unsolved murders ted bundy

Your presentations should take the viewer from inception to conclusion detailing and explaining the steps within the investigation. For the purposes of this presentation you may use as your subject famous or infamous homicide cases, solved or unsolved. They can be of recent origin or decades old. Your syllabus listed a number of sources for gathering information. Of course, this not an all-inclusive list and, accordingly, you may use other resources to obtain relevant information. The following is an overview of the format that you should generally follow:

• You should begin your presentation with an overview of the subject matter of the case you are writing about. Who is involved in the case? Who is the victim or victims? How did it begin? Where and when did it begin? This is an introduction to give the observer/reader the genesis of what you are writing about.

• The initial call/contact with to law enforcement. How was contact made? Who made it?

• Who were the first officers/responders on the scene? Who had control and access to the crime scene?

• Was there more than one crime scene?

• Was there a lead investigator assigned to the case? What department was he or she from? Was there more than one law enforcement agency involved in the investigation?

• What investigative steps were taken during the initial response when the case was just beginning??

• Was there an initial suspect or suspects arrested or identified at the crime scene?

• Were notes, sketches, videos and/or photos taken at the scene??

• What forensic evidence was secured at the scene? Shell casings, blood, clothing, weapons, fingerprints, tire imprints, etc. Who was responsible for recovered the evidence?

• Where and how was the recovered evidence processed?

• Was there a canvass of the area? Were possible witness interviewed?

• What was the role of the press in the case? Did press coverage help or hinder the investigation?

• What mistakes or missed opportunities (if any) occurred?

• What was the final outcome of the case? Was the case solved? Did it go to trial? If so, what was the verdict? Or, did the case go “cold.”

The body of your presentation should address the actual day to day manner in which the case proceeded. A description of the events that followed as the case progressed. You may use video, power point, handouts or other devices during your presentation. You may of course comment on the competence or incompetence of the police pertaining to their role in the investigation. Would the case have ended differently if the police had pursued a different course of action? Did the case conclude in a fair and just manner? Was justice done? Please express your thoughts since they are important? This assignment should be interesting and contemplative. Remember, that homicide is a crime that remains open until solved. As we have seen some of these crimes have been solved with an arrest years and even decades after the fact. Your presentation will also be your final paper which will be handed in at the end of the semester.

critical memo section 12 -alternative globalization

– when summarizing please only summarize the individual chapters not the entire book itself
– please make sure to read
– only 2 sources allowed are globalilazion reader and attached article
– article is attached below



Research Synthesis

My pico question:

Is early treatment important at improving outcomes in patients with sepsis in the emergency department compared to delayed treatment?

Critically read these studies to determine their scientific merit (refer to critique guidelines as in Project II).

Create a Power Point presentation for posting.
Brief statement of the critical nursing problem phrased as a PICO statement.
Identification of the studies reviewed.
Summary of each article (1 slide maximum for each study)
Summary of the overall recommendations- from all articles combined
Strengths and weaknesses of the evidence base- of all articles combined
Discussion of how these limitations affect the readiness of the recommendations for use in clinical practice.
Conclusion that addresses the state of the art on your topic.

A maximum of 10 slides including references. Slides should be visually attractive, but must remain professionally tasteful.

business finance

explain the key differences between management accounts and financial accounts and their usefulness to the users of financial information.

Company Law

This is a problem question essay.

In January 2019, Maya decided to form a company, Eatwell Ltd, for her food catering business in the regional city of Hallem. She invited her friends, Judy, Carla and Peter to join her in the company as directors and shareholders, each of them taking 20% shareholding, whilst Maya retained 40% shareholding. Maya then sold her business premises and all her catering equipment to the newly formed company. Maya was also appointed as the managing director. In April 2019, Maya leased some of the company’s catering equipment to Kilop Ltd, a neighbouring catering company. Maya usually leased those equipment to Kilop Ltd when she had her sole proprietorship business, so that Kilop Ltd could utilise the equipment over the spring period. Kilop Ltd usually made payments into Maya’s personal account. After a period of one month, Kilop Ltd realised that the equipment was sold to Eatwell Ltd and stopped making payments into Maya’s personal account for the lease.

Eatwell Ltd’s articles of association provided that all the directors must approve of decisions regarding the source of food products used in the catering business. In January 2020, Maya had several disagreements with Judy and Carla. At a meeting of the shareholders, Maya proposed a resolution to alter the articles in order to change the provision as regards all directors approving the source of food products to requiring the approval of any two of the directors. Maya and Peter then approved the purchase of food products from Jelly Ltd, a prominent food retailer in the area. Judy and Carla opposed the decision because they had heard that Jelly Ltd did not conform to the required environmental standards in their food production processes, and they explained this at the meeting to Maya and Peter. In March 2020, Maya received a notice that Eatwell Ltd was being fined by the Environmental Agency for buying its food products from Jelly Ltd, a situation which has led to losses for the company and reputational damage as well.

Advise Maya on the following issues:
1. Kilop Ltd’s refusal to make payments to Maya’s personal account, their argument being that she does not own the catering equipment.
2. The likelihood of success as regards the proposal to alter the articles as proposed by Maya, without the agreement of Judy and Carla.
3. Options which the other shareholders might take in respect of the decision to purchase food products from Jelly Ltd and its resultant negative consequences on the company.