Cosmetic Psychopharmacology

1. Provide relevant background information on your topic, including why it is an important area of study. Be sure to use appropriate professional (not websites) references as sources of background information and cite them in the text.
2. Explain the specific research question or thesis that will be addressed by your review and the organization of the review (for example, are you addressing a controversy, a timeline, comparing two drug treatments, different methodologies used in the research, etc.?).
3. Describe the previous research on the topic, including the research methods used and the results of the research, based on at least 5 primary research articles. The idea here is to synthesize information from the studies. Do NOT take the approach of describing one study per paragraph. Instead group studies based on similar methodologies or similar results.
4. Evaluate/critique the research studies.
5. Describe your final conclusion based on all of the studies reviewed.
6. Discuss the real-world implications of the research.
7. Discuss possible future directions of the research.

Literature Review of Alcoholics Anonymous Through a Feminist Perspective


This is a Literature Review research paper. It is looking at the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous as it relates differently to men and women. I have a general outline, along with four sources that must be used. Four additional academic sources should be used as well, but those are left to choose, for a total of 8 references minimum.

Instructions for the paper:
• APA style
• Double space
• 12 point font
• Times New Roman font or similar
• 1 inch margins
• 7-8 pages in length – this does NOT include the Cover Page
• Include header and page numbers
• Paraphrase do NOT quote – use your own words
• Formal language – no slang or contractions
• Proper grammar and spelling – use spell/grammar check
Cover Page
Follow APA style to create a cover page for your paper
Include an abstract on its own page – follow APA style and refer to slides for assistance
Literature Review
Include the following sections for your paper:

• Introduction – summarize the purpose of the literature review and provide a specific
thesis sentence. Give the reader a preview of the literature you will be reviewing and the types of
conclusions you plan to make.
• Literature Review – organize and synthesize your sources to address your thesis statement and
purpose. Use subheadings to aid in the organization. Throughout the literature review, compare
and contrast findings from your sources.
• Conclusion – Summarize your literature review. What are the main take-away points? What do
you recommend for future research, policy, and/or practice?
References Page
Include a separate References page in APA style for your eight sources.
At least four sources must be empirical sources (scientific studies).

These are the sources I found that must be used; four additional academic sources are needed for a total of at least 8.

Cutler, R. B., & Fishbain, D. A. (2005). Are alcoholism treatments effective? The Project MATCH data. BMC Public Health, 5(1). doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-5-75
Kelly, J. F., & Hoeppner, B. B. (2013). Does Alcoholics Anonymous work differently for men and women? A moderated multiple-mediation analysis in a large clinical sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 130(1-3), 186–193. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.11.005
Sobell, L. C., Cunningham, J. A., & Sobell, M. B. (1996). Recovery from alcohol problems with and without treatment: prevalence in two population surveys. American Journal of Public Health, 86(7), 966–972. doi: 10.2105/ajph.86.7.966
Tonigan, J. S., Bogenschutz, M. P., & Miller, W. R. (2006). Is alcoholism typology a predictor of both Alcoholics Anonymous affiliation and disaffiliation after treatment? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 30(4), 323–330. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2006.02.008

If you have trouble finding these specific sources let me know. I can download them from the university library.

Below is a general outline for the paper. It may be altered as necessary to create the best final draft.

Thank you so much for reviewing this. If you have further questions please let me know. Looking forward to working with you.

Introduction – Alcoholics Anonymous History
A. Effectiveness of a male based program for women
II. Success Compared to Other Methods
A. Treatment vs No Treatment
B. Abstinence compared to moderation
C. Extensive therapy vs brief intervention
III. Elements of Alcoholics Anonymous that provide most benefit
A. Human Connection and Social Support
B. Spirituality
C. Self-Efficacy
D. Mental Health
E. Gender Differences
IV. Conclusion
A. Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the oldest recovery programs that exists
1. Women now make up a sizable membership of groups; how are they affected
B. Alcoholics Anonymous compared to other treatment methods and approaches
C. Description of how Alcoholics Anonymous can best support women in recovery

Reading response

● First, read “”IKEA’s Frakta has broken through into design consciousness” by Will Wiles
in DeZeen

● “An Ode to Green Slime” by Rebecca Onion from The Atlantic

1) Both of these essays look at something “everyday” in an academic way. How do the
authors investigate a larger academic issue? Did you find their inquiry effective? Why or
why not? (approximately 200 words.)
2) Look at the way that the author is using sources. What sort of research is going into
these essays? How are they using these sources to support their argument?

The Conflict in Myanmar and the Response of Save the Children

The assignment is to choose a specific instance of armed conflict (for example, the ongoing conflict in Yemen) as well as a specific organization working there (for example, the ICRC), and to write a research report covering:

(1) a basic conflict analysis of the situation, identifying the principal actors and their motivations, and,

(2) a specific analysis of the risks and vulnerabilities faced by the staff of the organization working on the ground, and a report on what measures they are taking to mitigate those risks and ensure the security and success of their operations.

Policy Brief on HIV in Mexico City


Word count: 1200 words (excluding graphs, tables and reference list)

Assignment description:
Write a summary policy document on HIV in Mexico City to promote a local initiative for an infectious disease. Imagine that you work for a local government and need to translate what you know of global policies and strategies for one of the diseases that we have covered (HIV, Malaria, or TB) for that local context. This document should be specific to the local context that you choose and should have a clear structure.  

This briefing should be well supported by references – ensure you cite all your sources of information, strategies and policies. The document should be no more than 1200 words. You are welcome to include tables or diagrams if they fit your purposes, but they must be cited and referenced. Please remember there is no one right way to write this document. We will expect that you include information which (1) sets the scene, (2) highlights the policy area and its importance, and (3) explores your specific policy recommendations, using the evidence base.

As you work through developing your policy document you may wish to think about the following:

1) Set the scene:

• What are the local conditions of your HIV in Mexico City?
• Briefly explain the aetiology and epidemiology of the disease in your context and how that may differ from other locations.
• This section should make clear what the local epidemiological conditions are for your disease including key populations, social determinants, prevalence and incidence.
• Mention if demographic groups are more affected than others.
• Include information on the current state of the response to the disease in this setting.

*Provide data on:
• The prevalence of HIV in Mexico City
o (Key population: men having sex with men (MSM), female sex workers (FSW), male sex workers (MSW), Injection drug users (IDUs));
• The proportion of infected individuals on treatment and their compliance

2) Policy importance
• Establish why a local policy is needed.
• Summarize existing global plans and priorities

*Provide information on:
• Local policy in tackling HIV
• A brief summary of existing plans for HIV globally

3) Policy Suggestions
• List and justify key priorities based on global plan recommendations
• Explain the highest priority
• Explain what has worked elsewhere & what has improved health outcomes?

4) Targets
• What is going to happen and be achieved in the next 5 years?
• Targets should be SMART.
• SMART= Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant & time-bound

5) Measurement and evaluation
• What will success look like at the end of the 5-year plan?
• How will that progress be measured and assessed?
• What data will be needed?