’s history, relevance, and potential resolution.

FORMAT The paper should be in APA format (double spaced, 1” margins) and 6-10 pages. A number of good descriptions of APA report writing exist on the internet (Links to an external site.). See APA link at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.), if necessary.

Your report should include the following:

Title Section. In most reports this is simply the front cover page with the title of your work, your name, the class and the date listed.

Executive Summary/Abstract. Give clear and concise summary of the main points, main conclusions and main recommendations from the report. Keep it short: 150-200 words. Many people, especially senior managers, will only read the executive summary so it should read as a stand-alone document. Write it last, but do not copy and paste from the report. Don’t use jargon. Use plain English throughout paper.

Introduction. States the problem and provides background information. Shows how the problem impacts the reader. May give terms of reference (if not in the Title Section) and explains how the details that follow are arranged.

Main Body. This include the facts in your report. It will describe what you discovered about ‘the problem’ you introduce in your introduction. You can use jargon (and acronyms) where appropriate, but be sure they are defined. ****Use sub-heads to designate each section. ***Use numbers or bullets for lists.

You may include a separate Discussion that explains the significance of your findings.

Conclusions. The conclusion may include a discussion of findings. It should summarize the key points of your report by presenting the logical conclusions from your examination of ‘the problem.’ After reading the executive summary, many people will go to the conclusion. The executive summary should not parrot your conclusion.

Recommendations. Recommendations suggest what should be done to resolve the problem.

Appendices. Put the details that only specialists want to read in the appendices. If detail is essential to your argument, include it in the main body; if it only supports the argument, then put it in an appendix.

References: At least three academically acceptable references are required. Example: Atherton, T. (2005). How to format a business report. Ezine Articles. Retrieved from http://EzineArticles.com/96650

Please don’t forget the appendices. Thank you.

Varone, J.C. (2012) Legal Considerations for Fire and Emergency Services, 2nd Ed., Delmar, Clifton Park, NY.

FInal Paper Union Negotiations

Please answer the following questions in the paper.
What is the role of management and unions in society today? How has this changed in the last 100 years?

How does the history of unions and the collective bargaining process impact negotiations today? What are some of the current trends or problems in labor relation practices?

Would this negotiation process differ if it involved a public compared to a private-sector union? Please explain.

What is your assessment of the value of mediation and arbitration in this process?

Explain the value of the various organizational leadership competencies (communication, problem solving, teamwork, analytical skills, legal and ethical practices, strategic approach, and research) that are important to be successful in this type of negotiating process.

Must be 12pt Times New Roman Double Spaced.

social with children and families

I have attached every details of the assignment and also attached the learning outcomes,dese learning outcomes must be meant in the Essay and equally mentioned in the Essay.Also essay must be written as a third party(not i).References must be havard style and also intext referencing.Text book must not be more than 7years.Over 25 referencing is required for this Essay.
lecturer has requested that for higer grades,the following books must be used for this essay

child protection practice by harry ferguson 2011
social work with children and families-maureen o LOUGHLIN

Analytical Essay

I have attached the rubric and the assignment guidelines. It is a pretty simple essay, however, there are literary works that have to be read. Everything that needs to be done is in the two documents I have attached.

Adolescents Sexuality

These references should be from professional journals (this can include professional e-journals) and or books. I want you to be able to search the academic data bases, locate your material, and obtain it for review. After collecting your research references, you will write a summary of your research into a paper of 5 pages (not including the title page or reference page), double spaced typewritten pages, 12-pt font, Times New Roman. REMEMBER TO CITE YOUR WORK AS PER APA QUIDELINES. a. The paper should be in APA format (7th ed.). An abstract is not necessary.

On the Uses of liberal education by Mark Edmundson

Hi! this order is a revision for my essay #1 got a little bit low grades here so I need some help! here’s what my professor said:
“Overall I thought you had a strong thesis statement that presented an evaluation and reasoning. The supporting paragraphs,on the other hand, tended to focus on restating what the text says rather than evaluating the rhetorical strengths of the essay. So in general it felt like the essay was too much summary and not enough analysis”
also here’s instructions:
You will write one full essay. Unlike the homework, these papers will require more formal structures like an introduction, conclusion, academic thesis, organized supporting paragraphs, in-text citations and so on. The essays are meant to gauge your ability to develop a protracted written argument, one which you support with textual evidence, analysis, and reasoning. Each essay should be a minimum of 1000 words (around four pages,)

Essay #1 Write an essay in which you analyze how effective the rhetorical choices and argumentative moves are in Mark Edmundson’s “On the Uses of a Liberal Education: As Lite Entertainment for Bored College

Your goal overall is to assess how well you think Edmundson makes a sound argument that
appeals to his audience, or to explain the flaws you see in his appeals and rhetorical approach. You
should use direct quotations from his essay to support your analysis and use MLA formatting to cite
such quotations; this means that after any quotations you should include a parenthetical reference to the
page number it came from, for example: (Edmundson 42).

Rhetorical issues to address include any of the following:

Consider how Edmundson presents the situation he is responding to;

Consider his purpose in writing;

Outline his main claims;

Identify his sense of audience;

Identify what types of claims he is making;
Consider the kinds of support he uses to prove his arguments;

Examine how he deals with opposing ideas;

Analyze his use of Ethos, Pathos, or Logos to appeal to readers.
You should not address all of these questions, instead choose the rhetorical concepts that best support
your overall evaluation of the text.

211 M4 Not Enough or Too Much

Not enough or too much; it’s a delicate balance. In this activity, you will select a country and explore the concepts of price ceiling and price floors and market shortages and surpluses.

Locate a recent article (published within the last year) that discusses either the price ceiling or price floor, and market shortages and surpluses of a good or service from your selected country at a macro level. You can use newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to locate an article. Analyze your selected country’s (US) good or service and determine whether it has a market shortage or surplus. Include the following in your discussion.

-Identify the country and the good or service selected.
-Analyze supply and demand curves.
-Examine the concepts of price ceilings and price floors.
-Explain the causes and predict the effect of changes in demand and supply on the equilibrium price and quantity.
-Differentiate between consumer surplus and producer surplus.
-Discuss whether your selected good or service results in a market surplus or market shortage and explain why.

Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

254 4.3 Case Analysis: The Passenger Facility Charge Program

The Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Program was implemented as part of the Aviation Safety and Capacity Act of 1990. Read the following two documents highlighting the original intent and current debate surrounding the PFC Program:



Consider other sources of airport income.

Prepare a case analysis titled: “PFCs: Pros or Cons – Should They Be Raised to Pay for 21st Century Airport Infrastructure?”

The in-text citation requires validating your comments.

Answer the questions given

When referencing the course notes, please use the reference format included in the instructions. For in-text citations, use the following format to distinguish between the different references: (Janzen, 2020, Module X, Section X). Relate information to relevant parts of the course I will upload, hopefully they are readable. Does not need to be absolutely perfect but get a decent mark.