Virtual Laboratory: Standardization of NaOH

This is a virtual analytical chemistry lab report. I do not need a separate final document. I just need the document filled and finalized. I need all questions answered in detail. As much detail as possible. Please follow all instructions and answer questions. I’ve attached how the procedure and conclusion should be written. Third-person only. No outside sources. Please ask if you have any questions.

Spectroscopic Determination of Iron in a Vitamin

This is a lab report. I need a final document with intro, procedure, all questions answered, and a conclusion. Detailed, please. I have attached how the lab report should be written. Please use the third person when writing. I’ve also attached the data obtained from the Spectro during lab. No outside sources. Please ask if you have any questions.

Research Ethics

The assignment requires reviewing the research situations provided that involve ethics.

Please rank order the top three and bottom three of these situations in terms of how seriously they violate ethical guidelines. In other words, which are the three most serious violations, and which are the three least serious violations? Explain the reasons for your rankings and note which ethical principles are being violated.

The completed assignment should be formatted like a case study (three pages excluding the title page and reference page; typed with 1-inch margins in 12-point font using APA format – 7th Edition).

1. Title Page: Running head and page number 1, the title of the case analysis, and your name.

2. Please rank order the top three and bottom three of these situations in terms of how seriously they violate ethical guidelines. In other words, which are the three most serious violations, and which are the three least serious violations? Explain the reasons for your rankings and note which ethical principles are being violated.

3. Integrate at least two peer-reviewed articles/sources as part of your answer. Be sure to cite your sources (the peer-reviewed journal/media where you found the information) in a brief Reference page at the end of your paper

The production of instant coffee

this is group research and I want you to write only section 3.2 (process description): Where you should talk about ( freeze drying process) in this section. so please avoid any similar information in the introduction or literature review as I uploaded the whole report to check that. please write about it in just one page, and describe (3.2.1 flow diagram process) in half page. Also the reference is required in Harvard style and in-text citation is required.

global climate change

In the template, you will

Define the term thoroughly, in your own words.
Explain the importance of the term using evidence.
Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world.
Suggest two specific actions that can be taken to promote environmental sustainability in relation to the term.
Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.
Provide detailed examples to support your ideas.

Bensel, T., & Carbone, I. (2020). Sustaining our planet. Retrieved from

Chapter 7: Sustaining Our Energy Resources
Chapter 8: Sustaining Our Atmosphere and Climate

Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. To receive optimal credit, use at least one scholarly source from a peer-reviewed academic journal.

Major Kitchen Appliance Selection Design, Construction and Consumer Information

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate a major kitchen appliance. Evaluation criteria will include manufacturer information, materials and finishes, specification sheets, features, price, and consumer information. A conclusion will be drawn as to the value and usefulness of the appliance and the type of consumer that would purchase and/or benefit from this appliance.

Chose an oven, a cooktop OR a microwave to evaluate. look for one that features NEW TECHNOLOGY.

Include a completed “Appliance Evaluation Sheet” attached below.

MUST FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS, if the information is not available then write N/A next to the question.

your answers to be kept short right after the question, no need for a full sentence.

after filling out the sheet answer the following:

a fully typed 1-page (avoid first-person discussions) product evaluation. Draw a conclusion as to the value and usefulness of the appliance and the type of consumer that would purchase and/or benefit from this appliance. Additionally, indicate how you would change the design, materials, construction, functions, mechanisms, action, features, and /or consumer information to modernize the product.

The reference page is a must (no need for in-text citations):

Attach references and links to product information.

I paid for 4 pages assuming that answering the manufacturing paper would take 2 pages single spaced and the 3rd page is double spaced for the evaluation and the 4th page is if you need more space for either or.

Conduct an analysis of the poem “The road not taken” by Robert Frost


“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

You must:

* Read the poem
* Conduct an analysis of the poem to the best of your ability
* Use the analysis guide on Pages 14-15. (See attached Images below)

Safe drinking water Act

In the template,
Define the term thoroughly, in your own words.
Explain the importance of the term using evidence.
Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world.
Suggest two specific actions that can be taken to promote environmental sustainability in relation to the term.
Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.
Provide detailed examples to support your ideas.
Must use at least two credible and/or scholarly sources in addition to the course text chapter 5 and 6. To receive optimal credit, use at least one scholarly source from a peer-reviewed academic journal.

Bensel, T., & Carbone, I. (2020). Sustaining our planet. Retrieved from
Chapter 5: Sustaining Our Freshwater Resources
Chapter 6: Sustaining Our Oceans