Athelete analysis

Short paper providing details about the athlete you will be training.
This is the same athlete that you will be using for additional assignments in this class.
Please include things such as:
• Height – 64 inches
• Weight – 115
• Gender -female
• Age – 17
• sport/activity – power lifting
• level and any other important information (periodization, your plan/model) new to power lifting, played recreational basketball for 3 years prior, no health issues, high school student
• responsibilities that influence training and competition – works part time at grocery store
• Please determine which pre-tests you would have this athlete perform before developing this program for him/her.
When selecting these tests/Assessments, make sure that you are assessing the information you will need to be able to appropriately design a training program for them.
For example, do not perform the vertical jump if this does not help you develop a program. In other words, do not do testing just to do testing, make sure it is for a reason. Inasmuch, please be sure to state why you selected each test for this athlete and support this rationale with appropriate peer-reviewed research.

Diagnosing and Treating Skin Wounds

To prepare:

Review Chapter 47 of the Resnick text, as well as the Burr article in this week’s Learning Resources.
Consider how to properly diagnose skin wounds in frail elders, including how to distinguish between a colonization and infection.
Select a type of skin wound, such as bumps, bruises, shingles, herpes, bullous pemphigoid, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, etc. Research the guidelines for treatment of the skin wound you selected. Reflect on how you would treat and/or dress this wound.
Think about factors that might contribute to the development of the skin wound you selected. Consider strategies for the prevention and improvement of this type of wound.
To complete:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

Explain how to properly diagnose skin wounds in frail elders, including how to distinguish between a colonization and infection.
Describe the type of skin wound you selected.
Explain how you would treat and/or dress this wound based on guidelines for treatment.
Explain factors that might contribute to the development of the skin wound you selected. Include strategies for the prevention and improvement of this type of wound.

Literature summary

Health system analysis – Identify and summarise 10 articles of the Netherland health system (a total of 10 articles).) – use the six World Health Organisation building blocks discussed in lectures (also attached) to describe and analyse the parts of the system in this high income country. I have attached all the information required in the 4 attachments. Thanks

Becoming Parents: Becoming Them

This is an argumentative essay…
Think about your reaction to this essay:
What is the argument that the author is forwarding?
How does he persuade you of their argument?
What kinds of evidence does he use?
Do you agree with the argument?
What counterarguments might you offer to challenge the author’s argument?

Lab unknown project

Attached are three pictures
* Gram stained sample under 100x objective
* Phenol Red Fermentation tubes (sucrose, lactose, glucose)
* Streak for Isolation plate (Nutrient agar)
1. You will compare your results to the unknown key provided in lab materials (also attached to pre-lab 11)
* I recommend completing pre-lab 11 before the unknown project to practice using the unknown key
* Your results should match one of the organisms on the unknown key
* Not all results will match PERFECTLY, but there should be one organism that fits the best
2. Once you have determined your organism it is time to begin your report
* The report is worth 20 points split into 7 categories
Use the rubric and statements below to determine what should be on your report:
Technique explanation (3 pts)
* Describe how you would perform a Gram stain
* Describe how you would perform a Streak for Isolation
1. Unknown number (1 pt)
* Include your assigned unknown number
2. Data chart (2 pts)
* Copy the style of the data chart provided on the unknown key
* The chart should have 3 rows by 5 columns
* The first row should contain the title of each column (again copying the style of the unknown key data table)
* The second row should be your expected results for the bacteria you identified. This should have the name of your organism and the exact results stated on the unknown key (basically copy the results from the unknown key for your identified organism)
* The third row should be your interpretation of the results provided for you in the three images.
* This may match the second row exactly, it may not
* There should be no “V” or variable in the third row, variable means it could be anything. You saw the results so you should have an answer.
* In this row, you should also include your specific visual observations of colors of the different tests.
Terminology (2 pts)
* Communicates scientific concepts and terminology using appropriate symbols, notation and vocabulary
* Use proper binomial nomenclature
* Properly capitalizes Gram stain
* Uses proper terminology to describe their cell morphology/arrangement
Results (4 pts)
* Describe the results for each test indicated below. Use full sentences and write your answers in proper paragraph form.
* Gram stain
* Positive or Negative (How did you know?)
* Cell arrangement
* Cell morphology
* Phenol Red Fermentation
* Did fermentation occur in each sugar?
* What products were produced? (How could you tell?)
* Streak for Isolation
* Successful or unsuccessful? (How could you tell?)
* Pigmented or non-pigmented?
* Can you see/describe any other characteristics of Colony Morphology?
 Analyze (5 pts)
* Correctly identify which organism you have
* Analyzes, evaluates, and interprets the results obtained
* Justifies how the results and observations were used to determine which organism you had
* Basically, walk through the thought process/critical thinking steps you used to determine which organism you had. If some of the provided results did not quite match up with the expected results for your chosen bacteria, you should discuss how those results may have impaired your ability to determine which bacteria you had.
 Discussion (3 pts) – Required to include citations for sources of information used in this section.
* Provide a thorough written description of additional characteristics of your organism
* Location of where that bacteria is commonly found
* Whether that bacteria causes infection to humans and the type of infection it can cause
* You can include any relevant/interesting information you find about your bacteria
* You can also relate your bacteria back to our in class testing (Did we use it in class? Is it catalase positive? Does it hydrolyze casein?

Market Structures

Identify the differences between all four market structures in the short-run and long-run. This will be helpful as many of you may hold management positions and/or become entrepreneurs in the near future. When deciding what type of firm to own or operate, you may find that one market structure may be more advantageous over another based on short-run and long-run costs.
Explain the significance that the average total cost (ATC) curve has on profit and loss based on each type of market structure. Explore how the ATC curve affects all four market structures and identify whether firms will earn a profit or loss based on the placement of the ATC curve and price.

Your answers must be supported by a minimum of two sources, be in current APA format, and be one-two pages in length.

Google Strategic Case Management Phase 2

• Internal assessment (continued from Phase 1—include IFE and financial ratios) see attached for IFE information of Google
• What is Google’s current strategy (brief description of the firm’s current strategies), including current
• use of technology that Google uses
• SWOT matrix with strategic implications for Google
• BCG matrix with strategic implications for Google
• Space or other matrices with strategic implications for Google
• Possible strategic alternatives
• Evaluation of current organizational structure
• Recommendation changes (if needed) to the structure, culture (including values), processes, rewards, or technology
• Develop alternative strategies for Google with strengths and weaknesses of each.
Use MEAL Paragraphing for paper. The MEAL paragraphing concept is a strategy to ensure the writer is developing a well-defined paragraph. All paragraphs must have an analysis (in your own words) depicting your understanding of the paragraph topic and evidence (cited sources).