Define yourself as a leader

I consider my leadership style to be a combination of Agile, Transformational, Charismatic, and Democratic.

Assessment 2 : Defining Yourself as a Leader

Prepare a 2-3-page business report in which you analyze your leadership strengths and develop a statement of who you are as a leader. Explain how coaching can be used to maximize your leadership strengths and achieve your professional goals.The following resources examine the importance of values and purpose in whole person leadership:
Values Exercise.
Leider, R. (2017, July 26). Becoming a purposeful leader [Blog post]. Retrieved from

The following resources explore leadership from a variety of perspectives:
Kotter International. (2012). Leadership tip: It’s how you act, not your position [Video] |Transcript. Forbes. Retrieved from
Leavy, B. (2016). Effective leadership today – Character not just competence. Strategy and Leadership, 44(1), 20–29.
Wagner, G. R. (2016, August 23). Four role models of whole person organizational cultures [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Harvard Business Review. (2016, December 05). What makes a leader? [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from

Agile Leadership
Horney, N., Pasmore, B., & O’Shea, T. (2010). Leadership agility: A business imperative for a VUCA world. People and Strategy, 33(4), 32–38.
Agility Consulting and Training. (n.d.). The agile model. Retrieved from
Hermann, D. (2016). Agile leadership. Leadership Excellence Essentials, 33(6), 25.

Dutton, J. E., Spreitzer, G. M., & Achor, S. (2014). How to be a positive leader: Small actions, big impact. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Chapter 4, “Enable Thriving at Work.”
Spreitzer, G., Porath, C. L., & Gibson, C. B. (2012). Toward human sustainability: How to enable more thriving at work. Organizational Dynamics, 41(2), 155–162.

BetterUp Resources
Robichaux, R. (n.d.). To be a better leader, start on the inside, with inner work. Retrieved from
BetterUp. (n.d.). Elevate emerging leaders with BetterUp coaching [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from
BetterUp. (n.d.). What is coaching? [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from
BetterUp. (n.d.). An introduction to the whole person model [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from

article summary

a peer reviewed, nursing practice article that addresses one of the following topics:

Telecommunication technologies
CIS Systems
Articles must meet the following criteria:

From a peer reviewed nursing journal, published within past 5 years, nursing focused, full articles (no editorials or opinion pieces)
Once an article has been selected, compose a discussion post that does the following:

Summarizes the article
Discusses how findings from the article can be used to inform the delivery of care and support safe nursing practice (please tie to personal professional experiences).
Make sure to use APA format to cite sources and include a reference list at end of post
3. Attach a copy of the article to your discussion post.

Critical Appraisal of a Randomised Controlled Trial

Critically appraise the designated quantitative article using the CASP tool questions to help you make sense of quantitative research. Write answers to questions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 only. This assignment should be written in question/answer format, but should use complete sentences, not bullet points. You must structure your assignment as a series of answers using the numbered questions and headings that are used in the Randomized Control Trial CASP Tool . Tick the Yes/No/Don’t Know box then write a ‘short answer’ explanation. References from research methods texts/journals must still be used to support the answers that you provide. Pls use appropriate scholarly references to support discussion. Pls refer to all the attachments i have included in this order. I need 1,500 words.


-Informative essay-

-Use an extemporaneous speaking style

-Students must have four sources total. At least one source must be a book/journal. Students must cite four sources at some point within their paper.

-Relate the subject to the audience ( try to connect in the begging with a personal joke or story on a dream you had) (:

– Why do we dream?

– Do dreams reflect on our personal lives, how so?

– Why cant I remember my dreams ?

– What are the most common dreams?

( These are to give you an idea to help you ) (:

Argumentative essay

Write a two-to-three-page essay on a topic of your choice that presents new and surprising information to your reader. Your essay should include some research and should employ a Surprising-Reversal structure.

A Surprising-Reversal essay first presents a common answer to a question, then presents the writer’s new, surprising view on that question. Rather than appearing at the end of the first paragraph, the thesis in a Surprising-Reversal essay appears after the writer has summarized the common view. A Surprising-Reversal thesis will generally take this form: “Although many people believe X (common view), I am going to show you Y (new, surprising view).”
Here are some examples of Surprising-Reversal thesis statements:

• You may think X movie is about, but I will show you that it is actually about Y.
• Although most people believe Native Americans lived in harmony with nature, many Native American tribes altered their environment aggressively, burning down forests to make farming easier and hunting some animals to the edge of extinction.

In a Surprising-Reversal essay, your first paragraph should arouse the reader’s curiosity by posing an interesting question. The next paragraph should first summarize a common or expected answer to the question, then present your thesis—your surprising answer to the question. Then, in two or three paragraphs, provide new, surprising information that reverses or modifies the common view. (Imagine readers who hold a mistaken or overly narrow view of your topic; your purpose is to give them a new, surprising view.) In your final paragraph, summarize your main points and clearly present the significance of your new perspective. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence.

Outline for Surprising-Reversal Essay
(1 paragraph) • Engages the reader’s interest in the writer’s question.
• Provides background and context.
Common View
(1 paragraph) • Presents the common or popular answer to the writer’s question.
• Provides delayed thesis—the writer’s surprising answer to the question.
Surprising View
(3-5 paragraphs) • Develops and supports the thesis with information from personal experience and research.
(1 paragraph) • Makes final comments about the significance of the writer’s new perspective on the question.

For this essay, you must include at least TWO sources documented in proper MLA format, with in-text, parenthetical references and a list of Works Cited. (Please note: encyclopedias—including on-line encyclopedias like Wikipedia—do not count as sources for this assignment.)
Before you start drafting your essay, make sure you can answer each of the following questions:
1. What question does your essay address?
2. What is the common, expected, or popular answer to this question held by my audience?
3. What examples and details support your audience’s view?
4. What is your own surprising view?
5. What examples and details support this view? Why do you hold this view? Why should a reader believe you?
Write your essay in a classic prose style: clear and concise, specific and engaging.
Make every word count.

To highlight the critical role of nurses in managing the health and social impacts of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) to the International Council of Nurses (ICN).

See attached document. APA 6th edition. I’ve attached resources of the course at the bottom of the overview, and I can share my study notes from onenote on these pre readings if I can get an email to send it to (for view). on those resources. The problem is I haven’t done university before and i’ve been out of school for 10 years, so I don’t know what a good report looks like. I don’t know the language students use, what constitutes a good report etc. My mental health is making it too overwhelming to do this from scratch. I would strongly revize this after having receiving it back however, which would be a much easier approach for my first report.. The purpose of this is to have a baseline.