Comparative Analysis – Retail Strategy, Individual Report

(1) Choose two retailers from the same sector, but with different target markets (for example, Waitrose and Aldi; Selfridges and Primark).
(2) Briefly summarise the value proposition that each of the two retailers are offering to their specific target consumers.
(3) By reflecting on the type of retailers that you choose, focus on TWO of the following (from the list below), and critically compare and contrast how the retailers take different approaches to meeting the needs of their customers:
• The way they approach customer service (e.g. SERVQUAL; training and collaboration/coordination etc)
• The way they communicate and engage with customers to develop relationships (e.g. use of different media channels; use of different retail channel operations etc)
• The assortment of products they sell (e.g. product mix, managing the brand, image and identity, etc)
• The way they design their store or their websites (e.g. SOR model etc)

Report Format:
• The main report should be around 2000 words, +/- 10%.
• Additional appendices can be provided, but they should only be used for additional illustrative material such as data, charts and photos and brief accompanying explanatory notes.
• The report should be presented in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1.5 spaced, and in A4 format.
• 3 different academic sources/ journals needed

report –

RESOURCES: once you pick what topic you would like to work on, I will send you the compulsory source you must refer to in this assignment. then you can pick two external sources. all the info is In the files I’ve provided. let me know if you have any additional questions. thanks.

Disruptive innovation: A case study of Uber

read the Uber case study ( attached ) and write a report applying the below:
1-Critically apply advanced problem-solving to the complex business issues
demonstrating flexibility and adaptability.
2. Synthesize the data to develop innovative solutions that can be integrated into future


This research project, discusses the Ethics in the Design Profession paper that will replace the 60 hours of remote work for this Semester. We reviewed these readings in class but please read closely the following items that we discussed during class and Discussion:

1. Four Chapters from the AIGA Design and Business Ethics Handbook. These chapters you can download as PDFs from the link provided below.
• Clients Guide to Design
• Use of Illustrations
• Copyright
• Use of Photography

2. Review/Read the Following Readings about the Shepard Fairey Copyright Case: The AP image Used in the “Hope” Poster during the 2008 Presidential Campaign.

Hope Poster

The PDF link below is an excerpt from William Fisher et al, “Reflections on the
Hope Poster Case,” 25 Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 244 (2012).

Hope_Poster_Case_Study (1)-

3. Examples of a Non-Disclosure-Agreement:

Sample Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement from a previous internship:

Giselle Rodriguez Intern Agreement

Then, you are to write a four-page paper discussing the following elements regarding the AIGA readings and the Shepard Fairey Copyright case:

1. Your paper will discuss your experience at the internship related to the ethical guidelines discussed in the AIGA guide. Please discuss how your internship site handles sourcing of images and the company’s trademarks & logos. You should also discuss if you had to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement at your internship site and any restrictions your site has placed with regard to your internship journal for this class. (I provided my experience of this in a separate word doc in materials.)

2. Then, your paper should consider:

a) Students are to reflect on whether, in the past, they have used another’s creative work and how have they given that artist credit? Did what you read in the AIGA chapters change how you think about using another Creative work? (This part can be made up with any work of art that is most likely to be used in an artwork.)

b) Students are to give their opinion of the arguments and outcomes of the Fairey Copyright case. You can read additional arguments about the case as well, finding articles in the college’s library databases.

I have provided the sources needed for this writing assignment under additional sources with the web sources on a word document.

Business Research

Please read “Business Research Requests and Proposal” from our textbook Appendix A and peer reviewed scholarly articles (minimum of 10 references are required). And write a 05-06 pages Term Paper presenting the process of RFP (request for proposal).
Please write a 05-06 pages presenting the process of RFP (Request For Proposal) use “Business Research Requests and Proposals” Appendix A as one of your references. You need to have total of minimum of 10 references used.

organisational change

Please read Assessment Task carefully, use some up to date examples and a range of Good quality sources. ( Look at the Marks Scheme )

Mission Statements

Using your favorite search engine, research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies. Then, you will write an essay in which you compare and contrast the mission statements of two companies and the vision statements of two companies. You may use the same companies for both the mission and vision comparisons or separate companies.

Within your essay, include the information below.

Explain the principle value of two vision statements.
Explain the principle value of two mission statements.
Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.
Compare and contrast mission statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.
Do you think organizations that have comprehensive mission statements tend to be high performers? How do mission and vision statements assist in selecting an industry-specific strategy?
Explain why a mission statement should not include monetary amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, goals, or objectives.