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The Video Summary is designed to give the student an opportunity to summarize a video related to the topics in the course.

This assessment is to be your own work, so a summary of the video in your own words is expected. Do not cut and paste any of a summary if one is provided – use your own words to summarize what the video is / are about. Take notes as you watch the video and use your notes and memory to produce a well written summary of the main points.

The summary is to be 250 words (or a little more).

I. Concise and well written summary

II. Key points, reported facts, take-aways

Cougarette Dance performance

We had to attend a dance concert and explain all the details about it and I have my friends paper and I just need his information rewritten and said in a different way. His is 4 pages but you can summarize it down to 3 pages. Thank you

Domestic Violence

Read Article and answer the 2 questions
Question 1

In the article “Is Violence Learned?” it is noted that there are a wider range of contributing factors contribution to domestic violence rather than it simply being a learned behavior. Of the several additional factors, discuss which of the factors stands out in your mind

Question 2

Scenario: A client comes to your office for the first time. He/she states that he/she loves his/her partner like no one else. However, your client states that his/her partner has started to become angry for several petty things. Last night he/she smacked your client with the back of his/her hand and knocked your client down. Further, your client states that when he/she threatened to call the police, his/her partner laughed and said they wouldn’t do anything to a queer.
Q. How would you advise your client regarding this very difficult situation?
Q. What additional considerations, if any, might there be in working with this population?

a real-life change management project

The first assignment is based on content taught in Weeks 1 – 4 of the course. The primary focus is on weeks 3 & 4.

The assignment is an individual assignment, based on a case study. You are to assume the role of an individual consultant, and prepare a report for CEO of the case study company. In other words, we are mimicking a real-life change management project.

You are to analyse the case study, and prepare a report recommending “to the CEO” how to undertake a change process in the case study organisation. You will be told which organisational development models you may use in preparing your report. Your task is to understand how to apply the given models to the facts of the case in order to come up with a practical change program for the case study company.

Create a folio which is to include: 2 x 250 word news articles (500 words) 1 x 500 word feature article (500 words) 1 x Analysis (500).

Assessment: News and Feature Folio. Students are required to prepare a writing folio of news and feature writing. The folio is to include: 2 x 250 word news articles (500 words) 1 x 500 word feature article (500 words) 1 x Analysis (500).

The Topics I would like to relate to
1. Business’ that are experiencing growth and success during the Coid 19 Lock down worldwide.
2. the Jump in technology that the world is experiencing because of the quarantine. how business’ are moving to more online tech savy to cointinue operating and how it will be beneficial to the world.
3. Which countries are successfully treating Covid-19 and flattening the curve and why others are unsuccessful.
4. Why TikTok is so popular and successful. how it draws in consumers.
5. Mental health problems increasing during the quarantine.

Pick 3 of those topics or one topic and write 3 articles with different view points. These topics don’t necessarily have to be the articles, they are just ones i have thought of and am curious about. the article has to relate to now and be interesting to now.

Full assessment outlines is uploaded in a word documents

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
They should be 3 pages double-spaced with a bibliography afterwards, naming any sources you used in your research. Each paper will compare and contrast a different dramatic stage work with the film it is based on.
Start out with a thesis statement: a point you are going to expand on in the body of your report. (Example: “Baz Luhrmann’s film of “Romeo and Juliet” mirrors a contemporary world that is always on the edge of exploding into violence.” Another example: Julie Taymor’s film “Titus” shows that violence is an innate part of being human, and even a child is a part of that cycle.”)
Do NOT use a play/film I have lectured on for the subject of your Written Report. I am more interested in your own views about a play/film I didn’t cover.
The rest of your report is about supporting (proving) that thesis statement. I want you to be very conscious of what you see as the THEME of the play and film are (maybe they are different in both!). Don’t be too concerned with telling the plot. Look at what the big picture is. What is the writer and director trying to say about 1) the world the play was set in, 2) the time period both the play and film were first produced in. (Example: Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” is about the Salem Witch hunts of 1692, but it was written in response to Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Communist ‘witch hunts’ in the 1950’s showing how one period mirrored another, Both were set in a time of paranoia, finger pointing, and attacks on personal freedom.
Report on HOW the filmmaker uses the medium of film to get his message (as you see it) across to the audience (Example: in Luhrmann’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ we are immediately put into a world of televised violence, designer guns, a pool of gasoline with a match held over it – all of this supports Luhrmann’s view as “Verona” being a powder keg ready to ignite. Also, Romeo and Juliet’s first meetings are thru an aquarium or in a pool. Water is the opposite of fire, so Luhrmann uses these images as a calming force on the unstable world they live in.
Give a brief description of the period in which the play was written and/or the playwright’s life, and how it influenced the creation of the play.
What were the theatrical conventions of that period and how did they affect the play?
What is the theme of the play? Analyze how the playwright uses characters and action to get across his theme for the play.
How are the tools of film (shots, montage, art direction, symbols, music, etc) used to enhance or change the play? How does the director of the film impose his own vision onto the play?
What special qualities does the film version bring to the play?
You can incorporate 1-2 You Tube links that support your thesis and explain why you believe these scenes support your thesis.
Spelling and grammar count! Do not simply download information from the internet! This is about YOUR reaction to a work of art and how it affected you and WHY you think the director made the artistic choices he did.

comparision essay

compare between 2 or 3 things, like use the bike or taking subways.
The subject shouldn’t be too wise but not too small.