educational psychology

3000 words case study analysis. The 3 learning outcomes should be addressed throughout the case study analysis (SEE ADDITIONAL MATERIALS FOR LEARNING OUTCOMES). Use the case study ‘Micheal’ to conduct a case study analysis. CHECK ADDITIONAL MATERIALS FOR FULL DETAIL OF ASSIGNMENT BRIEF.

What assessments would an educational psychologist use to confirm whether Micheal has dyslexia? Critically discuss how your chosen assessments relate to theories of dyslexia (1000 words)

Based on the description in the case study critically evaluate interventions that an educational psychologist may recommend to remediate some of the difficulties Micheal experiences. Make reference to the ‘Reading Wars’ in your answer in terms of approaches to reading/spelling instruction (2000 words).

Please describe and critically evaluate different theoretical approaches to teaching and learning throughout the case study analysis.
critically discuss the nature of learning difficulties experienced by children throughout the case study analysis.
describe and critically evaluate different methods of assessing and supporting children’s needs throughout the case study.

Your 5-7 paragraph position paper must answer the following questions (at a minimum). (You will need to write clearly and concisely to fit all required information into this restricted length.)

Before you begin read:

Our class focuses on integrating many different aspects of cybersecurity, information security, and information assurance. Recent developments in the field of cybersecurity have resulted in a number of “maturity models” which can be used by external assessors to evaluate the maturity level of an organization’s cybersecurity management program.

For this discussion paper, you will need to research the Department of Energy’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model and then compare it to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and other frameworks listed in the course readings. After you have done so, write a position paper in which you recommend a cybersecurity framework or maturity model as the basis for assessing the cybersecurity program for Padgett-Beale Financial Services. Assessments will be performed on an annual basis beginning one year after the company launches its new operations.

Discussion Week 2

By the due date assigned, post a two-paragraph response in the Discussion Area below identifying two topics that interest you for the argumentative essay. Explain why each would be a good choice for research and argumentation.
For the final writing assignment in this course, you will write a researched argumentative essay. As a first step, you will identify some possible topics of interest for research.

Begin by reflecting on issues that are important to you and on which reasonable people might disagree. Also, consider areas in which a change could make improvements in a currently difficult situation. Once you have found two possible topics, draft two paragraphs in which you explain your interest in the topics and any challenges you expect to encounter.

To help you to generate ideas, you can use the South University Online Library to locate articles that present arguments about controversial issues that interest you. You may reach out to the Reference Librarian by phone, email, or the library chat feature for help in locating articles.

This YouTube Video will help you to find information on debatable topics, as mentioned in the lectures this week:


The following are some ideas to get you started thinking about possibilities:

As a parent, you might promote children’s health by advocating for healthy school lunch, mandatory recess activity, or physical education classes.
As a military person or veteran, you might argue for services to eradicate veteran homelessness, drug abuse or suicide, or you could advocate for the draft to ensure that military service is expected of all sectors of society.
As a student, you might choose to talk about how to revise Federal Student Aid programs to best support students. You could advocate for interest-free student loans and flexible repayment plans.
You could make a case for strengthening of environmental protection, for unions in the workplace, for mandatory transition to renewable energy, for developing a mass transit to reduce the numbers of semis on our highways.
You could argue to increase taxes to address the poor quality of roads, or to support teen centers, parks, or libraries.

Project 1


Read “Understanding the Basics of Argument” in Chapter 3 of your text, Read, Reason, Write. On pages 66-68, you will see a discussion of ethos, pathos, and logos, which you will use as the basis for conducting your analysis. Create your essay in the APA Basic Essay Template 6th Edition or in the template provided to you by the instructor.


For this assignment, you will write a rough draft of a rhetorical analysis essay and submit it to the Discussion Area. After you post your rough draft, you will provide feedback to two peers using the discussion participation questions below.

Step 1:

Read “How the Future Will Judge Us,” by Kwame Anthony Appiah, in our text, Read, Reason, Write.

Appiah, K. A. (2019). How the future will judge us. In D. U. Seyler & A. Brizee (Eds.) Read, Reason, Write: An Argument Text and Reader (pp. 511-513). New York: McGraw Hill.

Use the APA Citation Helper or the APA Citations Quick Sheet for help to correctly cite the article.

Step 2:

Write a 500-word rough draft of your essay in five paragraphs, following the guidelines below. Use the APA formatted template in which to compose your rough draft.

In the introduction, engage the reader’s interest in the issues of the article. Indicate why you are interested in the issues. Present your thesis and let your readers that you will examine how Appiah has or has not convinced you, through his use of logical and emotional reasoning, of how the future will judge the four practices he discusses in his essay.
In the second paragraph, summarize the argument and its main points of the article you are analyzing so your readers will know what you are talking about.
As you said in your thesis, explain, develop, and discuss Appiah’s use of logical appeals in his argument in your third paragraph.
In another full paragraph analyze Appiah’s use emotional appeals in his argument.
In your concluding paragraph, wrap up your analysis with a discussion of whether Appiah’s appeals to logic and emotion were effective in persuading you of his central claim.

Doesnt have to be 500 words can be at least 200-250

Engineering Ethics: Risk and Liability

Background Information:
This is a course on engineering ethics. This week the subject is risk and liability. This paper should have a smooth flow, but still remain factual and formal. It should not feel like it just spews out facts. Each paragraph should flow into the next with introductions and conclusions.Although I put two sources are required you really only need one. If you feel that an additional source could be useful in supporting something feel free to use another source. Please start with a brief introduction and end with a conclusion as well.
If you have any questions on how to complete the assignment or would like to gain a little more understanding of what the course is subject is about please reach out to me. I have a very good understanding of this course and what has been going on. I have attached the rubric for the assignment.

The assignment:
How does the National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics promote safety, health and welfare to the public/society? (Write at least 3 paragraphs)

Sport Leadership

Part I- Research and provide detailed discussion which includes summaries of minimum TWO scholarly articles relating to the importance of “Building a Culture of Success in Sport” and the challenges and importance of “Changes, Turnaround, and Crisis Leadership in Sport.”

Part II- Discuss which leadership strategy, concept, behavior or style (coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, or coaching) you would employ to be most effective for a specific work environment. Provide rationale. Provide examples, or current sport situations based on the chosen leadership concepts from above (“Building a Culture of Success in Sport” and “Changes, Turnaround, and Crisis Leadership in Sport”).

Follow correct APA format. Minimum 9 double-spaced, typed pages (excludes cover page and reference list). Minimum 8 scholarly sources in your reference list. Include cover page.

Cultural Counseling Presentation

Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation discussing your cultural background (in addition, you should include a title slide and reference slide in your presentation). When discussing your culture, consider components of yourself such as race, ethnicity, religion, spiritual heritage, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, socioeconomic status, traditions, and family heritage. (Please see attachment for most answers)

Include the following in your presentation:
Communication styles of your culture (verbal and nonverbal)
Parts of your culture you are proud of
Parts of your culture that you would like to improve
Stereotypes toward your culture
Stereotypes held within your culture
How your culture perceives substance use. Are there any traditional uses of substances that are deemed culturally acceptable?
How your culture perceives counseling
How your cultural background will influence your ability to counsel someone from your culture and someone from another culture
Speaker notes that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person
APA format is required and at least 2 scholarly references in your presentation.