International Human Rights and Law

Please write an essay/research paper on ONE of the following topics

Assignment topics:

(1) Humanitarian intervention has been described by some scholars as humanitarian imperialism. Given such principles as the “doctrine to protect”, is this a valid assertion?

(2) Why might a state be reluctant to ratify an international human rights convention? Discuss, with reference to legal examples. For sake of precision, students should focus on a specific convention as a case study.

(3) Discuss whether human rights are universal, incontrovertible, and permanently valid or merely a construct of modern Western culture?

modules for the course can be found at the following link:
link can be accessed via the login , pls ask support team for login info
the login can also be used to access rmit library for additional resources.


Privacy concerns in the workplace – What are the implications of electronic monitoring and other potential invasions of privacy? What is the current state of the law and what direction should it move in?

1. 8 pages
2. Double-spaced
3. Font size: 12 point
4. Font name: Arial
5. Paper margins: 1-inch side and 1-1/2 top and bottom
6. A bibliography of sources (does not count toward the 8-page requirement) and must cite sources in the body of the paper
7. APA citation
8. Must include:
a. Current status of the law regarding topic
b. At least 4 law cases
Note: The cases must discuss issues involving the topic. When possible, find and read the entire opinion written by the court, not just facts about that case found in another publication. Many opinions can be found online. In your discussion, you must summarize the cases and be sure to include the following: i) case citation (this includes the name and information about where the case can be found – i.e. Smith v. Jones, 117 N.W.2nd 250 (Minn.1990)); ii) facts of the case; iii) legal issues to be decided by the court; iv) the court’s decision; and v) the court’s rationale (why it reached the decision it did).
c. Future trend(s) in this area of the law
d. Your views on how these trends may impact business organizations

Professional Ethics and Conduct

Read this article on doctors seeking ethical guidance around decision-making during COVID-19: (Links to an external site.)

Imagine you are an ethicist at the Australian Institute for Ethics and you have been asked to write a set of guidelines for doctors to use during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Write a list of guidelines for doctors in hospitals treating multiple COVID-19 patients ie working in ‘pandemic practice’ as opposed to ‘normal practice’, as per the article. The list should consist of between 5-7 points or principles.

2. What ethical theory/approach did you take and why?

please just do a question and answer type format not an essay format. answer questions 1 and 2 and put reference list below. thankyou.

Songs, Symphonies, and Samples Research and writing assignment

Choose three scenes from opera, music theatre, or film,(at least two of these three) How is music used to enhance the narrative?

-What you must have to put in this essay

a)Research and writing assignment
Using the library catalogue, find two books(monographs or edited collections)
relevant to the essay topic.Cite the two books in APA style(bibliography format)

b)Using the library’s databases (i.e JSTOR and/or RILM), find one journal article appropriate to the essay topic. Cite these in APA style (bibliography format). The article must not be one of the set readings for the course.

c)Find one article from Grove Music Online relevant to the essay topic, and cite it in APA style (bibliography format)

d)Find a sound recording in Naxos Music Online relevant to the topic, and cite it in APA style (bibliography format).

e)Write an essay outline for your chosen topic. This may be in note form. The essay outlined should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Within each of your body paragraphs, support the statements you make by referencing the sources you identified in (a) to (d) above. You may also cite additional sources if you wish. Use APA in-text format for all citations.

f) Write the introduction for your essay. The introduction should have one or two opening sentences, a clear thesis statement, and da summary of the points you intend to cover in your essay. The introduction should be 150 to 200 words in length.

Dear writer for my essay, I hope you having a good day and take care. Thank you for doing my essay for me:)
Just one notice, from c) and d), they mentioned “Grove Music online” and Naxos music online”. It has to be login from our university. So here is the way, go to the link below.
since you got this, log in as
pls ask support team for login info . Thank you for your talent.

Medieval Synthesis on Politics

This is a short essay on Chapter 12, Section, “The Politics of Control” of a book The Making of the West (I’ll attach the book file below). The section is very short, about 20 pages, but it would probably be better for the writer to skim through the intro and conclusion of this chapter as well, it’s all connected. And I’ve also attached an additional source material titled “The New Power of Medieval States” as well. So together there are two sources for the author to reference. The instruction is in the screenshot which I’ve also attached. Note that it includes three topics, and I’ve chosen the third one. The instructions are:
In the third section of chapter 12, the authors describe the attempt to achieve synthesis or cooperation between secular rulers, especially kings, towns and the church.
1.Explain what was meant by “synthesis.”
2.Discuss three examples of the attempts at “synthesis.”
3.Draw a conclusion about how successful the church was in achieving the “Medieval Synthesis.”
Thanks for helping, really appreciate it.

Discussion 4

Discuss A or B.


Discuss all of the following

i. two theories that explain family violence.

ii. factors that can increase the probability of child maltreatment

iii. how parents can unintentionally promote sibling violence



Discuss all of the following:

i. three warning signs of intimate partner abuse and violence

ii. three reasons why women stay in abusive relationships

iii. three reasons why family members mistreat the elderly

I have attached a PowerPoint for this discussion please use the information only from this PowerPoint and in-text citation and reference.

Discussions must be 625 words minimum in length (minus copied questions, direct quote), contain specific details and demonstrate an understanding of the readings and activities through application of theories, concepts and terms.