What is a request for proposals (RFP)?

(Class: BAM 312, Business Communications)
Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).
Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (ie Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. use A.P.A. style citations
Please ONLY reference:
Business Communication Today 13th Edition, 2016
ISBN-13: 9780133867558 Author(s): Courtland L. Bovee & John V. Thill
Publisher: Pearson

David and Goliath

I need an 800 word essay in mla format. Only use quotations from the book. I have attached files of the essay prompt and instructions

School Desegregation in Boston

The instructions are on “HIS 200 Historical Analysis Essay Progress Check 3 Guidelines and Rubric.”
The instructions are below. This paper is a build-up from my previous papers. Please read them, so you see how I write. You can use as many references as you want. If you have any questions, please let me know. Please use full intext citations.

Why is it especially important in marketing and sales messages to avoid implying offers or promises you cannot fulfill?

(Class: BAM 312, Business Communications)
Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).
Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (ie Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. use A.P.A. style citations
Please ONLY reference:
Business Communication Today 13th Edition, 2016
ISBN-13: 9780133867558 Author(s): Courtland L. Bovee & John V. Thill
Publisher: Pearson

Identify and discuss several points that writers must understand before they can be effective wiki collaborators.

(Class: BAM 312, Business Communications)
Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).
Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (ie Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. use A.P.A. style citations
Please ONLY reference:
Business Communication Today 13th Edition, 2016
ISBN-13: 9780133867558 Author(s): Courtland L. Bovee & John V. Thill
Publisher: Pearson

Ethical Dilemma Reflection Paper

Given the current cultural context, variations in the sexual development of infants can be treated by families and physicians as “medical emergencies.” In this paper you’ll reflect on the intersection of ethics, social expectations and medicine in the context of discussing how families and physicians should approach the treatment of infants who are born with sexually ambiguous genitalia.

What to write: If you were the parent of a child born with sexually ambiguous genitalia, how would you proceed? What questions would you ask and/or considerations would you take into account to influence your decision? And what would you ultimately decide to do and/or to not do?

In your discussion, consider what you have learned about the influence of genetics, hormones, biological development, social and cultural environments, and personal experiences as formative aspects of human sexuality – gender identity, roles and expression, internal and external anatomy, and sexual orientation.

Please address your response in the context of your personal ethics around sexuality and identity, social expectations and current medical interventions available.

This paper is a reflection paper and should present your understanding, values and beliefs; there is no correct or preferred answer – I am simply interested in having you clearly and thoughtfully articulate your ideas and opinions.

Operation Just Cause

Using concepts taught throughout the J300 Lesson, Operational Art & Design, you will write a 2000-2500 word analytical/research paper on a Operation Just Cause.
You will analyze Operation Just Cause from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or from other appropriate joint doctrinal publications. You can analyze the entire campaign/operation, a single battle, or a group of battles from the campaign/operation. Use the following questions to guide your analysis:
How did country X’s military leaders apply operational art during the campaign/operation?
How did country X’s military leaders design the campaign/operation?
How did country X’s military leaders understand the operational environment?
What problems did country X’s military have to solve?
What approaches did country X’s military use to solve the problem and achieve the termination criteria or military end state?
What were the termination criteria and/or military end state?
What were the military objectives?
What effects were established to obtain the military objectives?
What was the adversary/friendly center of gravity and the associated critical factors?
How did country X’s military attack/defend the adversary/friendly center of gravity, directly or indirectly?
What decisive points were established?
What lines of operation/effort were established?
What defeat/stability mechanisms were used?
How did country X’s military apply the concepts of anticipation, operational reach, or culmination?
How were operations arranged? Did country X’s military consider the arranging factors – simultaneity, depth, timing, or tempo? Did country X’s military use the arranging tools – phases, branches and sequels, or operational pauses?
Was the campaign/operation design focused on defeating either adversary forces, functions, or a combination of both?
Was the campaign/operation phased? Did country X’s military consider numbers, sequence, overlap, or transitions? What phases of the joint operation model were used?

You do not have to address all the guiding questions, but you are expected to integrate the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or other appropriate joint doctrinal publications into your paper. The majority of the word count must address operational art & design concepts and terms from the perspective of your assigned historical event. This will ensure you understand the lesson material. Articles from databases such as ProQuest, EBSCO, Google Scholar, or military schools such as USASMA, CGSC or the Army War College are the best types of sources for research and will help ensure you receive a maximum score. These types of databases will ensure you use scholarly, peer reviewed articles for your research. Books written about your historical event are also appropriate for your research.
The paper will be in APA format and have a title page, a reference page, and 2,000 to 2,500 words of content (does not include the cover and reference pages). You will use Times New Roman, 12-font, and double-spaced. Do not try to cover everything. Focus on the factors you consider most important in analyzing Operation Just Cause. You will use a minimum of five resources for your paper.
In the introduction section, ensure you have a purpose statement that includes your major points and briefly describe the historical background of the assigned event. Your thesis must be the last sentence in you introduction paragraph. In the body section of the paper, ensure to include your evidence (in-text citations) and have good transitions between major points. For the conclusion, ensure to summarize all major points. Do not include new information in the conclusion. Finally, ensure you check grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, passive voice (not allowed) and APA format. See the grading rubric for further guidance.
Level one headers: Introduction, Ends, Ways, Means, Risks and Conclusion. We are focusing on what went wrong and/or what went right.
According to Purdue Owl, an analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience.

Cited work cannot be more than 15% of the overall paper.

Gestalt Therapy – Fritz Perls

I have uploaded a word document that contains 2 questions to be answered. The questions must be answered using the journal articles which I have also uploaded. If you’re having trouble answering either question with the journal articles provided, it is okay to find a peer-reviewed journal article to supplement.

Anatomical variation of biliary tract

write 250 words focusing on anatomical variation base on the literature review. (no intro, conclusion required)

3 references required.

Anatomical variation:
– Describes the variation
– Discusses impact on the functions
– Uses references

Clear, concise and comprehensive description of the variation. Insightful discussion of its impact on all related functions. Uses a wide range of highly relevant references to back up the description and discussion.