honey effect on cancer and macrophages

some chapters will require the writers skill of researching in this field.(bio-molecular science),then summarize it such as the introduction part.
but many parts are editing to fit the coherence and language level.
I would need help in proofreading my Thesis chapters. I will be sending the writer some chapters of my writing and need their help in proofreading.
A writer with a back ground in Biomolecular science, Biology ,Cell Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry or cancer research would be helpful. My topic is( The effect of Honey on cells and macrophages).

My work is confidential, so I will upload files of my work once you find a potential writer.
I would request a sample of your writer. Also, I would need to ask the writer of your choice some questions before we start. just to make sure we dont waste any of our time. Please note that I am an international student ,so I do not want the writing in high stranded in a language wise. Just standard writing .
Thank you .

Project Management for Software Solution in a Small Business

A brief overview of what is required for this assignment (detailed description in additional material) a small clothing shop is in need of a contactless payment software to help the adapt to the introduction of contactless payments.

some of the work needed to be done includes a solutions table which should highlight a minimum of 6 different sourced Contactless Payment softwares – in table format an example of some of the content needed is as follows : Logo, Price, User Cost per month or annual if monthly option is not available – Further information is provided via
additional material (Handbook / Brief).

In addition to this, the project should include 1.(DW) forms which detail the differing software solutions and which three solutions would be best to pursue for the business & reasoning as to why. As well as the above, there needs to be detailing on the different hardware requirements for each proposed software solution and again include reasoning for the chosen three as opposed to ones not chosen.

Further details for entire project shown in additional materials.

For any more details please contact as soon as needed. Thank You for your service 🙂


All details in file attached. task 1 and task 2 to be completed, 1000 words each. number of sources has to be over 12 all together

How sexual offenders believe violent pornography influences their offending behavior

See proposal: please write chapter 1 (justify proposal) and chapter 2 (literature review)Describe the study topic, its relevance, and social change implications.
Justify the gap in research knowledge.
Justify the research problem.
State the purpose of the study.
Identify research questions.
Justify the theoretical or conceptual framework.
Indicate the nature of the study.
Chapter 2, will need to:

Analyze research literature in relation to a meaningful and justified gap in research for the PhD dissertation.
Ground dissertation research in a theoretical/conceptual framework related to an identified social-educational problem.

Legalization of Marijuana and Part II Index Crimes OR Racial Disparities and the Death Penatly

I attempted this topic with my college, but they said I was not meeting the checklist requirements. They said they believe the topic could work, but I need to make it fit within the specific template. I then made another attempt with a different topic (racial disparities) and still received poor feedback. I am definitely willing to change topics if this does not work. I have attached the checklist, the grading rubric, and the last feedback for both topics. Like I said, if these two topics won’t work, I am perfectly fine switching to a different topic. At this point, I’m just ready to finish this successfully.

juvenile justice system

The juvenile justice system was created to deal with the issues of youth and crime. It did not seem fair for a juvenile to be treated like an adult in the criminal justice system. However, many would argue if they are old enough to commit an adult crime then they should face an adult punishment.

Initial Post Instructions
What do you consider as the purpose of the juvenile justice system? After reviewing the resources for this discussion, formulate reasons for either keeping or abolishing the juvenile justice system. Then examine your peers’ lists to find an opposite opinion and try to convince them to adopt your viewpoint.

other PDF is attached

Video Lecture Analysis A Saint on Death Row: The Story of Dominique Green (Cahill)

Mr. Cahill provides a look at the criminal justice system, the prison system and capital punishment through the journey of one death row inmate. South Africa’s Bishop Tutu attends the church service, anti-death penalty event.

This activity follows the Activation Principle where the student will recall, describe relevant knowledge and prior knowledge by reviewing the speaker’s presentation and viewing it with a critical eye. The student will then elaborate on the knowledge through the discussion to reflect and consolidate the learning experience.

Initial Post Instructions

After hearing the presentation discuss with your fellow classmates your thoughts as well as answer these questions

1. What was the speaker’s main point and did they appear credible.

2. What are 2 things did you agree with the speaker and 2 things you disagreed with and why?

3. Why would someone in Criminal Justice need to know this?


mycoviruses (viruses of yeasts and molds)

hypothesis based. I have decided that the focus for the rest of the semester will be on mycoviruses (viruses of yeasts and molds) and specifically viruses of the model yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In some cases your thinking could easily be linked to our current world problem, the coronavirus. let the paper be about one specific . there’s is no limit on the # of sources

Please note that google and especially pubmed are excellent on line sites for searching for research articles.

If done properly, this assignment should take several weeks to complete because it is essentially a mini-research proposal. The way to undertake the task is to first do background reading. Please expand background papers that I started today.

After deciding what you want to work on, develop a detailed outline and then expand by writing as if you were going to do “wet lab” experiments. For example, the broad outline may look like the following:

Title of proposal


Experimental methods

Expected results

Conclusion or discussion


Western Civ

make it connected to Western Civ., you can put in a paragraph or two either about Western colonialism and/or emphasize that this is an issue that touches on complicated issues about identity and political structuring in the context of the modern world. (To a large extent, our course focuses both on the question of Western Civ. but also on the notion/development of the “modern” world and the realities of the modern global landscape.)