Explain the difference between an ethical dilemma and an ethical lapse.

(Class: BAM 312, Business Communications)
Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).
Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (ie Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. use A.P.A. style citations
Please ONLY reference:
Business Communication Today 13th Edition, 2016
ISBN-13: 9780133867558 Author(s): Courtland L. Bovee & John V. Thill
Publisher: Pearson

Poter’s Five Forces

– The subject area is more to International Business Strategy
– I have uploaded the assignment question
– I have uploaded a power point slides that may help answer the question
– Refer to the textbook Contemporary Strategy Analysis for further details (link provided)

Research Essay

English 1302.500
Research Essay

Length: 800-1,000 words
Format: Modern Language Association (MLA) style
Value: thirty percent of semester grade

For this assignment, you must write an essay involving research and literary criticism on the subject of your choice, and your essay must include reference to at least three critical sources identified on your Works Cited page. Please write a thesis statement which clearly indicates what argument you will present in your essay and then prove your point by mixing your own analysis with the supporting ideas of others found in literary criticism (books, articles, etc.)
Much more information related to possible topics will be conveyed to you. Paying careful attention to class discussion of this assignment will help you to understand its purpose and to become aware of methods and strategies which will help you complete it successfully.


Choose an author or poet whose work is interesting or meaningful to you. Work with a writer or poet whose literature you appreciate, admire, and enjoy, so working on your paper will be a delightful experience, not a chore to be completed as part of your graded work.

Write a thesis statement which clearly identifies the point you will argue in your essay, and please be specific. “Frost’s poetry deals with nature” would be too general. As an example, what aspects or characteristics of nature does Frost describe in his poetry, and what insights does he convey through his description?

Quote from critical sources, but not too often or too extensively. One or two quotations from each critical source on the Works Cited page should be sufficient. Also, please remember the importance of quoting the literature you are writing about. This assignment is most appropriately considered to be an argument presented by you, accomplished by your own analysis and reasoning, and occasionally supported by the words of others who have published material on the subject. As you can see, such an approach requires careful study of the literature associated with your essay.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you experience any difficulty. I will be happy to discuss the assignment with you, comment on your choice of topic, evaluate your approach, and suggest modifications which will improve your chances of succeeding. I will devote much class time to discussion of this assignment.

Two Global Economic Policy exam questions on Bretton woods and the Global Financial Crises

The questions below are from a Global Economic Policy module. I believe there is some overlap in the questions, but I do not know to what extent.
I will be using this paper as an aid in my upcoming exam, the references would also help me recheck my studying and follow the essay.

1. “What lessons, if any, did the Global Financial Crisis of 2007/08 teach us with regards to the role of central banks in achieving monetary and financial stability? Critically discuss in relation to pre- and post-crisis policy concerns and prescriptions.”

2. “Describe the Bretton Woods system, its emergence and main pillars, as well as the reasons for its decline.”

Fall in the hospital

This is a literature review paper of the annotated bibliography that I completed this past week. I have an outline of how the paper needs to be written. 5 page minimum not including title and references. I have the title and reference page already completed.


Introduction to Philosophy

Final Essay

In a 3 to 4 page essay (about 1000 words), choose one philosopher whose ideas have impacted you this semester, and discuss how those ideas have influenced your thinking. Questions that are not required but will help you choose your philosopher and help organize your essay are: Which philosopher did you agree the most with? Which philosopher made you re-think the way you think about reality? Which philosopher gave you new insights into what it means to be human or ‘happy’? Which philosopher wrote about topics that you had never thought about before?

Other requirements:

Remember APA/MLA formatting—title page and reference page.

Be specific—use in-text citations and provide references.

You may use first person.

How climate change is going to change the United States in the future.

I am writing a research paper on how the insurance industry the USA is going to change due to climate change. I basically need an overall synopsis on how the future will be changed by climate change and the reasoning why. I will be writing the effects on the insurance industry on my own but it is okay to reference this topic when writing.

Psychographic profiling as a business tool

The initial research proposal is attached, as well as all subsequent information.

To what extent could the psychographic profiling method from political campaigns be repurposed to maximize the efficiencies of business operations?