Counselling in primary schools in the twenty first century can present a teacher or counsellor with a range of challenges and ethical dilemmas. Identify what are they and suggest how they might be overcome?

Essay Question:

Counselling in primary schools in the twenty-first century can present a teacher or counsellor with a range of challenges and ethical dilemmas. Identify what are they and suggest how they might be overcome?

Essay to include:

Introduction – a brief definition of counselling and its history in schools, noting the gradual increase of counselling in primary schools.

Use Low (2009)’s journal article (listed below) and other references to identify and explain the challenges (internal, external, systems and personal) teachers or counsellors may face when counselling in primary schools:

Low, P. (2009). Considering the challenges of counselling practice in schools. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 31(71-79).

Each time you discuss a challenge suggest a way the problem might be solved (Find references to support).

Then identify and explain the ethical dilemmas teachers or counsellors may face when counselling in primary schools and again offer solutions (Find references to support).

Draw a brief conclusion

Al Bilad Bank

The research 2 parts I want 2 pages for the first part and 2 pages for second part. the research about Bank Albilad and to help you this is 2 link about Bank Albilad,

our doctor instructions:
Part 1 details
Student will be asked to submit a reflective report as part 1 of his Midterm exam. In this
assignment; student will need to select one local company from the list below, and apply what
he learned in principle of marketing course. Details of requirement and report format will be
as follows:
Part 1: Reflective report will must cover the following major points (Between 2
to 10 pages):
– Name of business selected for this assignment , and details of all its products, and
or services provided.
(Note: Make sure you write about one company only and organize with all your
class mates that no one will select the same company for this assignment).
– Companies are listed below *; you must pick the company that match you serial
number in the attendance list attached. It’s the student responsibility to coordinate
and organize with other students ; as this is one part of data gathering and
organizing with people.
– The name of business sector, and short background information about the
– Goals, mission statement, vision , and geographic coverage of the company
product or services.
– Explain all marketing strategies used, and show how the company uses the 4 Ps
of Marketing (Marketing Mix).
– Write how the company can survive during this period that we are experiencing
– Write how can the company will survive if the business slow down for more
period of time; for example one year from April 2020? How the company can
face these challenges?

Part 2 Report structure (minimum 2 pages, maximum 10 pages)
1- Introduction paragraph, in cloud background information about the
company (size, branches, major competitors, or any other information
you think it is important)
2- Name of the selected company and in which sector
3- Product or services provided by the company (Details of all products)
4- Write in your opinion about the future of this company and how do
you think it could work better.
5- Conclusion
6- List of sources used including : web pages, articles, any other sources

Wetland sediment filtration

I took soil samples from the savannah river and the south channel, they are parallel to each other. However, the savannah river has a large port that numerous cargo ships come through a day. So there needs to be history noted in the paper. Then essentially you are comparing the results of the attached analysis. They were tested for ph, ammonia, total kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorous, and a full metals scan. There are also maps attached to show where samples were taken from. SC=south channel, SR=savannah river. Therenare also two samples at which the two rivers meet.

Greg Abbott’s Biography

-Papers must be at least five pages, typed double-spaced in 12 pt Times New Roman with one inch margins on all sides and a Works Cited at the end.
-Papers must utilize at least three sources(preferably from books or crediable sources) and be cited using the MLA format
– Texas political history only from within the past 50 years and cover all major aspects of his or her political career. ( Family, early life, education, achievement, … etc)

Professional ePortfolio

For this assessment, your ePortfolio will focus on showcasing your growth and accomplishments in the context of the following course competencies:

Competency 1: Lead people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes.
Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care.
Competency 6: Collaborate interprofessionally to improve patient and population outcomes.
Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.
For each competency, complete the following in your ePortfolio:

Create an area in your ePortfolio for the competency and label it with the course competency number or the competency language.
Select the two artifacts (assessments) that you feel best showcase your accomplishments or growth relative to the competency and place them in the corresponding ePortfolio area.
For each competency, write 2–3 paragraphs detailing the ways in the artifacts illustrate your accomplishments or growth in the competency so reviewers can easily understand your achievements and strengths. Place this in the corresponding ePortfolio area with your chosen artifacts.
For the Competency 8 section of your ePortfolio, include a professional resume that highlights your professional standards and values. Consult the resources in the Capella University Career Center, such as the Capella Career Center: Resume Rubric.

Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:

Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of leading people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes.
Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of transforming processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care

Explain how at least two chosen artifacts illustrate personal growth and achievements in interprofessional collaboration to improve patient and population outcomes.
Explain how at last two chosen artifacts and a professional resume illustrate personal growth and achievements in the area of integrating professional standards and values into practice.
Communicate ePortfolio in a clear and well-organized manner, using correct grammar and spelling.

Can love exist without hate

I already did a annotated bibliography on the topic and now my professors wants us to do a research essay on the same topic. I already have my 3 sources so you can use those sources to write the essay.
I will upload my first paper.
and the second uploaded file is kinda like the guide to writing the research essay.

Cybersecurity Teaching and Accreditation in UK Universities

Please could you provide a summary document that provides a non-technical “management level” summary of the paper’s content. You should provide an overview of the broad context of the paper, the research questions established and conclusions are drawn.

Try to avoid simply quoting material from the paper – put things in your own words as much as possible. You are summarising, so you do not need to include all the detail from the paper, try to identify the important points.

I attached a document on which I need to write a summary.