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You will write a no less than 750-word to no greater than 1250-word (not including thecover and reference pages) paper thoroughly discussing two focused-areaspresented during this series. ANSWER QUESTIONS ONE AND TWO

Semiotics Of The Pink Ribbon

In order to satisfy your requirement for Composition II, you have been asked to write a 6-8 page (not including the Works Cited) critical essay in which you evaluate the cultural significance of a primary text of your choice from popular culture. Possible subjects include comic books, graphic novels, pop songs, advertisements, photographs, visual art, movies, music videos and TV shows.

As we discussed in class, the paper must provide a semiotic analysis (papers that do not will be considered to be off topic and will automatically receive 0 points), and it must present an argument. Your topic must be preapproved by me, or the paper will receive 0 points.

The paper also must have a thesis, or main point, included in the introduction and should include at least four body paragraphs and a conclusion.

For this paper, you must use at least five sources, one of which should be your primary text.

The Library homepage is a very rich source of easily accessible information. Use these databases (Tri-C’s card catalog, OhioLink, Academic Search Complete) as well as other Internet search engines to collect your information. If you have any questions about using these tools, ask the librarians or me.

Your critical essay must adhere to MLA guidelines and should be double-spaced and typed in Times New Roman 12-pt font. It should use correct margins and headers and include a Works Cited page. A title is required for your paper, but no title pages or cover pages please. Be sure to put your name, the name of your teacher, the name of the class, and the date in the upper-left hand corner. Your title for the paper should be centered and capitalized (but not in all caps) and should reflect the point of the essay.

Argumentative Essay

High-quality writing Assignment:

Write an essay that addresses one of the following questions. please submit in Word. The maximum length is 1500 words (six standard double-spaced pages using 12 point font); the minimum is 1250 words. The paper is worth 16%-20% of your final grade. Please use the “Writing History” manual that was distributed in class and posted on the class website; you are expected to use the recommended guidelines for formatting, tense, quotations, and references (footnotes or endnotes). Please rely primarily or exclusively on assigned course readings only.

For all of the options, you are expected to make an argument and support that argument with quotations and paraphrases from a minimum of six relevant primary texts, meaning six or more Supreme Court decisions. You are encouraged to mention other relevant decisions in your footnotes. Note that your argument should take into consideration all of the assigned cases, even if you only discuss six. This assignment requires textual analysis. Refer to specific passages and specific sections of the primary texts. You may also use secondary texts, but your main task is to analyze the primary sources. Note that the materials provided include my short introductions (in italics), which are not primary sources and should not be quoted, and excerpts of the Supreme Court’s decisions, which are primary sources. Since this is a short paper, you cannot address every possible issue; you should select the best illustrative examples. This is not the type of assignment that asks you to address the history of the world or the history of America since the beginning of time; please focus on the question you select. For this assignment, you do not need to provide footnotes for the U.S. Constitution, but if relevant you should mention which article or amendment you are discussing.

For citations, these are recommended models:

Morgan v. Virginia, 328 U.S. 373 (1946).

Melvin I. Urofsky and Paul Finkelman, A March of Liberty: A Constitutional History of the United States, Vol. 2, 3rd edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).

(1) Did the U.S. Supreme Court act strongly, decisively, and effectively to end racial segregation in the 1945-1969 era?

(2) Did the Supreme Court act strongly, decisively, and effectively to end discrimination in voting and elections in the 1945-1969 era?

(3) Did the Supreme Court’s civil rights rulings violate the constitutional rights of private businesses and individual homeowners in the 1945-1969 era?

(4) Did the Supreme Court’s decisions support women’s rights, reproductive rights, marital rights, and gay rights in the 1945-1969 era?

(5) Did the Supreme Court’s civil rights rulings strengthen federal government powers and weaken state and local government powers in the 1945-1969 era?

The only source to be used is :
A March of Liberty A Constitutional History of the United States, Volume 2, From 1898 to the Present
by: Urofsky, Melvin; Finkelman, Paul
ISBN 13: 9780195382747
ISBN 10: 0195382749
Edition: 3rd

Case Study: Reading Assessment and Intervention

I will upload all the information, please do exactly as the paper I will send, all the information has to be in. You can choose the topic from the paper I upload they have some examples. I will also send 3 samples of people work just for help for you. It also has the Rubric so you can do the best.


DIRECTIONS: ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS IN NO MORE THAN ONE PAGE PER QUESTION. EACH QUESTION COUNTS EQUALLY. There is no restriction on materials which may be used. You may use notes, books, recordings, devices, etc. Answers are judged on the basis of the arguments presented therein–their cogency, accuracy and completeness. Give citations to cases or authority wherever possible.
Question1: Tell how and why the case we reviewed on disenfranchisement was an improvement or a retrogression (backward movement) for racial minority voting rights in the United States. (Advice: Name the case and discuss the major rationale presented in support of AND in negation of your argument identifying progress or retrogression, but not both.)
Question 2: We have discussed several cases that use/refer to the Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause (A5-DPC). Name two cases which use/refer to A5-DPC and explain how the clause is used in each of the two cases. (In your explanation, be sure to point out the major similarities and differences between the usages of the A5-DPC in your two cases.
Question 3: Define terms: a) “over-inclusiveness”; b) “under-inclusiveness”. ) From among the “statutes (laws) which we have discussed in the course, name any single statute and show how it is (or could be) an example of over-inclusiveness; d) then for any single statute, name and show how it is (or could be) an example of under-inclusiveness. (For this question you may choose to use either the same statute or a different one in Parts c and d of this question, but you MUST NOT use the statutes from Korematsu I or II or the Hirabayashi cases to answer Parts c or d.)
Question 4: Based on the cases/materials discussed in class, define the following terms: a state action doctrine”; b) “public interest doctrine. Then give one case in which you show how the two terms you chose apply in any one case from our materials. (For this question, you must provide only one case which uses both terms; and show each of the terms is illustrated from the case–its facts/laws/theories AND/OR rationale.)
Question 5: We have studied four Native American cases which serve as models(or types) of how Native American peoples/nations are treated in United States history. Pick any two of the possible four models that we have discussed and identify (name) them. Describe the essential features of the two you chose, each one in no more than three sentences–specifying the case we covered in class which best illustrates this type. Then specify (by
giving at least two examples) how each of your two models is or is not still followed today in American Indian–U.S. relations.

Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceuticals industry a Blessing or Hindrance in the Unites States of America?

Hypothesis testing is NOT required; it is your own data analysis that is required (or a case-study analysis). Your own analysis may or may not include hypothesis testing. Your essay cannot just be a lit review – there’s got to be some kind of YOUR OWN analysis, not the results taken from somewhere but your own collecting of data (say on the number of patents or something) and performing the analysis on that data. I am writting for IPRs NOT AGAINST. I have attached a paper i wrote but got really bad grade on it DO NOT take the calculations from it it just to give you an idea.

Why public health?

When submitting your personal statement (maximum 1500 words), it should be unique to the program to which you are applying! Your personal statement should be original and provide a tailored narrative describing your educational, experiential and professional career objectives. We recommend answering the following questions in your personal statement:

Why public health?
Why The Geroge Washington Univerity ? and further, why this specific program? (program it MPH global health policy)
Why now?