Improving Aviation Safety

or this assignment, conduct research and argue the importance of SMS and the NTSB in accident prevention. Access NTSB’s Aviation Accident Database & Synopses
to identify an aircraft accident investigation that has been completed. You may choose any type of aircraft and accident that you wish. Then, write a 2-3 page paper, not including the title page and reference page, that explains the accident, the findings, and considers the role of the NTSB, coupled with effective SMS principles, in preventing a similar accident from occurring.

Your paper must be supported by a minimum of three scholarly references, should be grammatically sound, and free of spelling errors.

Finance Event study(event can be chosen by writer)

I need a thesis to be written on the topic of finance event study. Any topic (event) can be chosen by the writer. The word limit is 4000 words, excluding tables, footnotes, references, and appendices. The thesis is formatted with line spacing 1.3 and font size 12pt, and footnotes have line spacing 1 and font size 11pt. The legends and captions for tables or figures should be complete enough that the table or figure can stand on its own. The regular tables and figures should be included in the text and not in a separate appendix. In tables, use line spacing 1 and font size 11pt. Table titles should be clear and meaningful. Equations in the text are indented on a separate line with the number of the equation right- justified. All equations are numbered, even if they are never referred to in the text. Mathematical symbols are presented in italic. Everything in the list of references should be cited in the text, and everything listed in the references connects with a citation. In the reference list, there are no quotation marks, no underlines, and no italics. The authors’ last names and first initials are used. Only the first word of an article title is capitalized. Book and journal titles take normal initial capitals. The reference list is in alphabetical order by author, and multiple works by the same author are in chronological order. All of this information and more can be found in attached files.

Transformational and authentic theories in nursing practice

Identify at least 2 management or leadership theories, models, approaches
Analyse these by:
Providing a brief description of what the theory/model/approach is, who wrote it, where is arose from, when, what are its key features/elements
Critically reviewing it – what are its strengths, limitations, is there an evidence base for it, if so what? You can use literature written about the theory/model/process to support your analysis of its strengths and limitations, consider the context of its development, why has this come about, what has influenced its development?
You can do the analysis by looking at each of your 2 choices separately or comparing, contrasting as you go through the critical review process e.g. strengths of each, limitations of each
Consider and discuss application to healthcare setting of your choice – can be done as a separate section after you have reviewed the approach, or again within the analysis process – where it is discussed is not important – but it does need to be applied and discussed!
Consider using a critical writing framework to help you in your analysis and application.

Discuss the evolvement of holiday advertising

should be related to graphic design.
1. Can you please put pages in to references .
2. Whats happen with holiday adverts over 30-40 last years (1990 -2020)
3.The travel industry must sell dreams through digital to appeal to modern travellers.
4. Please add 3 quotes and 3 images for the best result.
5. 6 sources needed
7. to additional materials i will add some texts what was recommended for us to use.


(1)  Are current global developments leading to the economic convergence or divergence of nations? Discuss, with examples, the role of multinational enterprises in this process. 

(2)  How can government policy foster economic, social and environmental sustainability? Discuss, with examples, the possible negative implications of globalisation on sustainability. 

You need to choose ONE of these topics for your individual essay. You can choose the direction of your essay and the area on which you wish to focus. For example, in your piece you can highlight changing trends in the way a chosen industry has evolved through time. Your analysis may focus on the structure of the chosen industry, organisationally and geographically (for example, dominated by few big players across the globe or a multiplicity of smaller players; dominated by producers, consumers or retailers; strategic alliances, outsourcing relations, tight/loose supply chains; geographically clustered; strong national presence; state of regulation/deregulation etc.). You may choose to analyse the factors relating to globalisation which drive the chosen industry, for example technology, networks, immigration, movement of expert workforce, international regulation etc. The piece must also attempt to link current economic/political/technological developments with the opportunities or threats posed to the chosen industry in the future and should engage with and present all perspectives around an active debate.
In terms of word limit, the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM is 3000 words. Please make sure that the essay is consistent, coherent and is NOT repetitive.
This assignment is written for a specific audience. This affects the writing style, the structure of the piece and the content. You should assume an audience with considerable understanding of economic, political and business issues.
You MUST use references to support your work. The references must be academic publications (academic journal papers, books and book chapters, conference papers etc.) A limited use of

‘grey literature’ (government reports, articles that appear in reputable magazines and newspapers) is allowed. The references which will appear in a reference list at the end will not count towards the word limit. The in-text citations will count towards the word limit. I expect to see at the very least 15 references.
The assignment will account for 100% towards the final grade.
a) Structure
In terms of structure, please ensure that there is a title, an introduction, a conclusion and a reference list.
The introduction should frame the topic that you will explore, inform the reader what aspects you are discussing in the essay, and finally tell the reader what your point is in relation to the arguments raised.
The conclusions are very important and always play a big part in the assessment. Your conclusions should be compact (300-400 words), bring out the key points that you made and make sure that you leave the reader with a clear idea of your personal assessment of the issues discussed. Evidence of critical thinking is necessary.
The structure of the main body will depend on the direction and focus of your essay. Please come and discuss with me your ideas in order to provide you with feedback and comments as early as possible.
You are reminded that the coursework should be your own work, and that material copied from textbooks, from the coursework of other students, from the lecture slides, or downloaded from the internet constitutes plagiarism unless proper acknowledgement is provided. All references should be provided in standard Harvard format.
b) Formatting
Times New Roman 12pt, 1.5 line spacing, Alignment Justified
2.5cm margin on all sides
Page number on bottom right corner, Candidate numbers in the header on all pages

Personality traits and students attitude towards climate change

SPSS and Statistical analysis is needed for this paper, A multiple linear regression needs to be conducted in SPSS, the SPSS file will be added, I have already written a tiny draft of the dissertation including method, design and a lot of the introduction/literature review, but this need to be rewritten so that it makes more sense. I will also provide all necessary documents and files with detailed description of what is needed, no more than 5000 words so as close to this limit as possible but not over! Tables and graphs from SPSS need to be converted into APA style tables (I’ll add documents for this as well) the result and discussion part is the most important. If you have any questions or need more information please let me know! Assessment details, APA guide, Quantitative research details, SPSS file and more will be added.

Reliability and Validity of Research Methodology

The instructions for this discussion are listed in the additional materials section, along with the article to be used for the discussion. Please cite/reference the article included and add one addition citation/reference to the mix, years 2015-2020.

Business plan

A business plan is a written document to describe a business opportunity the goals of the business and the methods to achieve the goals, critically evaluate business growth opportunities that are available outside of the business’ home market;
• apply knowledge of business management concepts and techniques to enhance abilities to discover and develop a business opportunity;
• critically evaluate how planning, organising and control activities impact on performance in a new overseas market;
• exercise judgement in developing strategic decisions to utilise business opportunities internationally;
• coordinate and integrate planning organising and control activities to develop an international business opportunity;
• Analyse data and information in order to make informed investment and management decisions when developing an international business opportunity.

• Objectives, short and long term (Vision/Mission?)
• Market potential (niche market? USPs?)
• Competitors
• Legal form of business
• Environmental analysis – SWOT; PEST

Market Research
• Methodology
• Evidence of Market research

• Start-up costs
• Sales forecast
• Cash Flow Statement (3 years)
• Financial Statements (3 years)
• Ratio analysis, Break-even point etc.

• Primary processes
• Quality/delivery
• Feedback processes

• HR related issues
• Legal compliance