Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

A case file uploaded with Business Executive Summary and an excel document with numbers I took from. The formatting is done and I have tried to accomplish them but my analysis is so long and not sure if correct. Next a more straight to the point analysis and see if I did the problems correctly. I need an expert on Corporate Finance explaining. The yellow highlights are where I need help explaining. Mine are too long.

Are aesthetic experiences universal or individual?

Master’s paper for MSc Psychology of the Arts, Aesthetics and Creativity. 2000 words, no abstract needed but references in APA style.

Compare theoretical frameworks covered in the module (files supplied) and apply them creatively to provide different explanations as to how aesthetic experience works. You should be familiar with the empirical studies covered in the lectures that support/refute these theoretical frameworks.

Referring to material from the recommended and further readings or to articles you have read independently would be particularly impressive.

Provide appropriate “real life” examples for illustration.

Compare evidence from behavioural and neuroimaging methods to support/refute a theory /your view and demonstrate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used, for example TMS vs. fMRI, or 2AFC vs. rating scales.

Avoid stating facts without providing evidence from the literature, for example saying: “There is a ventral and a dorsal stream for visual processing” without providing an appropriate citation to support this statement.

Simply listing a series of studies without explaining them. Less is more! Only cite studies that are relevant to the point that you want to make and explicitly link them back to the question set.

You should avoid unnecessary “rhetorical flourishes”, irony, ambiguity (intentional or otherwise), and informal language (for example using the first person).

effect of typicallity on categorised words

A 1700-2000 words ONLY introduction with a literature review on the topic Typicality effects in the incidental and intentional recall of categorized lists. attaching a dissertation below please use it as a reference/guide as my study is a little related to this dissertation. attaching the ethics form to give a brief idea about my study. if you don’t understand anything about this study please let me know.
A summary of AIMS, Justifications, Predictions / Hypotheses including main reference(s) / literature.

please go through the ethics form

Critical Reflection

There are 3 important parts of this assignment.
1. Discuss the importance of providing culturally safe health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
2. Explore the relationship between cultural safety, equity and access to healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
3. Reflect on the implication for your own nursing practice.

I would like to write it as an Essay format. Which include the introduction, body paragraph and conclusion. The essay format to write about question 1 and 2 as I mentioned above.

Question 3 I would like to write it as a reflection format and I can use first-person writing style. (Approximately 250 words)

HISTORY Writing Assignment 2

Hi, you need to use all the files that I’ve attached and PLEASE IT’S IMPORTANT TO USE THESE LINKS: AND if you need to use more do so, The Spanish-American War and subsequent American-Philippine War prompted a significant debate over race and national identity in the U.S. Using the above political cartoon, “School Begins” by Louis Dalrymple for Puck magazine in 1899, evaluate to what degree Dalrymple’s cartoon supports or criticizes American imperialism, particularly McKinley’s description of the imperial project as one of “benevolent assimilation.” Your response should be 400-500 words and CITE EVIDENCE from the cartoon, The American Yawp, and sources. THANK YOU.