Cultural Biases and Assumptions

FYI ***I am an African American female***

Write a three-page essay that describes at least three of your biases or assumptions. After identifying your biases and assumptions talk about how you think they developed? What factors influenced their development? Also talk about what you could do obtain a better understanding of the culture you have made generalizations towards. Note: if you do not feel comfortable talking about the biases and assumptions you have now, you can talk about some you had when you were a child or in high school.


presentation about my view about nursing when I just got into program and my view now.My view when I just got into the nursing,I thought nursing is about taking care of patient ,But after all attending lectures since school started my view has changed.Nursing is very divert,they do other things too .Check on my art.
Uses american nurse association and a second ,but it should come from website that can be easily access.

I want just 6 -7 slides


View the film Danton and post a response to at least one of the Study Questions.
Study questions on film, Danton
1. Compare and contrast Robespierre and Danton. How are they portrayed in the
film? How did their visions of the Revolution differ? Give some specific
examples from the film.
2. What motivated Robespierre? After watching the film and reading about him in
Popkin (pp. 96-98), would you say that he was a bloodthirsty fanatic, or was he
doing the best he could under difficult circumstances?
3. Do you think Danton was the “hero” of the film? What accounts for his downfall?
4. What insights does the film give you into the reasons for the Terror and
revolutionary violence?
5. What is the message of the film? Choose one scene and comment on its meaning.
6. This film was made by the Polish director, Andrzej Wajda, in 1982 when Poland
was under communist rule. Why do you think he chose this subject? What lessons
does the French Revolution have for us today?


While examining the theoretical perspectives, choose two and compare/contrast the historical and current conceptualizations for the case of Max or Anna from the Parritz and Troy Chapter 2 readings. How do the two theories chosen diagnose or provide interventions? Which are you more interested in using for a school intervention plan by describing real-world applications, strategies, and techniques used as you explain to parents, teachers, and other professionals?

Essay Questions: an untamed state Discuss Gay’s use of the fairytale motif throughout the novel. Why does she use this motif to tell a story of abuse, kidnap and rapes? In what ways does she incorporate the fairytale motif, i.e. through narrative, mini fables and tales through the narration by Mireille, others?

5 page, choose my topic and tell the reader about the an untamed state story from Part one , part two and end. please use psychology 204 life span e-book as a source, an untamed state book and two from other sources.


According to Parritz and Troy (2018), “Psychopathology refers to intense, frequent, and/or persistent maladaptive patterns of emotion, cognition, and behavior.”

Provide an understanding about the issue of stigmatization and mental illness by citing evidence from the readings along with any personal biases you have witnessed or experienced. Do your thoughts on psychopathology relate to perceptions about overdiagnosis, poor parenting, cultural differences, or intolerance?

Popular culture

Argue persuasively about the meaning of a pop culture text.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of minority representation in pop culture, audience, and historical context.

A critical analysis of crypto-currencies regulation potential and how it will impact the e-commerce business in the future.

I am working on my literature review in the following weeks, I want the rest of the paper completed. I have spoken to support specialist of yours and they said the 3300 words is enough to finish the paper. The paper is supposed to be a total of 6000 words.

If you complete the paper to a great standard, and find yourselves with more words left, I would like you to write out a literature review paragraph to help me a little bit, and guide me in the correct direction. If not, that’s fine.

For login details, please, contact the support team.
