Critical Evaluation of a family business

Critical Evaluation of a family business , you will see what you have to do in the attached powerpoint, the company I chose is LVMH, and I have chosen 5 measures of success in the attached word document, but you will have to reword everything because it is all copypasted.


Please check all the files. all the files are so important
ASSIGNMENT FILE : The assignment task is in that file. Please check that well.
8 steps guide : There are 8 steps that you have to cover in this assignment. Check that file to get a clear idea.
The most important file is “Case Study (Important)’ File. I have write all the information that you have to add for each step. I have given you all the details, you just have to elaborate more, use academic language, APA referencing .
Please do this assignment according to steps. Step by step you can do this assignment.

Force Field Recommendations and Presentation of the Strategic Plan to Governing Board Members

Scenario: The CEO was very satisfied with the presentation that you provided to the ED Steering Committee about the ED throughout and your force field recommendations. Following systems theory thinking, the CEO feels that correcting the ED throughput is essential in assuring a positive flow for patients once they are admitted through the ED. ED throughput will assist in diminishing lag time for admissions, assure timely surgical interventions, and improve patient satisfaction scores. These items are crucial since they are the essence of the financial viability of the hospital.

Thus, the CEO requested for you to provide a presentation to the governing board and medical directors about the ED throughout. He would like you to develop a motivating statement (as your first slide) that will generate support among the governing board members. Also, the CEO would like you to create a more effective presentation that communicates the most crucial points of your force field analysis to the governing board members.


The presentation should be 8 slides in length, excluding the title and reference slides.
Each slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes that are a minimum of 100 words. The notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.
The presentation must be submitted as a PowerPoint file (.ppt) – do not submit the presentation as a PDF file.
Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.
You need to cite at least 3 sources for this assignment, outside of the textbook. The CSU-Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a great place to find resources. Your paper must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. (Links to an external site.)
If you need assistance with your writing style, start with the links under the Research Help and Writing Help tabs on the CSU-Global Library’s homepage (Links to an external site.).

subject area: Global human rights

Your submissions should follow a clear essay structure, with introduction, structured argument, and conclusion. Also, your essays should include illustrative examples and be accurately referenced. It should be normal essays, don’t try to overcomplicate and be more precise.

Please answer these TWO questions distinctively: each one should be at least 1500 words.

1) Should states be more willing to use military intervention to protect human rights? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the full range of mechanisms for ensuring the human rights in the world today (e.g. military intervention, sanctions, UN and NGO naming and shaming, encouraging each country to integrate human rights into national regulation, establishing universal jurisdiction and international courts). What, in your view, is the best way to ensure that human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled? Please illustrate with examples. (1500 words)

2) Certain groups in society have their human rights violated on a routine basis. What’s the best approach to ensuring these groups’ human rights are respected: through changing the law or changing cultural norms? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the different arguments, and what is your point of view? Please illustrate with examples. (1500 words)

Biology stomata research

Follow the directions in the “instructions” document attached. The specifics of how to write the lab report are located in the “stomata lab report scoring rubric”. directions about what sources to use and how to cite are located in the scoring rubric. Use ASA format for citations

Also please have a mastery of the English language. Poor english grammar and sentence structure is not acceptable. Make sure the writers primary language is english

Run paper through plagiarism checker also. My professor has indicated that if a plagiarism score of more than 20% the paper will get at zero

Applied Statistics for Health Professionals

Provide an overview of the study and describe the strategy that was used to select the sample from the population. Evaluate the effectiveness of the sampling method selected. Provide support for your answer.

Please use the article provided. Thank you.

Public Law – Human Rights Act

But [After the Human Rights Act 1998] the judges now have the tools [to protect Human Rights]. How have they used them? The answer–it seems–is not very well: they don’t do what it says on the tin. For what we find is that rather than use the new powers which they craved, the judges have in fact failed to engage in areas which concern the protection of the individual who comes face to face with the state.”

Keith Ewing, ‘The Futility of the Human Rights Act’, [2004] Public Law 829, at 840

Assess the extent to which Professor Ewing is correct; have judges failed to use their powers under the Human Rights Act 19998 to protect individual liberties?